Kemono Friends
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I want to slide down Otters butt!
I thought female lions didnt have mane?
Feeding birds
>Great art
>Amazing sound direction
>Best mech designs in a long time
>Fleshed out characters for most of the teams
You, did watch the second season, right user? You wouldn't just talk out your ass without seeing it. Right?
And female moose don't have antlers. Already mentioned plenty of times, regardless of gender, all animals were made female Friends.
Sleepy leopards on safariLive.
Come back Serval
I need to ruffle Lion's hair
This isn't tanoshii
>amazing sound direction
I am convinced you're baiting me here.
It had the same kind of sound direction as Heavy Object, Comet Lucifer and Regalia, i.e. "pretend out sounds are so loud the recording microphones are not being able to handle it" which in reality turns into "everything sounds fucking awful and the furthest thing from being real".
The second season started off promising, but went to shit real quickly in the last half.
The British girl went nowhere, Ryuki's team was pants-on-head retarded, Guy's plot was nonsensical and so was the whole affair with their mom.
I'll give you two good things about S2: the imouto and the Russian team's development.
What the fuck is her problem
Kamen Rider Ryuki: Kemono Friends ver when
King Cobra Ouja bullying White Rhino would be pretty cute
I can't believe that Kaban is fucking DEAD
>Amazing sound direction
Are your ears broken? The sound design in shows like that, Regalia, Comet Lucifer, and some others just sounds like the microphones were broken because absolutely everything is an awful screeching sound instead of an actual sound effect.
Sting ray friend fucking dies. That's for Steve Irwin!
Why were people praising the sound direction in Yozakura Quartet when it's pretty much the same thing then? Yeah, it's different from what you're used to, but that doesn't mean it's worse.
The man in safarilive is going to get eaten
It makes me worry they might get shot.
You have to cook something for them. They're gourmets you know.
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as Friends, is in fact, Kemono/Friends, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, Kemono as Friends. Friends is not a life unto itself, but rather another living component of a fully functioning Kemono Domain made humanoid by the Sandstar deposits, animal traits and vital bodily functions comprising a full living being as defined by JAPARI.
Many animals have been functioning in humanoid form every day without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the bipedal body form which is widely used today is called "Kemono/Friends", and many of the animals are not aware that it is basically just an altered form which came about from the Sandstar eruption.
These "friends" are definitely living beings capable of cognition, speech and being wholly sapient. However, they are not friends on their own volition; they can only be considered as such after their transformation through Sandstar exposure: the whole Kemono Friends is basically animal with Sandstar transformation, or Kemono/Friends. All the so called "friends" are really just independent species to Kemono/Friends.
I'd post more complete versions but right now they don't fucking exist since the OST was never released. All I have are four or five BD menus. Also I actually liked those sound effects man, so don't really understand why you're sperging so much about them. They're different, sure, but the reasoning ain't something to trigger anyone's autism if you ask me. It does what it says on the tin, make it seem like the sound was too loud for the mics to handle, but I can't agree to it sounding bad.
And what the hell, the characters were fleshed out more than well enough. Sure, Laetittya was pushed to the sidelines, but even she had enough plot shoved into her, even if that was nothing more than "I don't really cares what happens to anyone as long as I get to walk". Could get into why Ryuuki's team acted like it did, the same with Guy, which was one of the best villains I've seen in a while, not to mention how well the main teams were fleshed out, and I will agree Migiwa a literal shit, but that would mean making this post longer than it already is. Don't want to start debating BBK now, and derail the fun in these threads.
Can a friend help me out? Who's the artist of this? I can't find it on pixiv for the life of me
>which was one of the best villains I've seen in a while
You haven't watched a lot of 2016 shows then.
The best villain of 2016 is a spot shared by the main antagonists of Endride and Time Travel Shoujo.
Do you know how to use iqdb or saucenow?
try those
>Time Travel Shoujo
E-eh, that barely counted as a villain, and went straight by the end. Have yet to finish Endride so can't pronounce myself on it though but will take your word for it I guess. Nevertheless Guy was capable of worldwide genocide as long as it involved "infected" humans.
I've been trying, but haven't got any results. iqdb is just giving me random anime pictures
Use google image search and saucenao. Had no issues finding it.
man brent is really high energy
Alright I apologise for overreacting, I was just kind of disappointed by S2 after the promise of crazy fun given to me by S1's end, Epizo in particular.
