Sup Forums will defend this

Sup Forums will defend this.

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Why should rich people pay a higher % of their money than poor people?

Because poor people need that money more than the rich.

also, progressive taxes are a downward-redistribution system that actually works.

> (((them)))
Every time

Why is it rich peoples responsibility to take care of poor people? Doesn't seem free to me.

(((Ezra Klein)))

.... he literally ran on tax cuts
fuck off you nigger jew kike
we are going to kill you all
we will drill holes in your spines and rape your spines

We've been over this.
Like 300 years ago.

why do you want the jews to have even MORE money?

why dont the Jewish billionaires just donate money to the poor?

Why do they want to tax "the rich" (anyone making 100k per year) and not just do it themselves when they make billions if not trillions per year?

Its almost like they want to redistribute the goy's wealth to the niggers but not their own. Im sure that couldn't possibly be what God's chosen are up to though.

He ran on economic nationalism. On stopping the Globalists, on reigning in (((Wall St.))), purging Washington corruption, closing the borders and bringing back jobs into the States.

Yes they do.
Being a lolbritarian/neoliberal apologist is literally the single most bluepilled thing you can do, and they swallow it whole.

Because they can afford it? Because poor people are more likely to spend the money they save on taxes than rich people, thereby creating economic growth? Because most of the benefits of taxation go to the poor anyways?

there are so many reasons.

You don't want to give a direct answer because you as well as every other adult understands that forcing someone to pay for someone else is unfair.

Look just say you don't care about people and have 0 empathy. There that solves your debate on why rich people should pay more in taxes, instead buying a second jet, to help house someone that cant afford food.

No i wont because lying is a sin. Why the fuck would trump give a shit about paying taxes or any rich person for that matter. Hes fucking rich. He knows the wealthy dont need it. In fact the wealthy are better off when people have more money to spend. The only people losing with this tax cut are poor people and democrats. Less hand outs for bums. Less handouts for democrats to hand out and bribe voters.

t. lying Jew
You know damn well the kikes aren't paying taxes. They are hiding all of their billions in offshore accounts and Rothschild global banking networks.

You are shilling for high taxes for the goys, knowing you will never pay them even if you are exponentially more wealthy than the goys. High taxes hit the middle class, and upper middle the hardest. The richest members of society (90% Jewish) have lobbied in so many loop holes and banking rackets they know they will NEVER have to pay.

Can a jew ever tell the truth? I'm starting to think lying is genetic for them.

you do realize that the more poor people depend on the gov, the more taxes we'll all have to pay to make up for it yes?

Don't worry, I'm sure society will devolve into anarchy due to the Net Neutrality repeal well before Trump's taxes take effect

The Dooble doobs dont lie.

get off my board, kike

saving $3,000 a year
suck it schlomo

What kind of retarded logic is this!? No. Thats not what will happen. Poor people will either learn to fucking work or starve to death. Thats a good thing.

They want to redistribute all wealth to themselves.
Nigger welfare isn't nearly as generous as you retards keep making it sound. The amount of wealth actually going to the poorest is minuscule compared to the amount of wealth being hoarded by the (((International Financial Elite))), even in absolute terms (speaking per capita would make the comparison simply absurd).
Niggers do receive a disproportionate amount of cultural capital (i.e. sympathetic liberal attention), but that's a shitty fig leaf they use to:
A. Distract themselves and others from their own piggishness and to qualm moral concerns.
B. To drive a wedge and cause the lower classes to fight among themselves (Divide & Conquer).

Why should I toil my life away as a wageslave to pay for some rich prick's third yacht?
>inb4 you signed, a contract, entered an agreement
Didn't have a choice there, idiot.

Here's a direct answer, then:
The rich need to be taxed more so cities can afford basic fundamentals of a society like schools, parks, and housing. The poor can afford to pay those taxes so they need to be charged less.

There. Now go be stupid somewhere else.

