>DEEN anime has better animation than Kyoani
How did this happen?
DEEN anime has better animation than Kyoani
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DEEN finds a way
Kyoani spends too much time using storytelling as an excuse to do forced animation instead of using animation to tell a story.
Now the next episodes will be QUALITY
that animator is using those smears ver good
Nothing compares to Kyoani in terms of animation.
Because DEEN prioritizes what the animation conveys rather than the objective quality of the animation. Konosuba doesn't look very pretty but it's great at visual comedy.
because DEEN cares about their material
KyoAni just looking for vapid shit to pump out to make a quick buck
>Badly drawn stills that are littered with adobe effects
Prep the bull kyocuck
this poster needs to be purged
Deen shows look terrible though. Most of Konosuba looks bad and the latest episode of Rakugo was an eyesore.
bretty good
>Less than 150 frames on that 12 second webm
>Better than KyoAni
>he counts frames
Literally slideshow tier, I hope you fucks are just memeing when you say this looks good
There's more to it than slideshows, you know.
Digits speak the truth
KyoAni animators are literally on the spectrum.
That's 5 minutes CGI
Delete this.
>No head when it reaches the right side of the glass
Ishihara literally consulted a scientist for Phantom World, the interview is on the site.
There isn't. It doesn't do it's job to convey speradic movement when every action is animated at like 7 frames a second.
Just because you add a silly exaggerated face/smear here and there doesn't make it well animated
>that much effort went into that pile of feces
Are you memeing or do you think this is actually good?
I always just thought this was a joke for the animators themselves. Maybe like they pulled straws and each one had to draw a random second of animation. Or maybe they just put "fuck her shit up" on the storyboard.
Or they couldn't get it to the outsourced studio that does the in-betweens in time and had to rely entirely on keyframes.
It's just too weird a segment. i still like it
holy shit this
But this looks like garbage
i assume it was supposed to look weird as fuck, and i also like it
It's the only scene that's looked like that.
Oh boy, the same thread again.
Studiowarriors are really just repetitive and unimaginative.
>tfw he hired a glassblower to figure out exactly how much detail/elasticity goes into a glass' curvature
weaponized autism
Here is a sad fact that many people do not understand, you have a good story, good comedy, good fucking anything, the animation is just icing on the cake, very VERY expensive icing.
you cut corners on the animation and its good enough, this allows you to push forward with another season because it doesn't take 8000+ 100$ a disc 2 episodes a bluray to sell.
Fluid 24+ frame animation should be reserved for either full cg pieces, or for key arc ending scenes, think those moments that define the series going forward. Even if you have the budget for that kind of animation, at the very least weekly tv series should not use it just because of the impact they will have if used sparingly.
this triggers me
C'mon BroAnis why do we even bother ourselves with DEENdu nuffins?
>Choppy, forced garbage
>Good animation
>this fucking thread again
>this thread again
DEEN finds a way.
Isn't that webm the definition of forced animation?
She's throwing a tantrum, she's supposed to be spazzing out.
Evergarden will solidify kyoani's place on top.
>It's a KyoAni versus the whole Industry thread
>it's a Kyoani lost to a random show
Just because Konosuba is more pandery thus more marketable doesn't mean that Maidragon isn't objectively better overall.
>versus the whole Industry
Is that even necessary when fucking DEEN alone is beating them twice in the same season?
why must kyoani always win?
How the fuck does your circlejerk where you pretend to be kyoani-fans and kyoani-haters at the same time keep repeating this shit for years without ever getting boring to all of you?
KyoAni outsource less than 15% of their works, DEEN is just a shell company, more than 80% is outsourced or done by freelancers, so yeah, it's KyoAni vs the Industry like in most cases since every other studio not named KyoAni delegates roughly 50% of the work.
>all these kyoanifags
"Winning" is determined by animation quality since that is the purpose of a studio which sadly Konosuba and Rakugo lack in spades.
Epic memes crossboarder scum.
Kyoani should do Imaishi action style anime if they want to really print money.
>forced animation
This meme again.
>muh in house
This kind of retarded mentality that refuses a resource as useful as the selection of talent far from their comfort zone is the reason why their work is so stale and they will never accomplish anything even remotely close to the greatness of Space Dandy. Or even Mob Psycho really.
Looks more forced than anything Kyoani has ever done.
