Well /Pol

Well /Pol
*sips tea*

>Myself, along with 20 other other people made 36,000 donuts yesterday. We were paid roughly $50 each for this labor. To purchase this donut back cost 99 cents.


Other urls found in this thread:


> *sips tea*
see this and sage

because the business can't possibly expect to be allowed to recoup costs sunk into advertising, shipping the goods to make the products in the first place, buying the machines needed to make them, the employees' benefits, etc

Not an argument

Communism is Jewish

>36,000 donuts
total bullshit.

black roasite leel

> waaaaah businesses should be unprofitable so my job will disappear waaaaah

Donuts cost money to make, lots get thrown out. Besides, open your own shop.

a prifit of over 1.5 million?

>what is an automated process?
Machines are capable to make 30000-40000 donuts oer hour you mongrel

You forget that by 'made' they actually meant took the premade donuts out of the freezer, heated them up in an oven and then stuck some filling in them

If you think you can make and distribute donuts cheaper, then do it faggot.

Jewish ideology

>I've become so powerful I can make shills tell the truth.

What are you on about, faggot?

Wow, this thread really changed my mind about capitalism. Wow, man. Donuts.. ..wow. good example. Wow.

wtf is wrong with her forehead. Is she klingon?

>only labor gives anything value
>labor is the only overhead a business has

Your labour was a small cost in the entire supply chain / marketing process.

I sold over 2 Million USD in product in the last 30 days. My average employee makes $15 an hour, however the product had a cost, marketing was over $100k. Taxes and fucking even more Taxes (btw the company who paid you paid $75 so you could make $50 and take home $35).

A lot of moving parts and even more hands in the cookie jar.

p.s. fuck off.

That would be too much fucking work. You only need feelings to want shit, but it takes brains to build shit.


*revisionism intensifies*

>99 cents for a donut
what fucking shit hole city do you live in

Did these 20 people also work at the farm that brought up the cows, fed the cows, milked the cows, pasteurized the milk, churned the butter? Ded they plant and pick the yeast mushrooms, farm the corn and the wheat, make the corn cyrup, make the flour, mine the salt, feed the chickens and pick the eggs, packaged all these products, transported them to the donut factory, package the donuts, transport the donuts to the stores, take orders, advertice the company? Did they work in costumer service and the legal team? Did they clean and maintain the companies facilities? Did they organize any of this? Why do they think that they deserve more than 50 dollars for doing the simplest job along the way in the chain of events that made it possible for these donuts to be sold for 99 cents at 7eleven?

Holy fuck, this comic is awesome.

Maybe their tears produced the salt for the donuts actually.

>we use your supplies and equipment
>we deserve $2000
>not all donuts are garaunteed to sell

>implying pinko-scum could ever think outside of themselves

in big bold lettering in font triple thensoze of any other text
>Please remember that this subreddit is a SAFE SPACE for leftist discussion. Any Liberalism, capitalist apologia, or attempts to debate socialism will be met with an immediate ban. Take it to r/DebateCommunism. Bigotry, ableism and hate speech will also be met with immediate bans; Socialism is an intrinsically inclusive system.
so this is a joke subreddit?

lol this

They're that fragile.

>dude we'll ban you if you disagree with our circlejerk lmao


You've got industrial scale mixers to handle all the ingredient mixing. Conveyor belt ovens to do the baking. Automated machines to shape, fill, and ice the pastries.

So basically you got paid $50 to sit around pouring ingredients into a machine and doing quality checks on donuts. I'd kill to have a work day that easy.

Also if you are making donuts at home, I sugest using a little bit of grated lemon peel for that fresh citrusy touch

eat shit and die

we know that already, even despite all that, the profit margin is ridiculous, you can't deny that at least. Do some basic math, the shell and filling is maybe less than 10 cents at MOST. Utilities and rent who knows, but not that much more. Even if you give both amounts high estimates, tons of value is being stolen by the people on top. You are all cucks

>I think there is a retardedly large profit margarine on doughnuts

Hmm, it sounds like they should start a doughnut shop. I wonder what is stopping them...

Start your own donut company.
Learn about overhead.

okay, and?

>I wonder what is stopping them...

The systemic oppression of the patriarchy.

