>Watched Love Hina dubbed in 2003-2004 >Enjoy it and I begin my slow anime journey >2017 >Me and a friend are nearly done watching our extensive anime list >Remember Love Hina >Currently on episode six of dubbed >Massive nostalgia trip
This anime reminds me of better times and why I fell in love with anime in the first place
Justin Russell
Naru is literally cancer that killed the tsundere archetype forever. Thanks to her we have cunts like Houki representing everything wrong with tsundere.
Juan Rodriguez
Of all fucking things to be nostalgic about and you choose this? I remember thinking it was shit and I still do. I'd rather watch some actual fun shit like Galaxy Angel, School Rumble, or Midori Days.
Fucking anything but this garbage
Logan Green
Motoko is literally cancer that killed the tsundere archetype forever. Thanks to her we have cunts like Houki representing everything wrong with tsundere.
Joshua Price
>watching >not reading superior manga
Samuel Gray
>This butthurt Narutard is here
Isaiah Turner
>This butthurt Motokotard is here
Brody Foster
Naru a shit. Still hitting Keitaro even at their wedding.
Thomas Ross
Motoko a shit. Still hitting Keitaro even after going full dere in the timeskip.
Gavin White
I tried the same thing but it aged so horribly and all of the characters have become cliches x1000 so I couldn't get past 3 episodes. I really liked it as a kid, though.
Liam Hernandez
No you. Naru is love and best
Jason Gray
OP here
Cameron Evans
Just a Motokotard raging and being a hypocrite. That's all.
Matthew Sanders
I'm a Mutsumifag, though, retarded Narutard. Motoko wasn't popular enough to influence(ruin) the tsundere archetype like Naru did.
Jeremiah Cook
They have nice designs, but the show is pretty shit. Mitsune is best girl
William Phillips
I need some good harems that have come out in the past decade or so. I've already seen Highschool DxD.
The more ecchi the better.
Adam Cooper
Blake Brown
Best girl
Narushitters need not apply
Jace Smith
>I'll pretend to be a Mutsumifag to avoid making Motoko look bad
Motoko is even more popular, especially evident in Houki and every other clone she made. Try again, Motokotard.
Carson Ross
No way. Naru is OTP and cuter.
Daniel King
Except Houki is literally a carbon copy of Naru.
John Howard
>ponytail >serious samurai girl archetype >sword >violent >tits >dark hair Houki is literally a carbon copy of Motoko.
Leo Long
Christopher Green
Except Naru and Houki's violence is their defining trait and it is literally the same.
Evan Edwards
>Except Motoko and Houki's violence is their defining trait and it is literally the same. FTFY.
Naru is more sane than Motoko and is less spergy and less serious. Naru contemplates over her actions and criticizes herself. That makes her Chisame while Motoko is literally Houki. QED.
Angel Scott
Houki has her serious moments too, that doesn't make her not shit.
Owen Myers
So does Motoko. So Motoko is shit then.
Jaxon Kelly
Love Hina sim date RPG
Adrian Peterson
Motoko is shit but she's not at fault for inspiring Houki.
Lincoln Rivera
You were already proven wrong, Motokotard.
Luis Lewis
No I wasn't.
Bentley Price
Jayden Murphy
IS faggotry.
Ryan Hernandez
Motoko was the best girl. She should have won.
Sebastian Richardson
Dno, whatched it recently and it was as some fresh air. Really lite, kind romantic comedy without popular nowdays forced drama.
Jonathan Baker
>watching Love Hina Nigger what are you even doing? The anime sucks and doesn't even reach the end even with the garbage OVAs. Just read the manga.
Also Haruka best girl.
Liam White
I would also get a massive nostalgia trip from re-watching this, but I can't get myself to do it due how terrible it was. Instead, I read the manga and listen to the OST.
Love Hina Again was a fucking mistake.
Juan Edwards
>Watched Love Hina dubbed I'm sorry. Are you okay?
Colton Jackson
I, and I imagine this user, were like 11-13 and Love Hina was the gateway series for a lot of people. I remember picking up the manga in a barnes and nobles and not being able to put it down. Pretty sure naru jumpstarted my puberty, I had raging hard ons from her all the time.
It might have been shit but it was my shit.
Luke Jackson
That flash game on newgrounds? Holy shit I spent an entire night living the dream in that game and still vividly remember it.