>I'd like to interject blahdeeblahdeeblah
Epizo going full "muh Laetitia" was probably my biggest disappointment about S2. He really ended S1 feeling like a bro.
I just imagine it being said by Alpaca, which makes it better
Terrible voice.
Watching the sleepy kots is making me sleepy too. Fucking Sundays.
I can't believe everyone is fucking dead.
Why are they acting like the rain is going to kill them?
Toki informs us that you're already dead
They're carrying expensive camera equipment and don't want it to get damaged.
You say that but you'd be really happy to hear her excitedly welcome you after you climbed up an entire mountain.
Gotta protect the equipment, and you don't want wet socks and underwear in a country where cloth turns to mold overnight.
sleepy kitty
What a weird slug.
Tiger horse-chan!
Huh? Where?
Some time ago I expected big cats to be more like salvage animals or something.
Since I started watching these streams I know that they are literally big cats.
It's slug-chan
Sup Forums watching together a Safari livestream. That's weird, I like it.
''What am I living for?''
I wonder how big of a shock it was for non-mammal friends to find out that they now menstruate
If birb doesn't appear again I'll be very upset.
Better than laying eggs I guess.
Maybe Friends don't have a reproductive cycle.
Animals should've been given the basic knowledge of their new bodies upon transforming.
I hope she'll go to the idol show.
This. If the extinct animals had a way to reproduce and continue their species, they wouldn't be dull-eyed.
They do really just seem like bigger cats a lot of the time.
My guess is for a typical Friend, they are born from a sandstar eruption, wander around for a bit until they find more Friends who help them get to the library so they can figure out the basics, then go from there. But they have limited intelligence and don't stray far from their original behaviors and instincts. Kinda sad when I think about it
Why would an alpaca care about operating systems? They're into bikes.
Have y'all noticed the OP seems to start from a location OUTSIDE Japari Park and then goes into it?
Have a logo generator.
Sugoooi, a friend who is good at being late to the party.
Why did owls become the symbol for wisdom anyway? Or why they got paired with Athena in the first place.
was this typeset?
It's a bridge over the river Styx.
Hey, does the OP kinda sound like the sort of thing you'd hear in an h-game to anyone else? I keep thinking of Figu@Mate when I hear it.
Have you noticed that when Alpaca shows them to the battery the roof of the Japari Cafe is flat and then later on when we get the aerial shot with the logo they made the roof is slopped on both sides?
They don't lack eye shine because they're extinct, it's because they're clones (of extinct animals, but still clones).
We have too many friends who are good at bullying.
Yes, I know this one is super original.
Also they are created by humans, if they wanted them to reproduce they would have made some males too or at least not turn everyone into a girl.
What part of "life finds a way" do you not understand.
Because they're geniuses obviously.
They're created by Sandstar, which is most likely not of human origin.
terribly unoriginal I know
>Also they are created by humans
They're created by Sandstar, who knows how the fuck that thing works. There's nothing indicating their lack of ability to reproduce either, so just wait until Beaver and Prairie Dog are done with their mating season to see what happens.
>Greek myth included owls as wisdom/death symbols apparently before the Athena connection. A major example is Ascalaphus, punished for learning a secret first by being trapped under a stone (and freed by Heracles), then by being turned into an owl.
This series of art with famous scientieests needs to be collected somewhere
She was a bird goddess of wisdom. It wasn't just owls.
The owl association probably arose because of the large numbers of little owls in the region, and the relationship between owls and wisdom grew off each other from there.
In other words nobody knows.
It's not possible. If there's one thing the history of evolution has taught us it's that life will not be contained. Life breaks free, it expands to new territories and crashes through barriers, painfully, maybe even dangerously, but, uh... well, there it is.
>just wait until Beaver and Prairie Dog are done with their mating season
You mean they're done dry humping each other?
We have a booru and I've been batching every thread but uploading and tagging things is to much work for lazy old me
They simply LOOK smart and special compared to other Mediterranean animals.
They've got a glare going on and their eyes are very focused; it makes them look like they're judging things or thinking.
Turns out the ancients weren't overly big on actual behaviorism observed by natural philosophers of the time compared to folk symbolism, because actual owls are pretty dumb birds.
Corvids are smarter birds and they actually remember things and people, use tools, and are self-aware enough to understand mirrors.
>We have a booru