>April 18th 2017
This is the day Yukicuck and Yukinofags get BTFO by best girl.
Iroha a best. A BEST.
She reigns supreme forever.
Nice, Yuipollfag will be humiliated two months in a row.
Or vindicated.
>Megumi losing Saekano
>Yukino losing Yahari
In your dreams.
No, embarrassed and angry is more likely.
Was Girlish Number a flop?
He isn't a nerd so he doesn't take oregairu seriously. Yukinofags if she wins and they spam and shitpost other girls they should be more embarrassed than anyone else.
Neither "main" girl are in love with the protag unless bad writing is involved.
Is this getting another ova or something in april?
Post more so that the tears will be more delicious.
Stop pretending like it's not you Yuipollfag.
Not everything is your imaginary boogyman. The fact that you spout off that every thread makes you more cancerous than him.
The presumed final volume will be released almost two years after the previous one.
>No one here expects Sensei end, where 8man has commitment issues and graduates, leaving him to realize Sensei waited for him on the other side all along.
I would give major props to the writer for that but theres literally no way it doesnt end in anything else but Yuki8man
No one expects it because sensei is a one joke character with hardly any characterization or character development and only exists to pander to pathetic weebs like many of the side girls and boy.
Don't you mean Yui8man?
There's never been someone i want to win more
>not expecting an え、なんだって?
Still hoping for sensei.
When will we see the volume cover?
>smart, rich, pure, honest, and a top chef
>will take care of you financially, feed you and fulfill all sexual needs
why would 8万 choose the brain dead heroines with bitchy personalities and with no hopes for a bright future?
look just because Yukino rolled absurdly high stats doesn't mean she's better
it's what's on the inside that counts
Who said he won't?
So, then Yukino is still better.
She's better if you're an introvert. For an extrovert Yui is the clear choice.
The man Yukino loves will be a happy man. It isn't Hachiman though.
I'm not sure why people assume anyone but Yukino will win the 8bowl. That being said, Yui is still best.
April 18th, you better be ready to apologize to this man.
Yui won ANOTHER so she can win the main series.
>Yui will be BTFO in the first few chapters
>the author will shit on her again by making her butthurt about it
At least kill yourself in a more interesting way. I've personally always been a fan of running away into the Canadian wilderness and trying to survive against the forces of nature until eventually being picked off by a pack of wolves.
Meh, the VN basically gave ends for everyone so who cares for the LN anyway. Iroha end was best!!
Reply to me before I go to sleep faggots
>Clear dissonance between Yukino and Yamato
>Yukino is not mentally or sexually mature
>Yui is a blossoming peony with soft petals and a bright future
>Yui is too outgoing for 8man
>Iroha is manipulative and 8man is aware that a relationship with her would be too destructive
>Saki is sidelined
Where were you when you realized 8man being with Sensei is the only logical option?
yui has nothing on the line, if she gets rejected she will 100% get back up and continue her life
She has a positive mindset, outgoing, and knows human relationships well.
At this point she knows she cannot compete with yuki but will still take a jab and if doesn't work then at least she won't regret things.
Yuki on the other hand opened herself up to hachiman, and she is very fragile at that point. She went brutal and lost control when hachiman didn't meet yuki's expectations, but now that he does and yuki is in love with him I doubt she will be able to get back up if she gets her feelings denied even worse if it was due to her best and only friend. She will be mentally damaged, and doubt she will be able to deal with human beings any day of her life.
She will either suicide or become complete immersed in her career that love or personal relationships will never be thing.
Even if hachiman loves yui I doubt he wouldn't sacrifice himself to make a happy ending for both yui and yuki.
Yukino was the only one to get a marriage route despite the other girls trying to imitate her by growing their hair out.
All of those were legit garbage, tailor made for people with low standards that don't care about the characters or the story. Basically for Irohafags.
There you go.
>literally 10 lines for each ending
this is why I never play all ages VNs
Sensei got a marriage route.
what an alpha
That was a pity marriage and a bad end.
joke ends don't count
I hate to break it to you, but Sensei is objectively best girl. Even episode one foreshadows 8man's path when he said he wants to be a house-husband. Sensei likes the mismatch between his fake loner ideology and simultaneous lack of antediluvian views on marriage. She sees the softness in him, and he in her.
Sensei is the only character who can rise above 8man's walls and lift him up. He's stagnant with the others because he only wants to be friends with them all, maintaining the status quo in a regressive way. Yui sees this, and would be ideal to help 8man grow, but 8man is not engaged with her personality.
I don't know how else to say this. Sensei is not just the logical route, but the one that's been preordained. She's been peripheral during the meandering conflict resolution stages because, ultimately, those conflicts never serve to develop 8man.
I hate to break it to you, but Sensei is a HachiYuki shipper. She has been since the very start.
So what you're saying is Yukino is obviously the better choice for 8man. And superior compared to Yui and any other girls in the show in every possible way.
