How hard did you cry, Sup Forums?
How hard did you cry, Sup Forums?
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I was spoiled because of cunts like you so I didn't cry
i dont show sympathy to libtards
You just don't show it.
What anime is this?
Legend of galactic heroes. his name is yang wenli, one of the 2 protagonists of the series.
Reuenthal dies
Oberstein dies
Schenkopf dies
Mashengo dies
Merkatz dies
Rubinsky dies
The Earth Cult dies
Reinhard dies
Reuenthal's son is probably going to usurp Reinhard's son from the throne in the future
Gurren Lagann
I already finished it retard
>implying felix won't be alec's "kircheis"
I'd watch a sequel about Alec and Felix's budding bromance and them being mentored by Reinhard's admirals.
Don't worry, it's still good even after you've been spoiled. I went to the series spoiled of a lot of shit and still cried like a bitch
How did you see the OP and automatically know what it is?
Oh, right, you're only pretending to be unspoiled.
Because he's watching the show and thus knows what Yang looks like?
>spoiled on all the deaths
>still cried like a little bitch every death
If you posted the version without the MASSIVE BLOOD POOL below him you might not have fucked him
From a thumbnail that just looks like [Generic Person w/ Blood], not our precious Yang.
You have to already know what that picture is in order to recognize it.
Everyone here already finished the series and those who didn't wouldn't even bother reading the rest of the thread after seeing OP's pic but nice try, retard.
Thank fuck I wasn't spoiled so when it happened, I couldn't believe my eyes. Didn't cry but it was goddamn shocking. By the time I got to the end, it's anticlimatic and disappointing to find out that he was killed only because space Jews gotta Jew. In fact, fuck Terraism in that show since they never amounted to anything more than convenient plot device villains.
Attenbrough is best boy from Alliance side, i'm glad he survived.
Cazellnu too, was watching the whole series dreading the day where i will cry over Charlotte losing her dad but thankfully it never happened.
I didn't shed a single tear.
Bittenfeld pls.
I lost faith in humanity for a few days. Also had to take a break from watching it. I just couldnt deal
After a few days, I managed to continue
>That one episode preview with no music
Still stirs a bit
Deaths themselves don't get me but people's reactions do like when they formed the Iserlohn Republic and sang the FPA anthem.
I could dig more of the "Bittenfield Comedy Show"
featuring more sultry Eisenach
I didn't cry immediately
I cried like a bitch during this entire episode.
Never shed a single tear after FPA fags. Bitterferudo, on the other hand...
Not at all. I lost my ability to cry when Kircheis bought it. Yang Stu-Li dying was almost catharsis that it took so long to off the dogfucker.
Ashita no Joe
>muh sleeping pills
why was this necessary for the story. They could have easily justified trained armed soldiers killing him, it wouldnt have made him look that bad.
I didn't at all since I was rooting for the empire the entire time and I think that Yang is a pretty shitty character. I was actually pretty glad that he died, but at the same time it sucked because Julian is even more insufferable.
I held my tears back until this moment.
Julian eventually bowed before Kaiser though
>rooting for the Empire when the Goldenbaum dynasty was still in control
If they ever did a sequel of LOGH around Felix and Alec I'd imagine Felix would end up becoming the more competent one and they'd likely create a tear within the Empire while the FPA resurges and looks to do what their predecessors couldn't and defeat the "tyranny" of the Lohengramm Empire which leads to Alec and Felix's reuniting and the final plot twist being the revolter was actually Erwin Josef who seeked to reclaim the Goldenbaum dynasty from Kaiserin Hildegard
If they had that as a 26 episode continuation I'd be down with that
I mean, Julian taking over was better for the Empire, but it was worse for the story.
I'd rather enjoy the story than have my favorite faction win.
i never cry for sadness in anime, just for happy or beautiful moments like when mittermeyer raised felix as his own or the last battle when the aliance "won" after so much sacrifice and julian consoled and kissed the redhead girl.
They had just gotten through a series of battles without sleep recently. It wasn't really necessary since Yang would have died anyway being unarmed and sleep-deprived. The pills just worsened the effect and had him walking around like a retard until he got shot.
You have to wonder though, if the series wasn't as Great Man Theory as it is, if Yang would ever have gone near the military. For Reinhard it was life or death since he was a child. Yang could have lived a long life without getting involved in politics or the military, or could have retired very early on before the council went insane.
Giving how the FPA was full of corruption and opportunists vying for power how long would it last if it realistically managed to subdue the empire and dominate the universe? I can't even imagine there ever being a "peace time" with them in charge. Everything would've probably split into different little cells after a schism happened.