I am advocating AGAINST all that.
Are you fucking retarded?

>or starve to death
are you unaware of food stamps existence? lol

Nice that your worldview only includes rich and poor, like there’s no middle class between the two which get screwed by rich politicians who only think in terms of the rich that donate to them and the poor that vote for them.

>Says Trump supports the rich
>Implies that's bad
>Is a jew

There should be no tax on income.

I've been on this board longer than 99.5% of its current userbase.

Can't *

Do you actually think poor people are poor because they literally don't work?
What the fuck?

No need to even say anything

The cognitive dissonance is too strong here. People voted for nationalism, they got neocon and failed GOP politics in return. The tax plan is the exact opposite of draining the swamp, it's sad how cucked conservatives are.

I believe in helping as many people as you can, but that should be done through charity. I don't agree with forcing some people to take care of others.

Are you unaware that less foodstamps is exactly what democrats are bitching about? I dont give a shit. God says to take care of the poor. I got no problem with that. But he never said to keep you fuckers alive and living like fucking royaltee.

By "poor" I mean "anyone who isn't rich".
at least try to make an honest argument.

You cannot give tax cuts to people that pay no taxes.

How’s it working if the middle class keeps shrinking and more people are stuck in part time jobs? You think you can keep raising taxes and rich people will keep paying? They’ll leave.

>less food stamps
>more people visit charities
>more people in the hospital
>more strain on taxes

Gotta keep the

>according to this [citation needed] website, my taxes go down by... like... 2000$ a year!!!
And a multi-billionaire's taxes will go down by literally hundreds of millions, not even accounting for all the big business welfare now on offer.

Worry about your own shitty country. Your corporate tax rate is lower than ours is going to be after the bill passes. Fucking faggot.

an incrase in taxes is made to centralise the economy toward the lobbyist that find a way to not pay taxes in the first place

the ultra rich love high taxes because it destroy their competitor while appeasing their slaves(poors)

If the city cant afford things it needs then it has failed, why would pumping more money into a corrupt city fix it? And why is it the responsibility of the rich. If a ship is sinking its no ones responsibility to save it.

Gotta keep the charade going..! I-I put literally an e-entire year of my life into this campaign, it couldn't be a-all for nothing! T-Then I'd be pretty s-stupid..! Awooooovement!


For me, too. I voted for him.

Unfortunately, cucks in Congress more or less caved on SALT.

Nope. Because we dont have socialized healthcare either dumbfuck. You get diabetus from eating too many frozen burritos you dont get medication you wait until your foot or hand rots and get it amputated. Quick cheap.

We should stop giving aid to Israel. There's no reason the poor people in America should be paying taxes that go towards oppressing poor Palestinians.

>your personal taxes that will just go up by even more than you save
If anyone is being dishonest it's you, but i think you have such a poor understanding of taxes and politics that you actually beieve you are right.
The tax plan is literally the same 2004 era tax breaks that did absolutely nothing except boost the deficit. This time they sprinkled some sugar ontop to make people feel like it wasn't a handout to GOP campaign donors. The best part is the sugar just turns into more poison in a few years, while the Neocon corporate tax cuts stay. The only thing that will come out of this bill is the purchasing of treasury stock and the distribution of cash dividends.

It is actually poetry how Trump has turned his back on the people and policies that voted him into office, he fits right at home in the swamp.

in a society with money, money = power, so wealthy people will always influence politics for their own benefit.

it's unavoidable, inevitable. only way to change it is by getting rid of money and wealth altogether (communism)

the same pro-rich policies happened under bush, obama, and all other presidents in all capitalist countries

anti-communists = biggest brainlets and cucks of all time

most rich people worked hard to get rich, they studied for years, built their enterprises from stratch and sacrificed most of their youth. while poor people partied and made babies

>They’ll leave
They already are.
And that's ignoring the decades they weren't leaving.
In fact, only when borders were relaxed, financial capital was allowed to move free and companies were unbound from any sort of regulation (protectionist or otherwise) that they begun to "leave".

