Why are millennial women caring for pets instead of raising children?
Why are millennial women caring for pets instead of raising children?
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It's easier
You really shouldn't complain, we're far better off without people like that reproducing in the first place.
more money and less stress that's why
>can't afford kids
"Hurr durr, you're ruining this country/race/society."
>have kids and receive welfare to raise a child in decent conditions
"Hurr durr gibs welfare"
It's a low risk, semi-rewarding attempt to satisfy their inherent maternal instinct when they're not actually having actual children.
Men get dogs for loyalty and mateship
It’s a class of people that hat deserves to die out. Let them die.
>can't take care of a little yappy dog
It's kind of a good thing though. I'm not having kids with a gril if she can't take care of a dog.
Pet "children" and tattoos. I've seen a lot of this. Sad.
kids are jerks
It partially satiates the natural drive to procreation - which they're override because they're free in depended women who don't need no men - and wards off their maternal instincts. It doesn't help in the long run, though, since it's a fucking dog and not a person - something feminists can't comprehend.
Because they can't find a self respecting man to give them babies.
I married a muslim refugee after I fell in love with him at the reception center. I will be raising children: muslim children.
Mainly because guys won't man up.
>t. Tyrone
White people usually treat dogs like family.
Nothing wrong with that as long as you raise children as well.
Most of them are city dwellers and having children in the city is stupid
they dont want responsability
They need practice. If they fuck up with their dog, dead doggo no worries. They fuck up with a baby, beautiful white baby gone
Because their eggs are old as fuck and no sane man wants that dried arby's
i would only have kids with a wealthy, educated person who is decent looking. have fun setting your kids up for a life of mediocrity and contributing to more idiocy in the world, poor/middleclass fags
They only know of the facsimile of adulthood as the level of consumerism and leftist influence on society has lead many to a dependent, adolescent state of mind
A lot of you woman around here have big male dogs, Great Danes especially , always wondered why?
I remember reading an older thread about a single mom who sent her son to foster care because raising a child was interfering with her lifestyle. Same principle applies as to why these cunts choose pets over kids.
Whilst I would normally agree, the issue is that the other races invading our countries don't think like this, and breed like rabbits. So until they're gone, this is a dangerous view to hold.
This. They still have their instinctual desire to care for offspring, but they've been brainwashed by (((them))) into not having kids. So they all get pets in an attempt to satisfy the cognitive dissonance.
Daily reminder there's nothing wrong with having a dog, and anyone who says otherwise is a subhuman.