Where Are All The Grown-Up Men? I’m Sick Of Dating Man Children
Thoughts on this article written by a model? Is she right?
Where Are All The Grown-Up Men? I’m Sick Of Dating Man Children
Thoughts on this article written by a model? Is she right?
were married with children at her age
All he wanted was an enchilada, and instead he got an insufferable cunt.
the only girl who will ever love you like your mother did is your mother, you need to get over your oedipus syndrome now
No excuse for bitch men everywhere but also there is a large amount of little princess bitches out there who have zero sense of personal responsibility and act like stuck up 6 year olds who were always giving everything they want. So gos both ways ya know.
Dating is so fucking easy if you have your shit even moderately together. So much desperate cunt on tinder. I can scroll through 510 girls I can talk to in the tri city area. I'm not even that attractive, I'm short and goofy looking but work out and getting an accounting degree and play the guitar/piano. That's all I have to offer, but compared to some of the other dweebs out there who just jerk off and play video games, I'm apparently a catch.
Women are the most immature and privileged things on the planet. She wouldn’t understand what a real man looked like after the fact that after the 100s of dudes that have battered the walls of her vagina she has to claim there are no real men since she is looking at having a loveless “lovelife” and no kids and never being truly desired for her cause she thinks the real men are the men who somehow do everything right and yet put up with her bullshit
Bitch, the only man who will love you is Jesus cause we all know your father didn’t and nor will any other terrestrial...
How old are you ?
And how short are we talking here?
im a guy...see my first post champ
She keeps finding manchildren because she's a womanchild herself. Want a real man? Act like a real woman, not a whore who thinks she's a queen.
>sees a man as a personal project.
>does everything they want thinking it will make them change
>thinks this makes her an alpha woman
First of all affecting change is hard and doing everything anything wants causes the opposite of change. It literally tells them to keep doing the same thing.
Second of all alpha women don't look for men they can change, they look for men with potential they can nurture and be a part of.
>Single woman who looks pretty for a living criticizing men for immaturity
Whores, nvm this nonsense. They don’t speak any sense or reality their just retards who will make excuses until pigs fly, which happens often in men’s lowered expectations and in their often drug fueled comas or floating spells.
You sounds like a bitch to me for such a post. Rather than saying get over an odedpus complex use a Chad take down next time. Girl
>>remember the rules faggit
They’re just*
100% this
Attractiveness locks you into thinking you're significantly more important than you actually are.
Get humble or die alone
i have higher test than the past 3 generations of your family combined bud. Wanting a woman to take care of you is about as beta as you can get. You are supposed to take care of the woman and she is supposed to take care of your children. You are expendable.
Manchild = not a large enough income for this princess
It used to be one of the only reasons for a man to mature would be to find a suitable woman to make their wife. The reward for maturity was the ability to do this, and by extension sex. Now sex is taken off the table as a reason for maturity, same with finding a suitable bride as one of the earliest motivators for that was again sex.
Whatever you say dicklet, I’ve fucked so many whores that after 100 i lost count. If you’re really a Chad you’d know better than to give dicklet comments
>>Pic related, this guy fucks
have you now? what does pussy taste like then your lying neckbeard?
Not the same guy, but i don't eat my current gf out. My first gf's vag tasted like vinegar. It was pretty fuckin' horrible.
Spot on.
she sounds like a bitch (seriously, who fucking talks like this), but she was probably dating an actual loser
of course, if this keeps happening, it's because she keeps fucking falling for losers
>There I was, at 11p.m. at night, driving around town to get the guy I’d just started seeing a chicken enchilada.
she could have prevented this by just saying no, fuck
I don't make my gf do that shit, I can get my own food.
woman is model and consider herself alpha.
she uses tinder.
so basicly, chad thundercock finds her on tinder, chad has many girls because he's chad so chad dont care about her.
chad fucks her and uses her for enchiladas.
bitch dont understand she is an enchilada whore, and never considered GF marerial.
hypergamy + tinder + shallow model = lonely exploited roastie
>There I was, at 11p.m. at night, driving around town to get the guy I’d just started seeing a chicken enchilada.
She presents shit Iike that as being nice in order to induce the guy to change to be worthy of what she does. That's not how it works. If don't give someone everything they want and think it will make them change, you literally take away the reasons to,change.
I'm right here. Want to get married and have at least 3 kids and grow (some of) our own food?
