Murata streaming Volume 13 content
Any predictions for the next chapter
One Punch Man
How long has he been streaming
About an hour so far
I'll be back next year when ONE releases the next chapter.
Does ONE intentionally draw so crappy for opm because it will be drawn by murata? I feel like he tries hard for Mob Psycho
Yes, one is the final product, the other isn't. He also has assistants for MP doing a big part of the work.
>He also has assistants for MP doing a big part of the work.
Yet still releases chapters once every blue moon.
Doesn't he release one chapter per week for MP100?
Yes. Sometimes he misses a date but if he does he'll usually say something. Mob Psycho released this Thursday by the way
>streaming in 360p
did someone manage to grab that
assistants aren't regular workers, they depend on the main artists' schedule.
He has a shitty camera
It's mobile 240p
I wanna donate to him a Full HD camera and a good tripod. How do I do it?
>Tatsumaki's showing her ass off
Dirty little slut
So is this the contents pages he's drawing now
Tats and that JoJo pose.
I'd rather he just do everything of his own volition as is, rather than someone overseas, if they can, dumping expensive equipment on him and potentially making him feel obligated or even just differently about it
It's not a good camera but it's his and you can still see what he's doing well enough. Let the master just flick it on and go to work.
Are you seriously excusing the fact he's using a 360 camera? Jesus, he's 10 fucking years behind.
Suzuki Nakaba mentioned in the NNT last chapter that he will never get a smartphone, some artists and mangaka are happy with using the old stuff u know.
No I'm not, but do you want him strung up from the rafters by the tech police? Yes I'd of course like it in better quality but I can still make the pencil and pen strokes out fine.
I just don't want some random gaijin dumping expensive equipment on him if it has any chance of affecting how he feels about the stream and his approach to it in the slightest. There's obviously a very free flowing approach to how he streams and when.
This is his method, deal with it
Ok I just spotted Bones drinking milk behind
You make it looks like the 360p is his "style" and totally intended. Come the fuck on now.
What other mangaka stream as usually as murata?
These streams are comfy and educative for artists
Now that you put it that way, I kinda understand. Japanese are usually way too hung up over stuff like this. Now I don't wanna donate him equipment.
I always thought that Murata was a great artist, but besides being highly skilled, he's nothing special. I honestly find ONE a better artist. It's not always about how detailed or accurately you can draw something.
No, Murata really is good
Nah, Murata is great in his commitment to hard work and attention to detail. When you look backward, his stuff is going to stand out. You can't look at his stuff without feeling the movement.
I just hope he doesn't decide someday to re-draw mob psycho or something like that.
Just say you have no idea what you're talking about and just find ONE is "better" because he's "different" than what you usually see.
> Murata
> nothing special
Fucking retard.
yeah, ONE came up with the original material, Murata just redraw the thing
He probably won't even have finished OPM yet in 10 years. He'll never redraw MP, don't be stupid, OPM went that way because it was a webcomic.
Congrats on being the dumbest motherfucker on the planet.
remember guys that murata and one talked about how to make an opm video game but could come up with any ideas due to saitama being unbeatable and him always winning with one punch.
so how would you make it work?
TL note. "Yame" means Plan
Either you create a hero and rise through the association by taking assorted missions/monsters takedowns/helping civilians and saitama is a world hazard that appears and gets you a free win
Or a game where you play as saitama during the start of his career , when he could still be hurt
Make it about his past, where he was training and didn't become a literal god until years later. About how he started fighting monsters and survive. It would also be perfect to talk about his past, which we don't know much about.
It's not really hard, make it like dream sequence except it's a redition of the whole story.
Since when does games fit the Powerlevel of the original series anyway? Not like Saitama really oneshot everyone in the series.
Uninteresting. It needs to be about the characters and monsters we already know.
Or just creating your own hero/monster.
Make a game about the other heros. They are popular and would diversify the gameplay.
It could work as a beat-em-up and you could select the character from a roster of known characters.
But yeah, I prefer the create your character way.
Altho that would require a higher budget than a franchise like OPM could be justified for a japanese studio
You don't play as Saitama. Heroes in OPM have distinct types so it'd be easy to have missions where you play as increasingly stronger characters of the same fighting style, like the muscleman, melee weapon master or tech guy with guns. You can also play around being overpowered by giving objectives like avoiding property damage or needing to protect civilians, where it's more about planning or being careful than just going nuts on a sandbag.
Yeah, that's why I didn't really consider the creation thing. It would need a pretty damn big budget to get diversified characters like the existing ones.
The right answer is Pachinko.
A pure beat em up wouldn't be as cool as a GTA sandbox game where you pick a hero and have to respond to threats to make a name for yourself. Then it would be as fun to be Genos as someone like Mumen Rider.
You can make a fighting game where he is only one character in the roster and you can make it so that he takes "damage" uniquely and doesn't make faces when he's hit. So say at the end of the round, the losing character will look hurt on the ground but he's just kind of lying there.
His movelist is nothing but the weakest moves he can do and his special moves he puts a tiny bit more effort in.
There could be an unlockable "serious" Saitama that just wins in one hit regardless and his special move would be the serious punch which is unavoidable. This would be more for fun and a laugh then an actual balanced character.
He'd be best as a side character- you're the hero, fighting the monster valiantly, and in the 'lose on purpose' fights, saitama shows up way too late and just kills it in front of the player.
Of course then the player takes credit.