>beliving nominal tax rate
Oh please, the EFFECTIVE corporate tax rate in most countries is in the fucking single-digits.
Our own country has just the past week been rocked when a shitty Globalist pump-and-dump scam had the government give literally BILLIONS of shekels in tax breaks to a company for holding onto jobs here in Israel, and now that company is laying off half its workforce to relocate to some shitty third-world countries.

stop being stupid

We should also stop giving aid to the Palestinians. Fuck them too!

>"only black and brown people are poor! We're not poor! We believe we're not poor so much we'll vote against poor people because we're not poor! Stop saying we're poor! Stop saying we're poor! STOP FUCKING SAYING WE'RE POOR!"

why is a kike complaining about getting money back?

I'm getting extra 5k/year, there's nothing needed to be "defended".

If you care so much about slackers, how about you persuade (((1%))) to donate some of their monies?

>most rich people worked hard to get rich, they studied for years, built their enterprises from stratch
In what fucking world do you live?

The thing you dont realize, or maybe you do, is that wealth isnt just money. Its mansions. Its skyscrapers. Its weapons. Its cars. Its underground bunkers. Even if money were to disappear the wealthy would still remain wealthy in the materials they acquired when money was still around.

You stop being a retarded Khazar socialist who thinks only in vauge terms like “rich” and “poor”, not seeing the vast different socio-economic levels and how the machinations of the different political parties affect them.

Why would Sup Forums defend a lying Jew? They do realize when people do their taxes next year, they'll find out, right?

A rich guy has to spend 1% of his savings to equal thousands of poor people spending 100% of their savings

I'm getting ~$2,000 more per year, and I'm not rich.

fuck off :)

A world in which white people build everything and subhuman trash perpetually claw at it.

Corporations paying less taxes mean their products cost us less money. What's the problem? The only people who have problems with people not paying taxes are the ones hoping to recieve the taxes taken from them.

Also none of these people have probably read a single line of this tax bill. They just say "DUR DUR TAX CUTS FOR RICH PEOPLE BAD!" every time Congress does anything with taxes. What Bluecheckmark said isn't even true, but they rely on everyone else not fact checking to pass it off like they know what they're talking about.

Not only can they afford it, but it's because they also use the government's services more too. The more property one has, the more it costs to protect that property which is the government's primary job. In reality, corporations should be barring the blunt of tax costs just considering how they have the most property to protect.

I know this sounds like I'm contracting myself above, but I'm just pointing out that IDEALLY rich people/corporations should pay more but ideally the government shouldn't be wasting money on non-defensive stuff and making it to where them and everyone else is paying too much. With tax cuts, should come spending cuts too.

People are poor because they are dumb and can't make sacrifices, most of the time.

But I do see how the machinations of the different political parties affect them.
In the USA, both the Democrats and the Republicans pass bills that benefit the rich. They rig the system in favor of big business and finances, and slant the economy to be advantageous to the top 0.2%. The only real difference is that Democrats sometimes throw a welfare bone to bottom 2 deciles niggers to ensure election victory.
Same here in Israel, only replace "top 0.2%" with "top 2%" and "nigger" with "Haredi"


That idiot must think businesses come from seeds you plant in the ground.

The leftists in this country consider anybody who makes more than 100k "rich".

I'm not a communist pleb like you, and I actually know rich people. most of them studied hard to get where they are, they are extremely creative people and real achievers.

Oy vey, it's Ezra Klein.

Must not let the goyim keep their hard earned shekels.