>implying your first post asserts you as a male
top jej faggot fuck off, eat a dick with that wikipedia psychologist shit
Women can't find love because they think love is about themselves and not the other person. It's extremely easy to get dissatisfied when you look for an ego boost instead of a person.
she brags about being a whore on tinder and getting pumped and dumped
her opinion and ideas are literally worthless
Hurr durr why cant i get laid
Jesus the ammount of incel bullshit here.
^ This chink is correct.
shouldnt you be getting shanked by some shwedish soyboy?
Sorry mate, I only speak english.
>I don't make my gf do that shit, I can get my own food.
You'd probably make her a bowl of eggs after she came back from a night out. And she wouldn't be able to leave unless she had eaten all the eggs.
I'm a NEET, so no dice. But good luck.
>thinks what australians communicate in is classified as "english"
gas the females
That guy is secretly the biggest alpha ever as he uses tinder solely as a free food delivery service
I wish I could be entitled just because I have a vagina. :/
>complaining about men
your vibe attracts your tribe
Where are all the grown-up women? All I see are little girls who know nothing of being a mother and homemaker.
>"But I'm a career woman you sexist!"
Have fun being too busy to have children and missing your chance.
enchilada at 11pm!? STOP THE PRESSES
She's right you know
>your vibe attracts your tribe
unless you are being gangstalked.
the truth in that post cant be overstated,
>slut eyes
>contoured face
>possible plastic surgery under that cake
>instagrammed eyebrows
>online (((journalist)))
>"men are selfish in bed and i cant grasp basic ideas like sexual market value"
I found a few reasons and didnt need a 100k journalist degree to do so
Im never going to "grow up" in this society because its basically a lunatic asylum
They're in Iowa.
>sick of dating man children
maybe she is the problem
just a thought
All her articles are like this
"In the Tinder era of dating it’s hard to find someone you’re compatible with and that you can see yourself with long-term. The likelihood of meeting your perfect match versus getting your hands on a Birkin? I think toting around the world’s most coveted handbag is much more likely (and certainly higher on my priorities list)."
"Maybe you’re staying the night at bae’s and your whole naughty kit and caboodle is stashed under your bed at home, or maybe you’re strapped for cash and can’t rationalize blowing $200 on a vibrator.
Thankfully, as it turns out, there are a plethora of everyday household items that can be used as sex toys."
"Alternatively, a banana skin makes the perfect sheath for guys to slide their penis in and out of for ultimate stimulation during foreplay."
>These include... and refusing to take responsibility for almost everything.
so basically she got with a chad who had nothing else to offer whom just used her for sex and doing errands? lmao
its up to men to make them
no one cares about the opinions of roasties, fuck off faggot marketer
They married the grown up women, you entitled cunt princess whore.
"It has to take one ridiculously tall, dark and handsome man dressed dapper AF to make me turn my head. But a guy almost twice my age, especially if he’s a little gray? Let’s just say he doesn’t need to do anything for me to want to chase up the street after him."
Roasties should be stoned to death. The Old Testament was right once again.
You'd think she'd know that all the grown up men are in movies and books
Where are all the grown-up women? I'm sick dating woman children
They can't make up their mind about anything, want you to buy them shit, take them out to expensive places, have completely unrealistic views about everything and when they don't get their way, they scream like children.
Besides, what's an adult male supposed to do? Work, get fucked up drunk in social environments, sleep and repeat? Fuck that, I'd rather paint my DnD figurines.
She could literally go out right now and find a non-manchild. She's a woman. She has her choice.
She's choosing manchild chads and in true womanly fashion bitching and moaning about the consequences of her own actions.
No opinion. I dont care what bitchs think. Stop letting a womans opinion matter.
I remember meme, dont worry Finland all is not lost
The grown up men are married to grown up women and have families with them.
She attracts boys because she's still a stupid little child herself.
"It’s always the inevitable question that comes up in the first couple of dates with someone new; when was your last long-term relationship and how long did it last?
The thing is, I’ve never had a long-term relationship. And divulging this little personal truth – I feel – gives men this preconceived idea I’m a flake, consequently sabotaging the relationship before it’s even had time to start.
So I’m presented with two choices: I can tell the truth, or I can lie.
… And let’s just say I always choose to ‘fabricate’ the truth."
She's been a permanent "side piece" tier GF her whole life and wonders why men don't act seriously around her.