Those would be the King missions. You have a time limit and you need to pull off as many impressive bluffs as you can before Saitama shows up and takes care of the enemy for you.
this i can get behind
Volume 13 will come out April 4th.
Wait, isn't the content of volume 13 only about the octopus part and rest of the tournament? This doesn't feels like enough for a full volume.
Same day as persona 5
Seems like its gonna end at gouketsu fight
Season 2 will probably be 2 cours with cour 1 being volume 13
> Season 2 will probably be 2 cours with cour 1 being volume 13
A "season" where you'll have to wait easily 3-4 years for the second cour? no way in hell, it will be called season 3.
what if season 2 starts airing when murata is close to the end of garou arc?
It will probably air next year user
At best winter 2017
Didn't they say it would air in 2017?
> MA raid
> winter 2017 animated
Don't be retarded.
Okay get this.
It's a massive open world spanning several cities and landscapes across the world of OPM. The game starts off with you, the player, signing up at the Hero's Association as a noob hero at the bottom rankings with almost no skills and abilities other than basic punching and kicking.
From there you embark on your own personal hero adventure. There are several non-linear storylines and locations that are tied to actual events in the story such as the house of evolution and the seaking and his people which you can participate in, but for the most part you spend your time experimenting with equipment and developing different skills such that you can gain psyker powers, train at dojos to gain new martial arts skills, get cyborg implants for special capabilities and upgrades, use special weapons and build your fighting style around them or just beat the shit out of things until they die.
The game itself is tied to other people playing it around the world, but you aren't told when a player enters your game or when you enter the world of another player, meaning that you might be having a tough time killing a monster and suddenly a random hero appears to help you out or special events where dozens of players come together to win against one extremely difficult dragon level threat.
The story itself has you coming into contact with the NPCs in a variety of locations and ways. You can call up licenseless rider to get some ramen after a mission, get invited to join the fubuki squad and get a nifty suit if you prove yourself, talk to genos about what it means to be a hero and maybe even catch a glimpse of saitama going out of a supermarket after they put a special sale.
Finally, after finishing the game for the first time and reaching S-Rank you gain access to the player rankings and can improve your ranking as a hero by fighting against other players or assisting them in their worlds when they call for help.
Where did I say about MA raid you retard?
>open world
stopped reading.
Because the post you quoted was about the MA raid, learn to read.
>tats next chapter
It's the character introduction of volume 13.
he is talking about season 2 anime not ma raid,that would come in the second cour in either late 2018 or 2019
> Season 2 will probably be 2 cours with cour 1 being volume 13
Re-read properly the conversation.
And season 3/MA raid isn't hapening before 2020 at the very least.
I mean, it's still good, but not as good
>Season 2 will probably be 2 cours with cour 1 being volume 13
You very clearly known nothing of the industry. Murata has pushed the tournament arc because the Gouketsu fight is going to be the end of season 2, similar to the Boros fight. They wouldn't do a 2 cour season. It makes no fucking sense. If season 2 sells well, we'll get Garou and the Monster Association raid in season 3. People who thought MA would be the next arc were just naive.
There is no way in hell Gouketsu is giving a fight comparable to Boros', that would be more Garou vs WDM.
>If season 2 sells well, we'll get Garou and the Monster Association raid in season 3
they're gonna leave the garou plot hanging, that's awful
why starting it in the first place if you were going to give us a filler arc anyway?
These type of games don't really work. Your character is always generic and boring, just do a normal fighting game and have Saitama be a joke character.
Probably because it's not filler.
>Garou vs WDM
>no Saitama or Suiryu
You obviously don't understand the normies who pay for this shit. They want to see big, flashy fights, not technical powerlevel shit. Gouketsu is going to be Boros-tier just for the anime, mark my words.
> Gouketsu is going to be Boros-tier just for the anime, mark my words.
You're really retarded. Bang/Bomb are the ones taking care of Gouketsu of anyway.
For the build up. You're supposed to see the escalation of Garou's threat as he takes down more and more people. It sucks because a S3 won't come down the pipeline for a couple years it seems but it works better in the manga.
Yeah, we're going to see a character never prominently featured in the webcomic as the principal protagonist in a manga-original story arc.
You're fucking stupid.
Nah Orochi is probably gonna jump into action here. I imagine that was why he was introduced in the first place as a comparable arc-ending villain.
If we get Mob 2 in the meantime I'd be happy
Has he done the equivalnet of this illustration for all the tournament participants yet?
volume 12.
>Probably because it's not filler.
Sure, user.
It sure isn't filler.
Redraw is the real OPM.
>sankyuu everywan
The only way to make saitama as a playable character to work is to have some kind of a boredom/annoyance bar that fills up the longer the fight goes. The more it charges the more damage he does.
Or alternative you play the villains and your job is to make him one shot you.
rip in rip
Anyone get anymore screenshot from the stream
Don't even know who to quote for that gaming brainstorm.
You wouldn't be supposed to play as Saitama, the manga itself is barely about him and more of those around. An action game could work more easily with many other characters if you played as Mumen Rider. Perhaps you could unlock King mode.
So who do you think will be on Volume 14's cover? 13 is obviously going to be Suiryu.
I hope it isn't Gouketsu, he shouldn't be that important.
Orochi? Dog?
Orochi I expect won't do anything until later on, during the MA raid. Garou will probably fight him.
Give it a chapter or two first, it's hard to know before anything is ready for it