>tax cuts should come with spending cuts
Good luck getting the GOP to pass social security reform

Corporations paying less taxes means their products cost exactly the same, but they roll out stock buybacks, perform merger & acquisition, increase dividend and inflate executive wages/bonuses. Oh, and don't forget push more money into politicians' pockets to ensure even MORE tax cuts in the future.
People say "DUR DUR TAX CUTS FOR RICH PEOPLE BAD!" is because that shit was already tried, repeatedly, over and over again in the past 30 fucking years and it has yet to generate a single good outcome. Western economies are still in shambles, Western capitalism is growing less dynamic and less innovative and less competitive every quarter. Common wages stay low, living costs keep steadily climbing and the job market gets tighter and tighter without the "job creator" messiahs anywhere in sight. "Trick down" only means you get pissed on from above.

You haven't lived a single goddamn day in the real world if you actually believe that.

You can seize the mansions, skyscrapers, weapons, cars, bunkers from the wealthy and repurpose them into things that are socially necessary.

It's hard to say what we would do with a mansion in a socialist USA. Maybe put like 30 homeless people per mansion, hopefully it won't be too crowded?

In a third world country, you would turn it into a school or hospital because there aren't enough of those facilities.

>Not only can they afford it
Just because they can afford to have something taken from them at a higher rate doesn't make it right.
>but it's because they also use the government's services more too.
So people who call the cops more should pay more and people who go to the park should pay for it, not me.
>The more property one has, the more it costs to protect
We have property tax, more property more tax.

The only reason they appear to be "extremely creative" and "real achievers" is because their parents could afford the opportunities, good education, good environment and good connections as they were growing up.

Pretty sure the tax cut is across the board whoch is exactly what he said he was doing.

He promised us corporate tax from the start. He keeps his word. I am so offended.

A country isn't a ship you fucking moron. You have to make it work whether you like it or not. That's Politics 101.

What did I say about being stupid?

get a job, save... don't see what else you need to do.

It's not "across the board", though.
It's an extremely generous tax cut at the very top and for international corporations (of which a third of stockholders aren't even Americans, I remind you), and a tiny chicken bone thrown at the middle class to make retards like spout such bullshit platitudes.

Really doubt it. What wealth does Hungary produce? Hungary isn't known for its technology like California, or industry like China. It doesn't export much either, I've never seen anything from Hungary in the US, even though I see Polish and German stuff all the time.

Anyone who managed to become rich in Eastern European countries is 99% tied to the mafia, and almost certainly has blood on their hands.

Norway isn't "us".

I dont think you can sieze anything from them. They got the best weapons. The best armor. It would be a war. Theyd be like hermit kings nobody fucks with because they slaughter everyone.

Based kike knows trumps a fuckup.

But everyone is getting a tax cut, not just rich people so this is dumb.

You're not even American so why do you care?
Everyone's getting tax cuts.

>talent doesn't exist
Please. Just do us all a favor end yourself so we don't have to put our hands on your retarded head.

...get a job, and still can't afford to do anything except barely scrap by month to month. If even that. No savings, no education, nothing.

Here, seeing how you apparently struggle to under this, here's a quick simulator you could try out:

>I've been on this board longer than 99.5% of its current userbase.
A early adopter then

You just don't like the analogy because it exposes the flaws in your argument.
>You have to make it work
Ya, and your way wont work.

education is free in my country. besides, why do you believe rich people are rich because their parents were rich? Amazon CEO started his trade when he could'nt even afford a proper desk. He used a discarded door as a working desk. now he's one of the richest people on earth. whatever the fuck you say, rich people have absolutely no obligation to hand out gibs for mass breeding alcoholic plebs who were simply too lazy or dumb to get rich, or even mid class.

Poor people don't pay income taxes. This bill doesn't affect them at all. Other than stimulating business so maybe they can get jobs, if they want them.

>You're not even American so why do you care?
Because American politics set the zeitgeist for the entire world.
The neoliberal parasitism infects Israel as much as any other country.

>Everyone's getting tax cuts.
Those who already don't pay their full due
receive the absolute vast majority of it, while those who most need it (the struggling middle class & small business suffocating under excessive taxation & regulation) receive a symbolic sum at best.