You wake up and find this in your living room. you can travel back in time at any period you want. what part of history would you change Sup Forums?
DISCLAIMER: please don't post '' save Hitler'' be more creative.
Time Travel
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Become Hitler.
Actually holocaust.
Record human history.
Store record of true history in 88M BC.
slave hitler
sex slave hitler
I can already time travel. What the hell is the point?
I would go back and kill Karl Marx in the womb.
Let's see what happens when Alexander the Great doesn't die early.
Time travel makes you gay
dr. who is vagine
Kill Emperor Constantine before he is tainted by Christianity.
I'd go get some interesting trinkets, my gun, and some basic technology. I'd go back to Roman times, near the late empire. I will bring them history books and tell them how the great empire will fall. I will tell them of the Jewish plight. I would save Rome before it let in all the foreigners turned Roman citizen who have no attachment to the empire, only the money. Also hopefully handle the Jews then and there so Hitler can just be a artist like he wanted. It's what he deserves.
You'd get killed the moment you uttered the words.
1. Kill mo the muslime idiot and his mentor that inspired his behind!
2. Change nothing else, would not interfere aside from #1.
3. Observe, observe and observe!
save Adolf Hitler
I would go back in time and somehow make the Confederacy win the civil war.
Then with the USA and CSA split, neither one would be strong enough to turn the tide of WWI before the Germans won.
No Hitler, no WWII.
Stop the transatlantic slave trade from ever happening. That way the U.S. can be a white ethnostate and the Africans won't be enslaved. Its a win win.
Go back and kill the Jewish hooker who married that British king in the 30s
That king was pro Hitler and would have helped Hitler kill the commie kikes in Russia
Fuck you, I'd save Constantine. And deport whichever Ottoman noble thought it was a good idea to make the Jassinaries to Chile.
The north would have more military anyway, so they'd still turn the tide.
The south has always been lazy and not contributed a lot.
In a sense, the nation is still divided if only in expectations.
I’d stop the Federal Reserve from being formed.
I would provide information for myself in order to improve my life and wealth. I would also kill one specific person.
Hold up nigga.
Don't just hand me no time machine without explaining which rules we're playing with here.
I don't want some Trunk branching timeline bullshit.
the rules will change depending on what you do in the past which may or may not affect how the time machine was made in the future
Kill the dude who shot my dad.
Go back and kill either Paul or Mohammed
I'd go back in time when the secret families decided they were gonna rule the world with an automatic rifle and shoot them all dead. Every last one of them. You know who I'm talking about and they do too.
Nope fuck that.
I don't want any paradox creating time machine that possibly can get me stuck in the past or prevent me from going back in time for a redo.
I'd go back in time, and convince Hitler to get some ear gauges. I'd also convince him to shave the stash. Then I'd have him dye his hair a different fruity color every week or so in a Dennis Rodman esk fashion...
Come back to modern times, and see how these degenerate styles are no tabu, and many people have a tooth brush mustache.
be the first person to hold richard spencer as a baby.
Kill Eve
Travel to the early 1800s when Engels and Marx were still working on their commie manifesto and put some bullets in their skulls. Then crucify their corpses and light them on fire as a warning to other would-be commies.
Would probably take a detour to Hungary and hunt down Theodor Herzl's parents too.
You can't kill Marx without killing Engels too. He's the other side of the same rotten communist coin.
Holocaust over and over and over and over and over and over
Help hitler choose a diplomatic solution to the jewish problem
Well considering I'd want to do as little as possible to affect anything other than myself, (WW2 and the winter war still need to happen so my great grandparents still come to America from Finland) I would probably just go back in time and pistol-whip the shit out of the doctor before he can circumcise me.
Live my 20's throughout the glory of the 1980s and in a better economy. Absolute perfection.
Strap it on your chest
Go to next mall
Run around shouting "ALLAHU ACKBAR"
I'd go back to my homeland, join the freikorps to kill commies, then warn Hitler
There are so many scenarios to choose from, but one that sticks out to me is Operation Highjump. I'd like to somehow be an outside observer while all of that was going down.
