Megumin calls it Excalibur

>Megumin calls it Excalibur
>Aqua just smirks
How loose is Aqua really?

Girl inches are different to real inches

This, girls always mistake a 6.5incher for a 7+ and a 7 for an 8+.

women don't understand measurements.

Gif is better (and worse for kazuma)

does aqua know about sex?

I mean do goddesses reproduce?

"Heh,it's smaller than mine,lol."

No wonder they suck at math.

Reminder that Megumin is a 14 year old chuunibyou whose wildest fantasies are probably laden with fujo wish fulfillment while Aqua was a goddess who guided the dead to the afterlife.

I'm sure a lot of stupid men die naked.

"This one look like a giraffe"


I want to stick my holy sword of excalibur into Megumin

>no sound webm

It's small.

>not sticking your OP magic staff and exploding inside her

>Implying Megumin wants to see Scumzuma get buttfucked by some mob character
She's clearly the one that wants to be sheathed.

as long as they suck after their calculations it's fine.

>not appreciating the simplicity of GIF

well, you asked so many times for it
every fucking anime has sluts now

>1.4 MiB

>does aqua know about sex?
She knows what he was doing at the stables
>I mean do goddesses reproduce?
If they did wouldn't they have an overpopulation problem? Reproduction + Immortality would become an issue at some point

Wouldn't literal gods just create more space out of thin air?

I would indulge all of Megumin's chuuni fantasies if it means she'll get off more

Edit in any character so they can see Kazuma's Excalibur. Have fun

They can barely keep a steady supply of humans to that world and had to resort to take them from other universes. Even if they had the power, I don't think they have the management skills to invent new space.

you should clean that up first.

Better? My photoshop skills aren't the best

seems right this time.

I was implying more of a damsel in distress setting, but that's well within the terms I put forth.


The thing is Megumin didn't actually see it. She was joking. Aqua actually saw it which is why she wasn't impressed. /thread


He may be a grower not a shower, or just japanese

no sound webm impossible... ?

Let's start with aqua herself

Can I get that template, fampai?

It's not hard to google for it





True enough, but you aren't above spoonfeeding so whatever.

What's the fucking point of webms without sound? Why aren't we allowed sound webms? That other chan which shall not be named has webms with sound. And all they use it for is overlaying Nazi speeches over anime.

It's called They even have a thread dedicated to WebMs with sound for other boards.

It's because of dumb loudposters posting bass boosted webms and porn.

Dat's fucking dumb.


Well, go make your own anime discussion forum and allow WebMs with sound to be posted if you don't like it.


Son, this is an image board.

Also are you saying you don't want webms with sound?

Not him but no I don't. You can quite easily post them in the dedicated anime webm thread on /wsg/ and link them to here and I don't want Sup Forums to turn into Youtube.

This is an image board as you say, not a video board.

>>Also are you saying you don't want webms with sound?

Nigga, you retarded. We CAN have WebM's with sound. Just because it's a whole board away doesn't mean we DON'T have WebM's with sound.



It's just weird you'd want less features.

Annoying features are not welcome

We can also host images on other sites and post links here. What's the point of allowing attaching images then?

The feature is there. In full effect. You are just lazy and don't want to cross-board link. OR you don't know how and want Sup Forums to pander to your unnecessary request.

Wew, is this called "moving the goalpost?" Cause I think this is called "moving the goalpost."

how about we just ban webm all together

A) We don't not have webms with sound for the fifth time and
B) Features that would reduce the overall quality of posts on Sup Forums can fuck off.
>Hey guys JoJo meme thread XD

Then go do that instead, seriously this is a bad idea and the reason it hasn't been implemented is because it is a bad idea.

She's an immortal goddess who's job it is to guide people to the next world. I'm sure she's seen millions of dicks so its natural she'd be a little jaded.

She's a water goddess. Maybe it's her job to deal with those that die by slipping in the shower or pee themselves...

I don't even know how you make a 4 second webm 1.4MB

probably fucked up the bitrate.


Excellent, I give it 9 out of 11.

Saber would make more sense here.

I'm sorry do you WANT 90% of webms posted here to have Loud Nigra as its audio?

Screamers were never the reason sound webms arent allowed.

Its more like a big fuck you to the world, spreading soundless webms everywhere on the internet when literally every other board allows sound.

Except screamers actually were one of the reasons, it's just that the primary reason was that moot didn't want Sup Forums to be a video streaming site. It is an image board.

you're supposed to rate spurdos on a scale of 0 to 5, preferably 5/5

>How loose is Aqua really?
Think about it. Her pussy is made of water.

I think my version is closer to the truth.

If "streaming video" was a real problem webms wouldnt be allowed.
Worksafe gifs/adult gifs boards wouldnt exist.

Those boards literally exist to stop people like you complaining. I don't want sound webms here and neither do most other people.

Webms were never meant to be used here to stream videos, they were just meant to be a higher resolution alternative to gifs.

>they were just meant to be a higher resolution alternative to gifs.

Gifs are cumbersome and outdated. WebM is the future.

>Aqua will never grind her butt against your excalibur


flatter than a pancake

>there are people who feel something other than indifference for this pathetic ass

Now we just need the animated version

She's so familiar with Kazuma that she's just being mean with him on purpose.
I think that, as a godess, it must be only natural for her to see a penis, nothing new.

Why can't she find that graffiti naming his penis Excalibur is funny? Is it really more than just that?

Well she was deadpan until the towel fell, then she was smug.

More so than Kazuma, self-insert fags were really the ones who got blown the fuck out

Megumin has probably never seen a dick before and doesn't know what is big and what isn't.

There's two things that are always on Aqua's mind. Cheap wine and dicks.

she's also tiny and it probably still hurts her just to put two fingers in

Loose girls have become my fetish

Megumin just doesn't know any better. Aqua can see it as the pathetic little thing it is.

They just feel better. Pussy too tight is just a pain to get inside, the girl gets sore too fast, and if your dick isn't absolute diamonds, it won't even feel that nice.
Nothing better than fucking an experient slut


A loose pussy literally feels like nothing.

The subtle grinding feels better than fighting to get inside the pussy.

>I think that, as a godess, it must be only natural for her to see a penis, nothing new.

Her job was to recycle dead people. With how Konosuba universe operates it's not out of the realm of possibility some neet died of heart attack while masturbating naked in his home. And Aqua had to reincarnate him after

How tight is Megumin?

Her only way to release her sexual drive is to cast explosion since she never touches herself. How tight do you think?

But strife is what helps the human spirit grow, without it we lose the greatest thing we have as humans.

>Pussy too tight is just a pain to get inside
Only for her.
>the girl gets sore too fast
Wow, looks like that's her problem too.
>and if your dick isn't absolute diamonds, it won't even feel that nice
Try some little blue pills. Or stop being a low-T fag.
>Nothing better than fucking an experient slut
Hallway fujoshi detected. Nice try, but nobody wants to jam it in your gaping, bacterial hole.

Tight enough to cut off circulation to your dick, if you could even last more than 30 seconds in her vise grip.

>Goddess in charge of Earth
>This job would require her to be fluent in hundreds if not thousands of languages
>Is somehow dumb

Explain this.


>Goddess of Earth
>The cesspool of the galaxy
>Other planets already solved poverty, hunger and mastered space travel.
>We have neets

>tumblr gif