Why Hitler hated freemasons?
Their organisation was banned during his rule
Why Hitler hated freemasons?
Freemasonry is judaism for goys
Jews infiltrated it and now run it.
>state wants total control
>secret society puts the society above the state
>state bans secret societies for being subversive
Hitler was a Freemason.
because they'e satanist and degenerate
There's none. He's shitposting.
Y'know how in the movies vampires always have the non-vampire cuck-boy to do their bidding?
It's a screening process to see if you'll sell your soul for a little power. They'll have you on a black-mail leash, and if you don't do as they say; they'll either rat you out, or just kill you.
Nonsense, but please do tell me more about a group you don't belong to and couldn't possibly have first hand knowledge of, as I'm certain you sir are an authority.
It wasn't entirely banned this thread is cancer.
Summer fags gtfo.
It's a secret society.
They're going to be filled with perverse people simply because being a member of such group will provide contact with powerful people
I don't think I know you. How old is your grandmother?
He was afraid of any kind of free thought.
Even when it supported him.
>It's a secret society.
No, it's Freemasonry. It advertises heavily, and posts meeting times.
True, but also Freemasonary and Judaism are BFF.
He associated it with Judaism, which had some bearing in reality. But really masonry is just cub scouts for old men and an excuse for them to get away from their wives one night a week. I could go on about this shit, as I've been inside a couple masonic lodges for their family dinners but getting into an argument with tinfoil schizos is like trying to explain racial differences to an SJW.
In what way? Because Freemasonry slags off the jews in the degrees.
>which had some bearing in reality.
Not really. German Masonry forbid all but baptised Christians to join. Parts are still like that. The ceremonies in the German and Prussian Rites at the time even focused on German cathedrals rather than Solomon's Temple.
>Freemasonry slags off the jews in the degrees.
While there are Masonic Jews, most of the degrees are for non-Jews so I hear.
Also, I recommend becoming Orthodox Israeli Jewish over becoming a Freemason.
Yup. The Craft degrees are non-sectarian (outside of Scandinavian Rite), but the majority of appendant degrees ("higher degrees" or haut-grades) are for Trinitarian Christians only and are centred around things like Chivalry, Knights Templar, research, Rosicrucianism, etc.
>Waiting for the PM to get the retrospect correct when there are several prompters
>Why Hitler hated freemasons?
they didn't allow faggots, Hitler and most of his friends early on were gay
>they didn't allow faggots
but masons are faggot pedophiles, do they not have any members?
It's a screening process, the reason you haven't gained any rank is because you're a useful idiot who isn't worthy of any secrets, and they know it.
Read "Behold a Pale Horse" and "Protocols of the Elders of Zion"
>why are freemasons bad
This place is trash.
High Level insider basically answered this early this year and late 2016.
Basically, conspiracy theories swept europe that freemasons were responsible for WW1 - so the british created hitler, and he initially used anti-freemasonic rhetoric to gain following, and it then shifted to blaming the jews; thus, co-opting the movement of the people from a positive direction to a negative one. These are his quotes below:
>>Lots of reasons. Conspiracy theories swept the continent in the aftermath of WW1 and most believed that freemasons had organized it. So, they needed another war to distract from that. But these folks start wars just to destroy things and keep people poor. They have been trying to perpetuate a divide between ruler/slave for thousands of years. A lot of jews really did die in camps. Hitler knew what he was doing for the most part (that is, he was in on the con). Operatives at the top like that need a pretty good grasp of where things are designed to go in order to act appropriately.
>>Hitler was put into power by the British. If you go review his speeches, the rhetoric actually started out as anti-masonic more so than anti-jewish, then was subtly shifted over time.
>>That by itself tells you that what you're seeing is someone who was put into place to co-opt organic movements.
The Hitler worship on this board is mildly entertaining, but also massively misguided
>the reason you haven't gained any rank
He could be a Grand Officer for all you know, though?
Also, lol@ (((Bill Cooper))) and the Protocols of Time Travelers.
Freemasons are christian zionists. Not sure where they wanted their version of "israel" to be. Probably germany.
127 you stupid faggot
>but masons are faggot pedophiles,
no thats congress who are almost entirely faggot pedophiles, masons can be of any orientation so long as they believe in god and the local masonic community will tolerate them
A bunch of pretentious old men playing at running the world. But the world left them behind long ago. We are the future.
This, it's not even a secret there's a star of David on the Masonic Lodge in my area.
What's wrong with Bill Cooper?
I'm not a firm believer in Protocols, but everything written in there fits with the "agenda"
rumor has it he fell for misinformation
As in the reasons should be obvious to everyone? or are you siding with them?
Nice try, jew. Only and idiot would be unaware of the history.
>What's wrong with Bill Cooper?
He acts like disinfo. Too much reliance on disproven materials, or "insiders" who "can totally be trusted guys" no matter what illogical shite they spout.
>I'm not a firm believer in Protocols, but everything written in there fits with the "agenda"
Absolutely. It's very accurate. But it's obviously not authentic. It's too vague, so you can fit a lot of things to it, and the existence alone is self defeating [if it were what it claims to be].
