Brutal waifu killers
Brutal waifu killers
but user, isn't Squealer the best waifu though?
You're joking right.
kill yourself
>there are people on this board right NOW that were upset by the outcome of this.
He killed Maria & Mamoru, kidnapped their child and then raised her as a pet slave.
thats pretty evil
As apposed to the society they came from who literally committed genocide against entire clans they thought were 'inconvenient' and used Squealers entire race as disposable slaves for generations. Including using them to assassinate infant members of their own society they found to be inconvenient
I didn't like he killed Duck and Penguin. Didn't actually care about Snake.
>No bee-girl ponzu
And Saki killed him. She's a brutal waifu killer
But can you be a waifu killer while being a waifu yourself?
This, the way he killed Penguin especially pissed me off. Remember kids, don't drink ketchup straight out of the bottle.
Thank you, Rurah-sama
>Not posting the anime version.
Damn right I am.
Only the best boatkillers