Dragon ball super


Other urls found in this thread:

translate.google.com/#ja/en/第一宇宙、イワン。 第二宇宙、ヘレス。 第三宇宙、モスコ。 第四宇宙、キテラ。 第五宇宙、アラク。 第六宇宙、シャンパ。 第七宇宙、ビルス。 第八宇宙、リキール。 第九宇宙、シドラ。 第十宇宙、ラムーシ。 第十一宇宙、ベルモッド。 第十二宇宙、ジーン。

Will she ever kiss Goku?

Fembroly when?


trigger warning

Reminder that Goku's name is "Gokou"
Beerus is "Beers"
Buu is "Boo"
Mr. Satan real name is "Mark"
17 and 18 names are "Lapis" and "Lazuli"
and nobody knows Turtle Hermit's name, same about his sister

fucking this

Isn't about power levels

This makes way too much sense to be Toriyama's writing.

that is a horrendous shop

>Introduce god ki and trunks' transformation to get rid of powerlevels
>add powerlevels on a universe scale

average mortal level =/= power levels

>"compensating with better technique" is impossible to even take seriously
"Compensating with better technique" has never ever been a thing in Dragonball. All tournaments have been won with physical advantage in one way or another. It's not a matter of being taken seriously or not. Nothing that happens in Dragonball should be taken seriously. Seriousness has never been a limiting factor for any development in Dragonball.

Dragonball really needs techniques that make a difference. Technique is what separates "martial arts" from "hitting things with clubs". Introducing techniques that successfully overcome physical disadvantages would change the tone of Dragonball. It would be a good change, but it would be drastic and that's probably it never has happened before.

What is it based on then? What causes a mortal being to weigh on the wrong side of the scale?

Someone post smug ouchie


U7 may have Goku and Vegeta but everyone else is a jobber
Now every universe probably has one mortal on Goku's current level, but unlike U7, most of the other mortals are around something like Perfect Cell level

Also maybe it's not just power, maybe it's also civilization, technology advancements etc...

Actually didn't the manga say U12 was the first one to develop technology for time-travel? Isn't U12 one of the four acceptable universes?

what did he mean by this?

>17 and 18 names are "Lapis" and "Lazuli"
I was pretty annoyed when even in Super Krillin never calls 18 by her real name. It's just awkward, man.

She probably doesn't remember her real name, honestly.

>that hidden "hi"
what does HE mean by this?


Kid uses vegeta to survive sting attacks
Soz bout kotaku

why do you keep forgetting to mention 16 was based on Gero's son?

I meant that I like this music


can't wait for full rip

It's still kind of weird to still prefer to be called by the serial number a mad kidnapper scientist assigned to her. Even if she doesn't remember a real name, wouldn't she just pick one for herself rather than keeping a dehumanizing serial number as her name? Just a woman's name she likes the sound of or something.

Honestly U7 and U9 are both examples on what happens when the god of destruction is either too destructive or too undestructive

He will not destroy us

Because isn't related to names

beerus wasn't destructive enough. I'm sure if he killed everyone in u7 except for vegeta and goku, theyd be a passable universe.

I like when fanboy take a pile of shit and try to make it look smart and well though.

>Another hi

>Go to sleep for extended periods of time
>Spend most of your time eating food
>Too destructive


when will this fat fuck stop winning

Best angel too. Vados is a semen demon

What I mean is that Beerus is way too unpredictable and destroys planets on a whim or petty things like shitty food instead of destroying planets that are legitimately shit and only damage U7's overall rating

Hell no, the best gods of destruction are Iwen, Liquir, Arak and Geen
They actually do their job and only destroy shitty planets and probably have very good chemistry with their Supreme Kais


>forgets he destroys planets cause of food when he was awake

>Hell no, the best gods of destruction are Iwen, Liquir, Arak and Geen
Alright, I know that the manga hasn't caught up to this point so that can't be where you got those names from. Did Toei leak the names of all GoDs and their universes or something?

How much do you think Gowasu is regretting not letting Zamasu destroy those barbarians?
Those violent ningen must have a negative impact on U10's rating

All revealed on V-Jump

I don't think killing every mortal in your universe is going to help towards your mortal level.

>In the months leading up to the Tournament of Might, Gowasu gathers the Super Dragon Balls
>He wishes Zamasu back to life
>But the Zamasu of his timeline is the Zamasu who became Goku Black
>Technically that means he's no longer a Kai, qualifying him to participate
>Anime is saved once again

Not much. He's busy pounding that tight loli angel pussy.

No I mean those lizard creatures that Gowasu showed to Zamasu

Ah, thank you!
>Wine and Gin
>?? and Vermout
>?? and ??
>?? and Cider
>Arak and Liqueur
>Champagne and Beer
Good to see Toriyama is keeping up the alcoholic drinks theme.