Apart from being a knock-off of The Dialogue in Hell, it reads like someone who was unhappy with the world, and wanted someone to blame it on.
Yeah it's just a (((coincidence))).
Da masons dindu nuffin, dey good goys
Many people were persecuted during the Holocaust.
The Jews just want us to focus on their suffering, exclusively.
That's evil.
>Yeah it's just a (((coincidence))).
Pretty much. Make a fortune cookie or horoscope vague enough, and people will find ways to make it come true.
>Da masons dindu nuffin
Isn't that a separate issue?
While they may push degeneracy on the plebians... Elite Chapters conduct intranational affairs and control all global finace systems. bitcoin included by means of the underlying basket of fiat feeding into its price valuation. Its a means of siphoning off inflation by diversifying currency in the money market funds. Space Cash invented by your zerg Alien Overlords.
African bush weed. Bufu
Masons have been named by kikes as a tool you dense cunt.
Multiple times in the Protocols and by Jewish Masons. What do you think the "egyptian mystery religion" is? Think about it, it's not that hard.
I'll even explain why non-Jews would help. See the Jews want to MAKE a messiah. They don't believe in Christ. So they want to take over and have a new King David. This'll match the prophecy in Revelations so it serves the interests of Christian Masons to force Jesus to come back by bringing in the anti-christ. Use your brain.
He admits to the possibility, and warns the reader several times before continuing.
tell me masons. the leveling thing I see on building is actually some type of magic ritual right?
>My Great Grandfather was high ranking Free Mason
>Can’t ever become Nazi because you faggots will think I’m a shill
Life is suffering
>I'm not a firm believer in Protocols, but everything written in there fits with the "agenda"
>Absolutely. It's very accurate. But it's obviously not authentic. It's too vague, so you can fit a lot of things to it, and the existence alone is self defeating [if it were what it claims to be].
>Apart from being a knock-off of The Dialogue in Hell, it reads like someone who was unhappy with the world, and wanted someone to blame it on.
Are you sure you're thinking of the same book? It's extremely specific. Every chapter is devoted to an extremely narrow methodology. The opening words talk about using communism as a weapon for jewish control. Given earlier circumstances and Stalins removal of jewish leaders for "foreign espionage", it's hard to ignore. My only problem with it was the bombastic language.
>t. Freemason Kike
Why are there so many Anti-Hitler shills lately? They must be scared of the culture change.
Hitler, Kennedy,Deng Xiaoping, and Gaddafi are the only four leaders in the last century I believe had clear motives. I can't think of any other outside those four that were obvious in their motivation and only two of those tried to serve western interests.
i assume its just more assmad clowncuck shills
free masons are there to do the Jew's bidding while playing conspiracy dress up
>Christcucks break it down in 1 minute:
>Hitler calling them out as good goys:
>Masons have been named by kikes as a tool
And you always trust jews, right?
>What do you think the "egyptian mystery religion" is?
Kemetic initiatory schools like there were for Isis, Horus, Set, etc.
I'm guessing you don't really understand the term. Here's a starting point: Christianity was once a mystery religion/cult.
>Are you sure you're thinking of the same book? It's extremely specific.
Might want to read it again, bro. It's full of things like "we'll get everyone addicted to alcohol by getting them addicted, and that's bad!" or "We'll use lodges as a tool for something somehow!" whilst showing a disregard for how they actually work.
>The opening words talk about using communism as a weapon for jewish control.
But it virtually never says the "how" of it. You have to infer, and that's the brilliance of fortune cookies.
There are writings that Jesus was an essenes and partook in their rituals, and that kind of lines up with the dead sea scrolls being in possession of what they thought were essenes, but saying Christianity was a mystery religion, seems a stretch. Sure there is initiation with baptism but I'm not aware of rituals to move up in ranks which were so common in the mystery schools
>but saying Christianity was a mystery religion, seems a stretch. Sure there is initiation with baptism but I'm not aware of rituals to move up in ranks which were so common in the mystery schools
Check out pre-Roman Christianity. Quite a fascinating subject. Things like Baptism were indeed the levels where you'd learn more before getting the whole story. This was when it was still persecuted, so they'd meet in caves and catacombs, and have passwords with secret symbols to work out who was a Christian (big one being drawing half the fish each).
>muh (((High Level Insider)))
blatant appeal to authority
>oy vey, blaming us means you're a plant! Focus on our social outreach club for the goy aristocracy
call him a Jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
Hitler banned all secret societies except the Vril and Thule societies. Freemasons just happened to be prominent.
Nice try shabbos.
The PoZ was never meant for goyim eyes. They deny it's real and used to kill people for reading it in the USSR.
Why would you kill someone for reading your propaganda...exactly, kike worshipper. Jesus will punish you.
Isn't Nazism also jewdism for goys?
>The PoZ was never meant for goyim eyes.
And that's why (((they))) mass published it?
Franco was obsessed with them as well
Most of the founding fathers were also close to them. I think their views are mostly modern, secular, humanist and scientific. Mostly okay from what I have heard about them