I would either A: travel back in time and kill myself before activating the time travel device or B: assassinate JFK.
>travel back to the years before I was born
>murder people at my leisure
>leave tons of incriminating evidence
>blood, hair, semen, even my name scrawled in my own blood and semen
>escape with the time-machine back to my own time, destroy it
>let that shit be a cold case, confusing everyone, before I'm boring, after I'm born, through to when I'm old enough to commit the crimes
>as I age, the technology for identifying people by DNA and other such technology advances
>eventually pop up on as a suspect for murders I literally could not have committed
>laugh because nobody can prove I did it, even if I admit having done it
Best answer.
Wut, why?
Have the American founding fathers include an amendment banning Jews from the USA.
Does this thing come with an instruction manual by any chance?
Avoid The Battle of the Teutoburg Forest,
I'd go back and make the consequences the same, because since that day, they just haven't been the same
Try to convince Edward VIII to not ruin western civilization for some burgerette
>grab a cucumber, tape, exacto knife and makeup
>search for the whitest chad in my city
>go back to his birth
>dress in blackface
>kill father
>marry mother
>tell stories about how the niggers killed his father
>raise him to be a strong leader
>teach him how to inspire others
>instill him with as many racist values as possible
>eventually he will be ready and I will pretend to be killed by jew and travel back to my own time
>see the way the world has formed
>see the genocide is already on its way
>shed a tear for my darling boy
>come back to him and tell him i survived and how proud i am
>then wait in luxury for tne rest of my life
Make things right, make my life normal, make it something worth living
Go to 1990s Yugoslavia, keep NATO out of the wars, and make sure Serbia wins.
>first off get rich with some kind of manipulative preconceived investments or such.
>travel to time with easily procured and powerful weapons, acquire weapons
>100 bc europe
>become emperor of rome
>exterminate all non-white and abrahamic religions
>acquire thousands of girlfriends and impregnate them all
2010 to myself.
Kill baby Martin Luther
Why so short-sighted?
Why not:
>2006 to you
>Invent bitcoin and mine most of the first 1/4 of the blockchain
Came here to post exactly this.
download schematics and blueprints for every major technological/scientific breakthrough
Travel to 1933 and meet Nikola Tesla, ask him to create a private hidden room for me in his work shop. Clearly he will reject this, but I will make a bet with him that I can show him his exact patents. Upon seeing it I will gradually share with him our recent advancements so he can further his research. I will stop as soon as he figures out how to do wireless technology and then leave.
Then I will go and find Einstein, teach him all abou.......
Oh fuck.
Holy shit what are these digits.
parents conceiving me
my sperm gets away
no me
i would go back to when parents were conceiving me, grab my dad's cock out of my mom's pussy before he blows, save it, clone many of me. like, thousands, on an island somewhere. arm them all. invade.
I would go see Jesus, maybe get rid of the fuckers that kill him just to see what happens.
I'd go to 2009 when Bitcoin was at it's lowest with my entire life's savings and a cheap laptop. I'd spend it all on Bitcoin and bring that laptop back with me in in the current year. I'll be a billionaire.
No person you know. Nobody famous.
Someone that had a profoundly negative effect on my life for many years. I would just blatantly and shamelessly try and improve my timeline. If I could swing it, I would try to make it appear to my younger self as if lucky things were just happening to me.
One day I will look in the mirror and recognize myself. I had been the one that I caught glimpses of and suspected for years. Then I will know that I have to do it all again in a neatly tied up self reinforcing causal loop.
I'd go back to 1969
and do a Tonya Harding on Joe Namath
They would lose the Super Bowl and the Baltimore Colts would win
>no....I have never forgotten that bullshit
Kill Julius Caesar.
and this is how ted cruz became the zodiac killer
I'd go back in time to save Corneliu Codreanu from his awful death
Go find baby moses washed up on the shore of the Nile and push him back down the river.
You made that worth it.