Quitela = Tequila

That's a pretty obvious one

Jerez is a Spanish drink or something, the actual spelling of the character should be ''Helles'' anyway which is a German drink so it works either way
Mosco is from Moscato
Rumoosh is Rum
Quitela is Tequila

Thanks mates. I feel kind of silly for not getting Quitela.

>But the Zamasu of his timeline is the Zamasu who became Goku Black
You don't understand how timelines work so shut up


>the actual spelling of the character should be ''Helles''
No, stop pushing that shit


He misses Zamasu very much.

>but I'm not food



Fuck off with that beaner shit

More like he destroys the wrong people. Also, he destroys simply because of food.


Use "Listen" to hear how the names are pronounced:

translate.google.com/#ja/en/第一宇宙、イワン。 第二宇宙、ヘレス。 第三宇宙、モスコ。 第四宇宙、キテラ。 第五宇宙、アラク。 第六宇宙、シャンパ。 第七宇宙、ビルス。 第八宇宙、リキール。 第九宇宙、シドラ。 第十宇宙、ラムーシ。 第十一宇宙、ベルモッド。 第十二宇宙、ジーン。

Imagine that in Grand Priest or Whis' voice, then laugh at the translations. None of the names have official english names yet.

All of the names are based on Alcohol:

1: Wine
2. Helles / Jerez (still up for debate)
3. Cosmo(politan Cocktail)
4. Tequila
5. Arak
6. Champagne
7. Beer
8. Liquor
9. Cider
10, Rum
11. Vermouth
12. Gin

>The seventh universe, the virus.
>Eleventh Universe, Bell Mood.
>The twelfth universe, Jean.


Bell Mood / Jean is not my lover, he's just a GoD that thinks that I am the one.

It is Jerez, Jerez de la Frontera Spanish Sherry fortified wine, you plebs, holy shit.
It's a wine region, you can get Jerez vinegar and shit.


>Use "Listen" to hear how the names are pronounced:
You made my day, user. Thank you very much.
I actually imagined that voice as the loli angel's voice.

>All of what shit? Dragonball is all about battling and getting stronger. That is, in fact, The Whole Point

It's difficult to give a shit about any of that without being invested in the characters. If all you care about are the fights without the context then just look up fights on Youtube, such as Akuma vs Chameleon. But Dragon Ball Supers choreography isn't great enough to be carried by fighting without context.

In truth, Dragon Ball's best fights are the best because of the plot situation and because of the specific characters that are fighting. Which means that having fan favorites return IS more important than wanking over power levels.

>to get rid of powerlevels
>to get rid of

Lol what?
He got rid of powerlevels in the Android Saga because he thought it robbed tension by stating who'd win the fight beforehand.
Also it would be annoying as fuck for subtitles and voice actors to say "GOKU'S POWER-LEVEL IS RISING TO (800 syllable word)"

What do you think the average mortal level is based off?

So why are four universes banned?

They're not banned, they just don't have to compete to stay alive.

Those 4 universes have mortal level way above everyone else. They are too strong.

What did you guys think of the Dragon Ball Z movies before Battle of Gods/Resurrection "F"?


Mosco is an anagram for the japanese abbreviation for Cosmopolitan, Cosmo.

I'll tell u if u say "hi" to me

every single one of them is shit

I liked a lot of them like the First 2 Broly movies and the first cooler movie. Tree of Might and Android 13 were pretty cool as well.


They should make the moral dilemma worse by having Daishinkan tell Goku that if U7 gets destroyed Earth will be spared and relocated just because Omni King likes Goku

Every single one of them is okay or good.



I enjoyed all of the movies except Bio Brolly.



I like Revenge of Cooler or Fusion Reborn best


>implying that will actually make it worse

bruh that's a get out of jail free card. That's just a sigh of relief.

that's acute hi user

They are all enjoyable in at least some way, usually just because of the main fights.

Except for Bio Broly which is just a complete shitfest all the way through.


Literally the only watchable part of Z is the Saiyaman arc.


mirin Gohans gains

You can't see Gohan's muscles on the right because of the shitty tracksuit

This, but replace Saiyaman with Namek and Cell

based papa seth with the gohanwank
is he /ourguy/?


This is at most how muscular he is(was)

His body is just jacked up in the first image from Lavender's poison.

Puppy was helping him look buff.

That purple haze has some dank side effects.

Dude lmao tell me about it

Get to it donut man, don't fuck it up though

Haha oh man Tori has to draw 100 new Dragonball OC's for this tournament.

If the 10 GoD's and the 5 U6 fighters were that bad, this is gonna fucking hilarious. Omg I can't wait senpai

>time to make the donuts

What did funimation mean by this?

Actually most of the gods were drawn by Toyotaro. Off the top of my head I know that the rat one was drawn by Toriyama and the clown was drawn by both. The rest I can't tr member but I know that around 6 were Toyotaro and 2 were both