>work as a car salesman
>sell 100k worth of cars in a week
>therfore i should take home a 100k paycheck

This is your logic op now sit in the corner till you've stopped being a retard.

As a truck driver it's atleast 2.00/mile for climate controlled. I don't have any exp with doughnuts specifically, but based off dimensions maybe 25k-30k for a full truckload packaged. And only very large distributors could handle that amount. Probably closer to 10% shipping costs, and that's just B2B. Another atleast 10% to the local box truck dudes/local warehousing. 10-20% profit margin for the retailer?

Commies can't into business.

this is one of my favorties

>The capitalists own whatever machinery was used to make the donuts. This alone justifies the fact that they're making $35000 over the workers' $1000 meager bucks.

>You do not get rich by "working hard", you get rich by owning the correct things (and often exploiting people to operate these things). I just wish they'd tell us that, but they don't, because then they'd be giving up the whole game.

>> I just wish they'd tell us that, but they don't, because then they'd be giving up the whole game.


This must be what passes for a raid from reddit

Soyfaggotniggers not welcome.

It's called overhead, the dumb faggot. Why is everybody on reddit so goddamned stupid?

How about get a real job you ape

i'm a google search engineer, yesterday a wrote a piece of code.

i make 100k/yr
google is selling my piece of code for 1 million dollars per second.

I know this is a slide thread but -
Its not a failure of capitalism if you allowed yourself to be screwed over and paid so low for your effort.

>accept contract for 50 bucks a day
>do your job as contract requires
>get paid your accepted sum as contract states
>still complain about it
Maybe you should open your own shop and sell your self-made donuts? just saying.

>being a wagecuck

These niggas need to READ SIEGE!


>Look how bad its for me in capitalism
>Its so bad i have to get out my mobile phone made from literally slave labor in my awful car
>Better make a picture of this tasty food we have a abundance of
>Capitalism is hell


So start your own donut buisness. After all you have all the necessary skills.

I sure hope so.

Fuck porky. I don't care if he makes money off buying his fucking gay machines or muh capital so he can invest in the stock market some more. Piss off, it should be about helping the worker live not helping porky get more cash and save a few bucks on his profit margins.

>myself made donuts yesterday

The capitalists somehow prevent them from buying their own machines and making donuts themselves.

>to purchase this donut back
hahahaha this dumb retard thinks he owns anything in this equation

If anything the workers are exploiting the guy who owns literally everything. imports the raw materials, exports the finished product, owns the building and machinery, has all the connections. I'm sure if that guy could make all the donuts himself at every shop he would, because his bottom line would grow. But no, unfortunately he can't do that so he has to hire some no-skill, no-ambition monkeys to push buttons for him and they bitch about it when without ALL of that guys initiative they'd be homeless or a welfare leech nigger. Really makes me think

this is hilarious

>I'm fed up with this bullshit exploitation. How little these companies spend on wages and ingredients compared to how much they make off each donut. Sounds like its time to set up a workers collective, say fuck you to the bosses, get your comrades to save up for a time pool resources and start making and selling donuts yourselves, no more letting some capitalist fat cat steal all your hard work.

how do we beat these greedy capitalists???
oh yeah lets start our own donut show and drive them out of business
that'll teach the free market


Start your own cyanide business and test your own products, bootlicker.

>Utilities and rent who knows
>Forget a business license
>Forget the machinery
>Forget the taxes
>Forget the distribution
Oh wow how convenient for you

The guy who made that thread literally posts on r/Soylent, you can't make this shit up.

Also, do these fucking idiots not realize that they didn't pay for the property, taxes, utilities, materials, transportation, etc. required to run that donut shop, that not all of the revenue from the markup is net profit, and what little net profit there is DOESN'T FUCKING BELONG TO THEM? You were paid to make donuts, make them and shut the fuck up. Go start your own little socialist donut shop, see how far that gets you. Spoilers: nowhere, which is why you squat a DIY space with a bunch of other bums.

Are you fucking serious dude? How does it feel having so much corporate cock in your mouth?

You really think owning a few machines is more important than the people ACTUALLY OPERATING THEM AND PUTTING IN THE LABOR? The fuck is wrong with you?