When guys realize they're with a catch they start acting mature. When they're with a thot they act at the lowest maturity level possible that will still get them sex. It's incredibly simple but nobody has ever explained it to this sloot.
Now of course she'll start acting like she's not a party girl anymore and it's time to "get serious" and her past is no ones business and yada yada washedupskank.txt
"As I’m getting older, I’m wanting to settle down into a more committed relationship. In my younger years, I was never too phased about casual adult sleepovers with handsome strangers I met in bars, and I see nothing wrong with one night stands or sleeping together on the first date.
But with a committed relationship in mind, I screen my dates well before I meet them as I want to gauge properly if they’re here for a long time or just for a good time."
no she isn't she's a dumb whore
She is like 24 and tired of working and being an adult already.
She wants someone wealthy to come in and swoop her off her feet and pump her oven full of biscuits so she can sit around and "raise these kids" all day.
Sad truth is someone will do that and they will be 35-39 years old manlet with a good amount of money.
Meh, if it's not Taytay...
Ignore this user. Never eat a woman out, especially the random shite you'll meet on tinder.
haha yeah I didn't read anything OP linked to but I doubled checked and without fail her whole contribution list is a goldmine of stereotypical "I'm a journalist and also a slut" anecdotes you always see from 20 something "girl perspective" websites. I could write them myself and you couldn't tell the difference.
Nothing new under the sun.
>that infographic
Show us your Tinder profile.
"I'm ready for my man now"
Theyre in Afrika and the Middle East waiting for your sweet pink thot cunt.
hurry up and get there while youre still young n tender
What exactly is it even on the picture?
>Women get vote in west
>women become half the electorate
>women vote for welfare state
>welfare sate is bigger government
>bigger government requires more taxes
>welfare state incentives single mothers
>government becomes surrogate fathers
>single mothers raise niggers
>niggers cause more crimes
>niggers create more single mothers
>bigger government creates mandatory gibs spending
>women will never vote away welfare state
>every solution to problems caused by welfare state = more welfare state
>families destroyed and birth rates plummet
>immigration to replace births
>men loose incentive to support system
>social collapse
Hey, he's got a sword like the one from that anime I forgot what it was called.
Most women these days act more like children too...
Oh yeah and when are you planning on marrying one of those girls, or at least starting a family with them? That's what I thought.
"no hymen, no diamond"
>what is cityfag issues
Plenty of gorgeous girls at gun shows and town festivals. Especially great because you'll meet their parents too.
t.guy who met his girlfriend via hunting trip with my dad and his friend (gf's dad)
What a shocker.
Let me translate what she really wants to say
>Teehe, I'm a stupid whore who did nothing but party and hook up with attractive men and never looked for a suitable partner that I might want to settle down with, so therefore, men are at fault as to why I don't have my life together, why I'm alone at my age and why I'm going to panic the second I hit 30 and I'm still alone with no kids or value other than being a used up party cum dumpster
I used to live in and party in Columbus all the time. She's not one in a million, she's the typical girl you see out at the bar. She's also not that cute. You run into those girls every night. The party whores. They all do this, they panic for their lack of a real family and blame men.
She looks worse than the ugliest Swede, clearly a 1/10
>haha I'm a used up whore and sick of my shitty life of doing journalism and want some chad to whisk me off my feet
Roasties are trash
>my life choices are clearly mens' fault
Looks like a fucking Turkroach, pic related is a Turk
These threads are crypto-cuckoldry. Y’all didn’t get laid and can’t get laid and now you’re finding satisfaction in the fact that a girl got satisfied by another man when younger and can’t find satisfaction in you now.
This is like cuck mixed with revenge porn. Only on Sup Forums could you find something so fucked up. Enjoy being alone.
mad roastie detected
>my entire job is playing dressup
I don't know, where are all the grownup women?
Well she is Australian, none of the guys in Australia want to play house with her janky ass.
First thing she does when you get married is quits her job, turns into a full time housewife, and spends her time getting fat/spending your money.
Fuck her.
I love how easy it is with these useful JPG files that so elequently sum up the female response.
>women in charge of manliness
>women, by themselves without a man to do it for them, in charge of anything
>taking any stock in what a wxmyn says ever
yes yes, but what do WHITE women think
I can't even side with the slut in that comic when she's wearing a dress that is just a few millimeters below her ass.
Literally a worthless hole that gets paid to churn out garbage articles.
Stop linking these kind of articles here OP.