Same. It's here that you finally realize 'Shit Yang dies. He was so likeable"
A part of me died that day. Even though the warning signs were there I ignored them. I miss the magician to this day. It still hurts probably the hardest death to sit through. Up until that point I thought main characters didn't die. I was sadly mistaken.
There's universal conscription in the FPA so he would have had to serve whether he wanted to or not. At least volunteering gets him a leg up.
Yeah but Yang saw the military conflict for what it was endless. His tactics brought a swift end to a meaningless war.
"In every time, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same."
Regardless of how you feel about the politics of the series the message about war is clear as day.
I was spoiled about Reinhard's death here, but this one came as a surprise.
>Favorites usually die in my animus
>watch LOGH fully expecting that
>Muller, Kesler, Attenborough and Mittermeyer lives
i feel happy but also somewhat sad because of this
Living on hurts more than dying.
Jessica Edwards death actually impact me more, it was completely random and unnecessary.
Yang silent reaction was a spot on too.
Here is a challange. try to watch the video, and not cry.
Spoil that you faggot. I usually don't care about spoilers but for that one you need to alter the image.
>Be admitted to prison unjustly and about to be tortured and executed when your best friend came swooping in with two strangers
>Make a pact with the people who saved you from death to overthrow the Goldenbaum Dynasty
>Two years later Kircheis dies
>Eventually the three of you that's left managed to overthrow the Goldenbaum Dynasty and even defeat the FPA
>Suddenly your best friend was accused of rebellion twice despite you knowing that he wouldn't do it and was actually framed
>Then he actually did it the second time, forcing you to fight him yourself.
>Best friend dies waiting for you to come for one last drink together
>When you get back, your one remaining friend tells you not to die because there's only the two of you left now
>Then not long after that, that friend succumbed to his till-then unknown illness and you were left all alone
>Couldn't even have children and end up adopting your dead best friend's illegitimate son and having to explain everything to him in the future
it was often overlooked, but my second time watching i can't help but thought being Mittermeyer is suffering
I feel sorry for him.
I feel like a part of my soul died.
I cheered, the FPA were a literal cancer on the galaxy, killing millions for their retarded democracy which they admitted was easily subverted by one fucking asshole
Every win they had in the series was an asspull. I hated their guts and loved every time one of those faggots died
The ending fucking sucked because these dumb cunts won and that mary sue faggot Julian didn't suffer a horrible death
Hey now, at least Bucock is cool
>gets cucked by politician
>fails to kill politician
>decides to attack a working empire to make sure his shitty failed democracy can continue where that same kind of politician would fuck him and everyone else over again
FPA were full retard, they opposed the purged Empire even after learning Reinhard was doing so
Holy cow, where did you get that beautiful image?
He's the admiral whose life was most affected by the whole thing. He lost all of his closest friends, but on the other hand he also got custody over reuenthal's son and likely to be the closest thing to a father figure for both Alec and Felix in the future.
All things considered, it's a rather bittersweet end for him.
Would the FPA have stood a chance to defeat Reinhard if Commodor Fork hadn't ruined everything?
I got mad. Best boy didn't deserve to die like that.
Repeated pointless assault against Iserlon already stretched the military to the brink. Meanwhile the government was corrupt to the core and completely incompetent. If they waited until Reinhard to start fighting the other lords and then tried to secure some sort of forward position past the corridor it might've worked, but that was never the plan to begin with.
>Meanwhile the government was corrupt to the core and completely incompetent.
Lebello and Rui were still in the government. You don't give the FPA enough credit.
The other members of the Council wanted a military victory to secure their own positions and keep the Jessica Edwards party from getting elected. What if, without Fork, the council acted too slowly and the Jessica Edwards party did end up getting elected?
I teared up more for Reuenthal's death.
Bleeding out right before his best friend arrives with the two glasses of whisky still waiting.
Then that scene with Mittermeyer silently crying alone on the ship. Fuck, man.
Out of all of the Imperial admirals Mittermeyer always struck me as the most "normal". He started out as a middle class kid from a healthy family, worked his way up into the Admiralty primarily through his own skill, married his childhood sweetheart and, was working to start a family. He was an overall happy and well adjusted person despite being near the center of everything that went on.
Reuenthal was an amazing, complex and grand character. Best from the empire side. i stood up and saluted, when he died.
I laughed.
tears of joy
when that alliance scum and the jewish allies got BTFO
If Jessica had gotten elected then she would've get rid of the silly notion of "liberating" the other side altogether.
>"Did you see that? I will never forget this sight for my whole life. The Wolf der Sturm is crying."
I shuddered the first time i heard that line. Made me love Mittermeyer and Bayerlein even more than before.
A decent amount. Teared up when talking about it with friends and then finally bothered to watch the ED and it hit me once again.
>"You're late, Gale Wolf."