To Love Ru

Why is Mikan so perfect?

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Momo is fucking shit.

Mikan is so fucking boring.

Next chapter when?

Momo is a goddess.

That's not what my penis says.

My dick disagrees.

Momo is a whore tho.

Because no matter what she wins.

She aint getting the dick though.

How can anyone be this smug?

4 days at the most? previews tommorrow or tuesday. Probably.

>Mikan will turn into Honeybee because unrequited onii-chan love

>best girl with worst girl
Why is this allowed?

I don't see either of them in that picture.

Probably because you have shit taste

TLR Darkness ends in 6 days

What the fuck are those proportions.
>Recently I've been moving on from romantic comedy manga,
Is TLR going to end for real this time?

What a fucking faggot.

This is a Japanese elementary schooler.

>Is TLR going to end for real this time?

Do we know what the big announcement is?
If it's a pachinko machine so help me god I will fly to Japan and go on a murder spree

>he is one of those guys

Damn if I won this contest I would ask for Yabuki for porn chapter about Rito banging his harem instead of the money.

Yes; a true end of an era. A sudden tragedy.
It's like witnessing the last Stradivarius violin being made, or the last Beethoven symphony, or the last painting of Da Vinci.
When To Love Ru is gone, we will see the passing of an age. We shall never pass this way again.

If tlr actually ends for good I really do give up on life.

I lol'd. We still don't know, but it said something like "This isn't the end for rito adventures special project announced" if I remember right. Which SEEMS to imply we are getting a sequel.

I'm mad they decided to not include the nipple.

Jesus Christ, my dick can't contain this much urge.


He's doing other works now, Yabuki Kentarou is the artist and he does art for other manga and LNs too.

>Someone is forcing me to wait out the Olympics.
Even that would suck.

12 years old, shes at her best age

If I don't keep getting my occasional dose of nude Nana I think I'm going to pull the trigger.

If TLR moves onto a new series and doesn't end I'll translate the Mikan LN chapter in celebration.



Harem end confirmed then

>Nana on the final cover even though she had precisely 0 relevance throughout the whole thing

she wanted to eat pudding with rito. it was cute.

>whew looks like she isn't angry
>literally spreading dem cheeks so Rito can stumble and penetrate her from behind

they are just innocently bathing user.

waiiiiii~ a new marmelade star.
thank you for informing us.

He can't keep getting away with this.

>TLR:D is ending its serialization, but look forward to a big announcement next month!
>Great news, guys: TLR:D might be ending, but Mayoi Neko Overrun will be resuming serialization starting next month!

>you will never wash her spot

or can he

oh dear.

>Big announcement
>Not a TLR pachinko machine

>not a switch game where you can fondle the girl's tits thanks to the HD rumble.

inb4 he stops drawing lewds


nah, he's married, stopped being lonely and just doesn't need to read romance manga anymore.
is how I understood it.

All this obsession about Mikan is really annoying.

the other half?

mikan + yami=perfect go away momo

I don't know what I'm going to do without To Love-ru in my life.

Because Mikan is made for sex

Seems to be that the big announcement is another OVA. The manga ends without actually ending anything. It's an open end, despite all the hype.
Koreans already have spoilers.


I don't believe Koreans.

Post some then faggot


>Seems to be that the big announcement is another OVA. The manga ends without actually ending anything. It's an open end, despite all the hype.
>Koreans already have spoilers.



There's a new-ish series in WSJ with ghost tits, if it helps

It's text spoilers for now. Don't expect them to post actual spoilers, they never do that, it's chinks that do. Wait until the chapter is out in 1-2 days.

Sadly it doesn't hold my interest.

Redhead isn't going to win so there's no point.

>people actually thinking it would have gotten a harem ending
We've been telling you for years it would be an open ending. Again.

link it.

so who "won"

1. Haruna
2. Lala

Momo is just going to be begging for the sloppy seconds and leftover cum from Rito dripping off their pussies instead of finding her own man.



I'm ready for the assblast.

link where you saw them. Google-fu turns up nothing.


Mikan is so ugly.


>anime girl
>ever ugly unless for comedic purposes


Momo a shit.


I don't know what this is but it turned up in my search. Don't remember seeing it before? could be old.


Mikan bath pages are the best thing about TLR right now, because Rito doesnt sperg out like he always does with Momo

He didn't remarry his horrid ex right?

>the only girl with the veil won

really makes you think

I will fight you

she didn't win. don't believe trolls.

It's a promotion for the last chapter, but it doesn't say anything particularly interesting.
"What is Rito's decision!?", "What is Momo gonna do!?", etc.
Interestingly, the two choices at the top (around the word "JUDGE") are "Harem" and "Pure Love"

>she didn't win.
she literally wins either way. if its a one girl ending then it's obviously her as the endgame and if its a harem ending then she's included in it.

inb4 Yabuki dives into the serious action harem genre

Lets enjoy Mikan while we can.

harem end is what everyone wants.

Haruna end is her winning, and only her winning.

I hate to say it but we aren't getting more than that, even though I would have paid anything to leave haruna out of the harem

TLR isn't ending this week. There will be a sequel. I refuse to believe otherwise.

>muh harem end

I want both because they're the best

Yui is more perfect, though. Such a shame she had relatively little screentime in Darkness.