To lighten the mood of this thread, I would go back in time to about this time last year and tell myself to avoid the redheads. No, I'd tell myself to be fair to the redheads. Don't hurt them, they hurt back because they have been hurt just as much as you.
Yall nibbas need hugs, not memes.
I wouldn't. Who knows how the echoes would play out.
set for 1859. flag related
go to ancient egypt and put in some random ass tomb a statue of a frog
Going to 2010 to tell past me to buy bitcoins
Kill Muhammad, Engels, Marx, Lenin, Stalin, and Herzl in the womb, and then genocide all of the other Ashkenazi Jews. Did I miss anything?
Go to prom with my mom and cuck my dad.
save hitler desu
Shit, and prevent the Atlantic Slave Trade.
Prevent the government from killing Tesla.
I'm super selfish and would go back to the 50's era America. Find a nice trad wife and live a long fulfilling life. Wouldn't change a thing. Why would I? (((They'd))) just fuck it up in a few decades anyways.
Go back and kill all involved in the making of the time machine to prevent this timeline from being modified because it is the best one FUCKING MAGA!!!!! I WANT MY TRUMP GIBBS MAGA FUCK SHILLS
go to 1900 and stop ww1/help Britain win quickly, save the empire, stop multicult, send all jews to israel, destroy islam.
I have seen to many butterfly effect kinda scenarios to go around diddling with history.
If i can't go to the future and buy life extensions i'll just go 9 years ago and buy all the bitcoin.
Fuck your history changing shit.
I would try to create a temporal paradox as quickly as possible.
>go back and kill adam before eve is made from rib
>if this didn't happen: instead find human origin, and nuke that
Go back to the previous advanced civilization.
The construction of Egyptian pyramids and Sphinx, Stonehenge, and Göbekli Tepe.
go back to 2014 and bet all my savings into Trump winning the election.
Your plan will get you killed rather quickly. Don't be so naive.
Good luck.
Ask Jesus about Buddha, you will get some interesting answers. Don't be surprised when you betray him either.
Fucking kek, I'm giggling like a retard imagining this.
I like this answer the best. Keeping it simple and nice.
Stop the rothschilds from becoming powerful.
I would go back in time and kill the angry Serb that ruined the west
I'd go back to '98 with info on investments and near-future technologies to accelerate humanity's local tech curve. I'd make myself wealthy, though that wouldn't be the point; I'd live modestly and try to have a positive impact without being noticed. Think of all the futurists who would be more likely to live to see the life extending future! If I weren't very selfish about wanting to be one of them, I'd go back a few decades farther to save even more people.
Or at least, I'd consider it. I'm not sure it really seems right to time travel at all. Isn't it solipsistic? What happens to all the people in the timeline that gets destroyed the instant I so much as displace air molecules in a new timeline? Is my having a more positive experience worth wiping all of them out? Is saving past versions of people I admire worth losing present versions of people I admire? If going back into the timeline caused the originating timeline to cease existence (or even to become unprovable from my POV), I would only use a time machine if pretty much everyone was dead.
You. You're cool. Every time someone didn't trade slaves, history was made a little better.
Dragutin Dimitrijević?
depends on how it works, do i in my current body go back, or can i got back to my body like 10 years ago?
if first - grab some lottery numbers + money go back 10 to 15 years and buy up bitcoin, stock, etc and just buy an island, and live there peacefully
if second, go back to when i was 15/16, stock/bitcoin etc. and stay in my native country to help the right wing movements rise with my knowledge and money i would have, so Poland can truly rise out of the ashes of the western europe
>go back to 1818
>Falcon Punch Marx's mommy
western europe will fall, eastern europe can rise above those ashes and start a new era
I’d warn the Inca before the Spanish come. Can you imagine the technology they would have come up with if they still were around?
Pour my life savings into bitcoin at the time when it was worth cents on the dollar.
Kill Karl Marx before he writes his manifesto.
Because that actually saves the most lives, and avoids Marxism, socialism, Social justice and WW2.
>going too far into the future makes you female
the ultimate redpill
go into the future and reassign my XY chromosomes into XX
just in time for muslims to put you back into a second class citizen