When did you realise

FDR was the worst president ?

Whaaaat? Worse than Lincoln?

Lincoln saved the USA

>Women get vote in west
>women become half the electorate
>women vote for welfare state
>welfare sate is bigger government
>bigger government requires more taxes
>welfare state incentives single mothers
>government becomes surrogate fathers
>single mothers raise niggers
>niggers cause more crimes
>niggers create more single mothers
>bigger government creates mandatory gibs spending
>women will never vote away welfare state
>every solution to problems caused by welfare state = more welfare state
>families destroyed and birth rates plummet
>immigration to replace births
>men loose incentive to support system
>social collapse

No, he instituted government of the carpetbagger, by the carpetbagger and for the carpetbagger. This is the foundation of the Lincolnite settlement which lefties love to protest against so much.

I always knew he was the worst. FDR expanded the federal government's power and the welfare state to an appalling degree.

There was nothing unconstitutional about secession.

Lincoln laid the foundations for FDR, by effectively nullifying the constution and instituting martial law which it's said is renewed every year by Congress.

Woodrow Wilson was worse.

Federal Reserve. Income Tax.

Nice trips, but FDR's policies ushered in the golden age of America that people on this board seem so eager to return to, yet they support policies opposite of his. Really makes ya think.

They're all bad, but, Lincoln is the only one who caused a civil war.

>Lincoln caused a civil war.

Wrong, the Federal won over the People and States' Rights. No, it wasn't because of slavery like your kike teacher told you

They're not all bad. Washington was an American hero.

Well he didn't mind his fucking business to start with

>>cabinet was filled with communists
>>elected to 4 terms; breaking with precedent of not more than two
>>gave arms to communist USSR
>>got US into WWII by goading Japan and letting Japan attack Pearl Harbor
>>started endless federal government gibs
>>piece of crap

Never liked him. Even when i was a normie conservative. Afterall he was the founder of americas welfare state. So he was a bad guy. Then you take the red pill and you know the rest

probably when i realized that the Americans have always been the bad guys

He wanted to be free of (((their))) influence.

Kek! He was truly a cuck, based Booth

You know what 24% interest means? It means that in four years the sum total of interest paid is nearly equal to the original loan.

well lincoln was the only president to go to war with the country he was in charge of
he is shitty
and fdr fucking with the supreme court just to get his bullshit instituted with judiciary fucking with him
I dunno
they both fucking blow

On Opposite Day.

and the confederates had a jew in charge of their finances

really makes u think

>Not Woodrow Wilson
>The man who sold the world

Fucking amateur, learn your history on shitty U.S presidents and look up Woodrow Wilson's signing over the Federal Reserve to privatized corporations.

1933 gold confiscation
pic related

Always bothered me that he's so well liked by normies. People forget that when the supreme court tried to declare some of his bills unconstitutional he threatened to "reform" the court by expanding the number of justices until his lackeys outnumbered the original court. Not to mention that he broke Washington's unspoken rule about term limits, and he created the welfare state and took the credit for full economic recovery even though it was military industry that kickstarted the economy.

Then there's the conspiracies like the one's that claim FDR played a role in the assassination of Huey Long.

>Huey Long
eh, wont miss him

Hmm well that's easy, we just need to educate women on why socialism is bad. I am sure they will listen and use their critical thinking skills to vote for more responsible policies.

No love for Long here either, but still FDR was not the saint he's made out to be. I could go on and on about all the faults.

>Social collapse
>civil unrest
>government tyranny
>government overreach and overspending
>dissolution of the state into warring monarchies
>re institution of traditional values
>wars between monarchs
>monarchs become totalitarian
>people overthrow monarchs
>democratic states established
>women demand vote

Since frequenting Sup Forums