>Sensei's resigned expression as she says that
>As though she doesn't seek vicarious pleasure in shipping them
>As though she doesn't crush 8man, driving him around all day and eating with him, rather than doing the same for Yukino
>As though she wants to try dating him when he's not graduated yet
>As though 8man didn't mention that he could see himself being a teacher like Sensei
I hate to break it to you, but that's a load of shit.
Nah she just thinks they're a good match for each other and is happy to help them.
Not an argument.
(Citation needed)
Doesn't have to be an argument. What you just said is a load of shit.
>He thinks this is advice meant for 8man exclusively, and not primarily for Sensei herself.
Look there's no denying that Sensei is lonely and that she spends more time with her students than usual, but ultimately her actions have done nothing but push 8man and Yukino closer together.
Hell at the very start of the series she basically locks them in a room together every day and gives them a reason to start interacting with each other.
It's like she was trying to get 2 animals to mate.
>It's like she was trying to get 2 animals to mate.
I like where this is going.
>Sensei is Yukino from the ANOTHER timeline.
Sensei is in fact Yukino, but in her original world she didn't have a wise Sensei pairing her up with her soulmate, and she ended up alone as a result. Since she couldn't accept this she invaded another timeline and became a teacher to help the alternate universe version of herself in highschool.
Sorry but if you want a 300 page description of the mating process between these 2 animals then you'll have to wait for Volume 12 of the light novel to be released.
Is it me or did Yukino seem a bit depressed at the end of another?
See :
>As though she doesn't seek vicarious pleasure in shipping them
Pic related. Sensei is the only one 8man sees qualities in. Sensei's condition is that she sees herself as a Christmas cake, which makes the prospect of dating a student prohibitively difficult to handle. She instead gives Yukino that privilege and actively pursues her happiness as Sensei's own.
The graduation of 8man will be a graduation of his relationship with Sensei, too. His words can be received by Sensei from a different level, and absent the others in his forced social circle that Sensei had to continually uphold, Sensei's outlet of projection - Yukino - will be gone from between 8man and herself.
>I am self-inserting as 8man, and there's no way he'll be struck by inaction when it comes to choosing Yukino before graduation, The Post.
>Sorry but if you want a 300 page description of the mating process between these 2 animals then you'll have to wait for Volume 12 of the light novel to be released.
Pls no, I don't want to see Yui either lose it or get crushed. Yui didn't try to NTR Yukino in other timelines.
here, the endgame
quality doujin
Reminder that Yui is suffocating.
Everybody expect to some girl to be winner, but wake up, you forget about person we are talking about? 8man is not ready for relationship at this point. It will be no love-ending in this story. He will help Yukino as friend with her troubles and thats all we will get.
user, everyone is happier when their personal space is respected. The club's atmosphere is better than ever when Yui keeps her distance.
>implying that anyone cares about the LN seriously anymore.
She's a bad dog who needs to be trained.
Well she does come with a collar.
It is not as if she is happy around anyone the depressing cunt.
She is a cute girl, not a dog. A very loving girl that is loyal to Hikki.
Being around someone or someones doesn't mean you want them inches form you 24/7
How will Yui take her NTR?
I am saying no one makes Yukino happy and bless Yui for trying.
well that's just patently false
She isn't smiling. The reason she makes those faces around 8man in particular is because she finds him so unappealing her face contorts.
she loves him, user. Time to face reality.
She doesn't. Vol 12 will prove me right. Only Yui loves him.
Still don't know how people don't realize that no one will win. 8man ends up alone end of story
Imouto will win
Will anyone translate vol 12 or is it time to finally start learning moonrunes?
Just here to post perfection.
Maybe FatFluffyFish will deliver.
Man fuck did like season 2 got 2x the budget of the first one? Haven't even started but it looks better already.
Too bad that character design got 1000x worse.
You fucking idiots. Iroha is the only one who understands 8man. Not even komachi understands him, and she is his fucking sister. When 8man asked ebin out, he was down after such a risky act, and what did yui and yukino do? He threw his pride and everything away, because he did not care, because he thought there were two people waiting for him. And how did that turn out?
>omfg you are such an idiot kill urself I hate you I hate how you do these things MUH RATIONAL THINKING
At the same time, Iroha lets 8man be himself, and never complains about how he does things, rather how unmotivated he is and cheers him up.
So fuck Yukino and fuck Yui.
Iroha a best
Greetings, user-kun
>He threw his pride and everything away
Exactly Yukino's problem here, he threw away his ideals to protect something that wasn't real and we know what happens with that later on.
>At the same time, Iroha lets 8man be himself, and never complains about how he does things
Because Iroha doesn't care about him or his wellbeing.
kanashimi no
>8 and Yuki
two alphas don't work (see Brad Pitt and Jolie)
Except neither of them are and even if they were that's a shit comparison and makes no sense.