Why is this?
Why is this?
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being female is a birth defect
I don't know, but the Polish one is wrong.
He's actually the Minister Of War.
europe hasn't had to defend itself since 1946 and so it doesn't really bother.
also it''s drunk it's own koolaid in that it believes no one really declares war anymore and everything can be peaceful if every just agrees to disagree.
basically they're dumb and are protected from the real situation of the world by the united states
China, South Korea, and Japan will have have gamergook cyborgs hooked up to control drones with their minds.
Those Starcraft addicted gooks are gonna pwn everyone.
The above countries hire based on equality quotas while the lower countries hire based on competence.
>Minister of War
Cool. What is he responsible for?
he's the minister of being fucking useless
>Women get vote in west
>women become half the electorate
>women vote for welfare state
>welfare sate is bigger government
>bigger government requires more taxes
>welfare state incentives single mothers
>government becomes surrogate fathers
>single mothers raise niggers
>niggers cause more crimes
>niggers create more single mothers
>bigger government creates mandatory gibs spending
>women will never vote away welfare state
>every solution to problems caused by welfare state = more welfare state
>families destroyed and birth rates plummet
>immigration to replace births
>men loose incentive to support system
>social collapse
Its the minister of defence for countries that don't lie to themselves.
Better than our fucking minister
Anyone on the bottom could kick the shit out of the ones on top
Second and third row look like CoD villains.
Same thing Minister of Defence is just a euphemism.
If the U.S. steps down or gets into a Civil War Europe is fucked, along with a bunch of other countries in other continents.
he looks badass tho
I don't get it, am I supposed to feel intimidated by a group of old senile men wearing fancy uniforms?
at least the women on the top look chill, they seem like they take their job seriously and don't larp as being "meanie warmongers" lmao
Funny you post this. Remember when Trump made a big deal about other countries paying for the protection they receive from the US?
This makes more sense when you have a bunch of cosmo drinking communists defending their countries compared to Mad Dog Mattis who keeps the bad guys up at night.
US minister of defense is a manlet
>reservist intelligence officer
that says it all
yeah ok senpai whatever
Goddamn Poland has one intimidating fucker. Still doesn't mean that the West Europeans are any worse as Defense Minister, since it's a fucking administrative job.
I could see this happening. Sup Forums talks shit about Asia but seeing as how much the U.S. military needs drone strikes, if these other nations had them they would easily whoop our ass in real life Starcraft. Our government isn’t efficient about that spending either, and we buy shit-tier technology from the top companies at top dollar.
lmao go and feed your cats
he looks like a psycho
he probably has leverage on his party, otherwise nobody would let this crazy head anywhere near the government
yeah all the more reason to stop defending them and watch the fireworks
>Mad puppy mattis
Kek people still take this guy seriously? He was made a complete fool of in Syria, SAA was practically running circles around him and his terrorist allies. He's the definition of a cuck.
also this
why do anyone cares? in democratic countries defense ministers have fuck all to do with military stuff
they just secure the money for armed forces in the annual budget
In a one on one battle Mattis is the only other world leader I'd bet money on beating Putin in the ring.
t. Joe Rogan
>shit tier tech from top companies at top dollar
Welcome to capitalism.
Because the EU and all it's countries have been a puppet of the USA via NATO ever since the end of ww2.
Poldan Minister Of War looks like a jewish professor I used to have
he was gay and the motherfucker was seducing me
It's a nice office for a prime minister to give to a woman. They have no idea what the military is for, how it works and they possibly hate it even though they lead it. That way you can be sure that every budget cut you give to the military will get approval from the minister.
I'm 6'3'' and I still look up to him. He's a man with a clear destiny at the pinnacle of his career.
and did u like it?
Europe is a matriarchy.
In Europa defence is almost completely cut away so no self respecting military man wants to be minister of defence. I guess nobody thinks defence is important here so they put some woman in charge who was promised a position in exchange for who knows what. At least in my country these typical woman have no military background whatsoever.
Oh well, our grand children will have a good bitter sweet laugh about this.
and he forgot that he could only bullshit about his military achievements on anonymous thai basket weaving forum
>Being this fucking delusional
Fakenews she is not Norwegian MoD!!! Get your facts straight mate
Russia alone could lay waste to Europe with the pushes of a few buttons, and there would be no mutually assured destruction because Euro countries have no nukes. Israel, India and fucking Pakistan have more nukes than Europe. North Korea has more nukes than Spain and Italy combined!