This is how the communist responds to logic - pure and utter, unmasked faggotry. Nice Ronald McDonald flag btw.

the corporations that they work for purchased those machines, appliances, ingredients, everything necessary to make those donuts. ask these people to make these same donuts on their off time and they wouldn't be able to.
they're simply human assembly machines. replaceable, and automation is already doing that desu rip wageslaves

He does help the worker live. How much percent of the profit should the worker get for making donuts?

Did you really feel like that was a good comeback? You must watch R&M.


Internet commies are so fucking retarded

When I overthrow capitalism I will gather all the commies and force them to live in an artificial ancap island somewhere

Because communist countries are well known for their overabundance of cheap food.

Please remember that this subreddit is a SAFE SPACE for leftist discussion. Any Liberalism, capitalist apologia, or attempts to debate socialism will be met with an immediate ban. Take it to r/DebateCommunism. Bigotry, ableism and hate speech will also be met with immediate bans; Socialism is an intrinsically inclusive system.

Oh my fucking god

All of it because they're the ones actually making the product being sold. Without the workers, there'd be no donuts.
Caps don't deserve respect. Your ideology has murdered billions.

>vagina donut

Great, why didn't you just make donuts in your kitchen and sell them outside? Why don't you do it every day? It looks very lucrative.

How old is the average redditor, Sup Forums?

What are the costs for the machinery, the building, the resources, the energy, the delivery, the sales booth, the sales person, the advertising, etc ?

Oh this must be why walmart is so profitable! Oh wait, the biggest employer in america actually makes 3% profit/year after everything is deducted...their large profits come from their ENORMOUS SIZE. The companies with some of the biggest margins are actually tech companies that have monopolies due to patents and copyrights. And they're a leftist dominated industry...fuck off soyboy.

We actually had an anarchist bakery in my city that did just that. They were only open a few hours a week and that was even inconsistent because the "workers" would democratically decide to take the day off or go home early. They ended up having to beg online for money to pay their rent, failed, and went out of business.

Are you saying your lazy ass is willing to start a business and add all that value to the economy while accepting less in return than your competitors? by all means friend, be my guest, do it, thats the true nature of competition and capitalism and if everyone did that capitalism would function much better. Unfortunately people are lazy, therefore the ones that make the effort receive a justifiably higher payoff and the rest of you stay permacucks.

Why shouldn't these things be owned by the workers and not some fat ass porky taking advantage of them?

>Please remember that this subreddit is a SAFE SPACE for leftist discussion. Any Liberalism, capitalist apologia, or attempts to debate socialism will be met with an immediate ban.

Yeah, all I learned from this is the owner is a shitty businessman. Too jewy to pay the upfront for full automation, so he still relies on plebbit cucks. It's 2018 man, get rid of the humans and secure a major fault in your business model.

I checked out the link, it really says that. They even need a safe space form liberalism.


Tell me what the net profit per donut is for the company that you work for.

>You really think owning a few machines is more important than the people ACTUALLY OPERATING THEM AND PUTTING IN THE LABOR?
Yes. The owner is taking on all of the risk for the venture.

>systemic oppression of the patriarchy

t. they're just born and bred as stupid lazy cucks.

>your ideology has murdered billions
Jesus christ, the pure unbridled faggotry of Commies never ceases to amaze me.

Hey lads - did you know that Venezuela isn't *really* socialist?

I honestly believe you're special needs so I'm not going to entertain this post. Doing simple, mindless. low-skill, 16 year old labor is not the same value to a company than someone who can manage state-wide business planning, maintain laundry lists of inventory, coordinate shipping, handle high volume clients, etc. You're just a moron and have a terrible compass for value.

Who stops the workers from starting a donut making business?

Because he paid for them.


>20 people
>near 40k donuts

Idk man that's pretty hard to believe

Browsed the page. It's like they refuse to understand economics? Work? There's: rent/lease, electricity, equipment, taxes, etc. They think it's just materials and labor. Geeeeeee why don't I get $1800 a day for donuts? That's what my retard math said.

nigga you trying too hard

Did you pay for the ingredients? The electricity? The marketing? The venue?
Did you?
No you didn't.
So here is what you do. You go make your own donuts and sell them. Tell me if you sold 50 in one day.

>Caps don't deserve respect. Your ideology has murdered billions.
Imagine being this sheltered