How would you respond?
How would you respond?
I just unzip my dick and motion for her to do the deal.
No way fag
Y-you too.
Shut the fuck up. My head hurts from you talking
I already have a big dog and he already has a name sorry I think this relationship won't work out for that reason
Too long, didn't hear.
I'm unable to respond to that.
Marry her on the spot.
Wake up. Get some coffee. Feel sorry for myself.
Sorry, I wasn't paying attention. Can you repeat that?
Hime-carry her while keeping eye contact all the way home
The fuck is this? I came to read manga, not a fucking novel.
That would be a nice Excercise for /djt/.
Were the ability names in the raw written in english or did some poor souls have to translate and typeset all that shit?
With all the furigana it's fairly easy to get a grasp of.
>Where is S2?
Jap is so ugly when it's written traditionally or in a paragraph. only one liners horizontally looks decent
Typesetters did god's work, too bad most of it wasn't redrawn
Started off ready to marry her. Then I got to the third wall of text and that's dangerously close to NTR territory so now I'm killing her on the spot.
I only just read this series last year but despite it wrapping up fairly neatly, it left me wanting more.
It was so good, you guys. Nothing has filled the void it left.
shouldn't her dress rot since she's grabbing it?
I kind of want reread this now.
>slowly walk away.
Too long; didn't lead
Lead is Japanese for "read".
>I've fallen for a boy in middle school
Get out of my sight, you slut.
Tongue fucked her mouth half way into the second beach bubble then dry humped her till she creamed her panties then asked her to shut up and just nod or shake her head when I asked her things and to only open her mouth to eat and suck my dick.
Then I'd take her on a long silent romantic date, then fuck her raw on the floor of the restaraunts bathroom.
Best girls.
Decline and fight the female equivalent to John Cena for title of class president.
>Got 8888
Fucking Kumagawa I swear to god
Sorry I can't read.
G'day cunt
Even when he wins, he loses.
I love you, fuck me please.
No one expect you to read satan
What did he mean by this?
Eh? Nandatte?
What did he mean by this?
too long didn't lel
>implying implications
I miss this every single day.
At the end Medaka and Zenkichi get together??? They have children??? A wedding at least???
No time. They fuck. Medaka pops out fully grown babies 15min later and Zenkichi cares for them.
What's with the little words next to the big ones? Why is moon runes so confusing and messy.
Why not just write the whole manga with furigana?
bee cuz if yuu rait ev ree thing aut fun et i klee yuu luk laik un i dee ut
I hate this language.
> I want to have three children-
I interrupt her here.
> Well what are you waiting for? Let's get on with it.
It would look ugly as fuck though. Just use cursive.
Could you please stop speaking German?
here. German?
It's a joke because Germans mash a bunch of words together a lot.
Thats a terrible idea. Spaces exist for a good reason. The average person actually skip most letters in well-known words, and spaces indicate where the next word start without having to scan the skipped letters.
German is a wonderful, practical language that answers the problem of needing more detailed words by slapping a whole bunch of other words together into a single, compound word.
Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz, for example; "the law for the delegation of monitoring beef labeling."
I don't see the advantage vs using a bunch of words.
Germany no. Please stop.
They have a child, but Kumagawa used All Fiction to invalidate their unborn child.
Me on the bottom right
It's not my fault that English has a finite amount of words.
Better than Kanji.
Wow, rude
I've read this doujin before.
I'm sorry. I don't speak Chinese.
>The day this chapter dropped
I still remember it, everyone looked at this panel and the only thing we could feel was pity towards the translator
I feel sorry for the translator and the typesetter that had to put up with this shit, I would have threw my laptop 80 feet in the air and shot myself senseless.
If I read this manga, is any of the shit on this page relevant?
The point is simply that she has a zillion skills, and is using them to beat the shit out of those dudes
There isnt a single manga that can fill in the gap of slice of life battle shounen meta superpowerful fanservice comedy :(
CXC was far from perfect, but they have to get respect for putting up with this series until the end.
Stand there in utter silence, I've long since checked out when she talked about having kids. Proceed to than back away slowly to the edge of the roof and jump over angling myself so that I can catch a ledge.
>Dissatisfaction skill [At least you tried]
>Sex without nothing skill [Regret nothing]
>Cowgirl Skill [Minotaur dream]
This thing is golden.
I wish I was frequenting Sup Forums when this was getting updates.
my favorite food is lasagna. So get to it.
it was a glorious ride
I didnt start reading until this page because Sup Forums was spammed with it
>implying you could catch yourself on that ledge
Crying for the translator.
Also minus best arc never gets anime ever. WHY?!
You say that like it's a bad thing, you just named off the most cancerous combination
>implying I don't have some ability that gives me insanely strong arms.
Yeah, I got on the ride after it was over after people kept posting the two page spread of Zenkichi in the field. All I knew was that that page was depressing and it didn't hit me fully until I spent an entire arc not thinking of him despite starting with him and then there he was.
It was a benign cancer that made you appreciate life.
Medaka box was a great read chapter by chapter and the threads were cozy as it wasn't popular enough for a big audience but it wasn't unpopular as it had a dedicated fansub group and people reading it every week
It reminds me of how OPM was before the anime.