>still thinking you are any kind of military power in 2017
>calling others delusional
Even your cabinet positions sound lame. We just have a 4 star general named "mad dog". Come fuck with us.
We have another woman now
>Mad Dog Mattis
>Not Secretary of OFFENSE
Hey Grandpa, it's time to wake up and eat your oatmeal.
You're not our grand child anymore Pablo
At least he looks like a cool guy. And he's a man, which is a step in the right direction. Besides, he might have a fucking morning star under that turban, you don't know.
gtfo to your kod march
That pic is depressing bud.
>Implying the US one is not a flamboyant homosexual
> Western Europe
Feminism, dont really need an army
> Russia Iran China
fascist shitholes
> Poland
Defence from russia
> US
Needs strong military to serve Israel well.
Mad dog?
US minister of defense is James "mad dog" Mattis
Why are women so bad at geography?
Poland's ultimate weapon is a scowl that can melt steel.
He looks like a huge faggot, he doesn't belongs in OP's pic
Sorry, but Mattis isn't the least bit threatening.
>Euro using US proxy detected
I think you just outed yourself Leaf.
Hey do you need a hug? I love Israel
>He looks like a huge faggot
Judging solely on appearance, what are you a woman?
This isn't a good cope, faggot. No one thinks you're cool or tough and your point is stupid.
Yeah but imagine if a couple centuries ago every king had to deal with masses of his own peasants smashing up the place while holding banners reading #SaracensWelcome and #NotAllMoors
> voting trump and posting frogs can fix it
>real life starcraft
drone warfare is going to be insane, the best operators will just respawn in another drone if they get shot down, entire fleets controlled by genetically modified super genius AI cyborgs with infinite lives
Such a threat wow, I bet he said that while sucking jewish cocks, none of those ministers are important, they are in the picture solely by their appearance TheDonald
The US installed female leaders in the EU to make them easier to manipulate
>he says while electing the same kgb agent again
>I bet he said that while sucking jewish cocks
Why would he have to do that? The Jews are satisfied with your performance?
>The same KGB agent that made Russia a decent country
compared to
>The guy who said a lot of shit through the campaign a did exactly the opposite once he was on power
>seriously believing that Putin hasn't been faking election results every time after his second term
I have a hard time thinking "Putin fucked up Russia" considering how totally and utterly fucked up it was in the 90s
He's been nothing but a step up even if it's just stepping from one circle of hell to a higher one
Lurk moar
It's embarrassing and an insult to your allies to put such obviously undeserving cunts in that position. You're telling the rest of the world that you could not give a shit less.
Because european politicians are a bunch of pussies who thinks it is more important to virtue signal by putting women in positions they are not suited for rather than actually protect the country
Polish guy looks mean as fuck
Doesn't mean that I am wrong.
Russia is finished and everyone knows it, yet you still larp as the greatest country and treated to start civil war with muh guns.
>t.The son of polish Gulag workers
Dutch one has been fired after being incompetent as minister of defence
On top of that they project their supposed moral superiority and impose social justice on other countries.
Then what are you doing here?
Go practice.
Wtf us your problem with women in these positions? Are you some conservative traditionalist asshole who hates seeing women in ""males jobs""?
So what if they're women. Good. They're obviously good at what they do to have that job in the first place?
Also the USA guy is a virgin lmao
besides china and maybe russia, they all like like gods chosen people
I am not American my goy friend ;^)
well in exchange for some extra points...
>America is the only country in the world that sucks Jewish cock
needs an update
Europe thinks defense is a joke. By the Grace of the United States taxpayers, Russian hegemony is held at bay... libcuck Euro faggots spit at us for this yet demonize Russia as le global threat... Europe MUST fall to Russia (and eventually it will) because of this feminist faggotry..
Mattis has the complete and utter loyalty of the armed forces and millions of veterans. Caesar levels of adoration and loyalty. If he wanted to he could be the most powerful man on earth.
British people are literally the last people in the world who should say a goddamn thing about this topic...
Fuck off back to shit/pol/ with the rest of the Labour voting cunts.
literally This kek,