What's your type?
What's your type?
sexy. all the others are just so plain.
Beautiful. There's just something about Chitanda that really just drives it home for me.
> all those samefaces
Pretty > Cute > Beautiful > Sexy.
All KyoAni girls are plain.
My fucking nigga she's great.
tan azunyan is my type
Made about 20 years earlier.
Sexy > Beautiful > Pretty > Cute
I'm missing smug.
I dunno
Harem is not Pokemon, you greedy cunt.
Azusa looks uglier by the say in comparison
Sexy > Beautiful > Pretty >>>>>>>> Cute
Neck yourself.
My waifu's in sexy so the choice's pretty obvious.
I am an assman but you have admirable taste.
Best taste in the house
This user gets it.
Cute is sexy
Sexy > Beautiful > *
This right here is what we call taste.