Maybe it's an easter egg? She's actually a vampire and vamps have no reflection so it would make sense.
Kyoani wish their output could be at least half as good as Bones'.
how about this one?
Thanks for proving my point. Bare-Bones couldn't achieve something like Space Dandy, Mob or even Nichijou with just their in-house staff, so they resort to bad business practices like outsourcing. No wonder why they're almost always in the red while KyoAni keeps thriving from their independence and assertive thinking. KyoAni is also quite literally saving the industry by training animators, in contrast the industry is relying on Korean monkeys more and more.
So outsourcing leads to ambitious works that couldn't exist otherwise like Space Dandy.
While in house leads to the stale mediocrity that is the recent Kyoani output.
Unless you're the studios accountant, it's not hard to see what's the path with the greatest artistic outcome.
Looks something out of the simpsons
that's ufotable dear dumb user
At least say Mob, Space Dandy is on a lower tier than Nichijou in terms of animation, but Mob beats both.
>Space Dandy
>Mob Psycho
Which are projects that show up once in a blue moon. They're not representative of Bones flagship projects at all.
Modern Yutaka Nakamura is trash.
It's not only about animation. The talent involved in every part of Space Dandy's visual direction put the other two to shame.
>That framerate
Can you really even call that animation?
If kyoani got some western funding they could easily surpass space dandy level shit with their inhouse staff and not work everyone to death, don't fool yourself.
Maid Dragon is the true sakuga anime of the season.
I can't wait for Violet.
Space Dandy wasn't funded by the west.
Toonami only bought the airing rights, that's all.
atleast kumicuck can slide
>looking forward to Ishidate's work as a director
Why are you setting yourself up for disappointment?
It will be trash, hope it's just a movie so they can get over it quickly and focus on other things that don't involve their shitty LN label, it will be a treat to the eyes though.
was the final movie for this good?
If KyoAni animators were truly skilled, they'd animate the background in 2D as well rather than relying on CG.
>forced animation
Am i supposed to be impressed? Hibikek Shitphonium was nothing more than a polished turd
All the animation in the world can't save this series from being lackluster garbage. Not even a "Muh studio warz" babbie. Just stating facts.
It sounds pretty neat, hopefully Ishidate will take this project seriously this time.
looks at her gliding around the corner, literally
>he hasn't watched Maidragon yet
>saying bullshit like this
I know you're shitposting but come on!
I believe the premise I was arguing was that the abomination OP posted had better animation than what Kyoani produces.
You gotta be blind, what OP posted is 10x better than anything Kyoani has done.
>It sounds pretty neat
Yeah, a real masterpiece of literature.
>Not even while being a machine girl can she be left with wet clothes. As a change of clothes was necessary, she lay a bathrobe around her supposedly perfect body and headed for the bathroom. It had been a while since anyone other than Oscar regularly used it, so in a lapse of memory, he entered it without knocking and ended up seeing her while she was had not changed yet.
>“Ah, I’m sor… ry… eh?”
>He swallowed his breath due to perplexity.
>What was reflected in Oscar’s eyes was a sight more bewitchingly beautiful than any naked woman. Dripping golden hair. Beautiful blue orbs of a dimension that would not soften even within a painting. The finely-shaped lips just below them. A flesh body with a slender neck, an outstanding collarbone, plump breasts, and feminine curves.
>Her artificial arms consisted of metal rings from the shoulders to the fingertips. But it was only them. Despite the many scratches, other than the arms, the rest was surprisingly real skin. With that delicate body, she did not seem at all like a mechanical doll, but a relatively normal human being.
>With everything he had believed in until then being mantled over by the shocking revelation, Oscar tried to confirm what he was seeing many times.
>“Master.” Violet called with a voice that seemed to be judging him as he continued to ogle in astonishment.
>Part of the outcome of that incident was Oscar’s screaming. The other was him half-crying while going beet-red, after having yelled on top of his lungs, frantically inquiring, “Are you human, after all?!”
>Wrapping a towel around herself, Violet plainly commented, “Master is, truly, a troublesome person.” Her cheeks were rose-dusted as she muttered, her face a little lowered.
i'd blow illya's ass...i mean glass.
The Konosuba webm is more expressive and lively than anything Kyoani have ever done.
I miss this.
Imaishi's style would be more interesting than whatever stale in-house style Kyoani has.