Why aren't you a pagan, Sup Forums?

Do you love niggers or something? Maybe it's because you're not white?

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Catholics aren't christian

Neither are White people

I don't make a thing of it, but god doesn't exist. The role of religion is a systematic method of building community and internalizing ethics to create individuals which can make proper moral decisions as defined by the community in question.

There are no longer enough pagans for this.

>responding to shitty memeflag bait

sage this shit thread and go bump one about politics.

Because nu-pagans are just atheists larping.

modern day pagans are lunatics

paganism does not dogmatically teach ethnonationalism and ethnic purity.


Pius XII spoke about the importance of nationality and ethnicity; God intended it to be that way.
That said, culture is what binds a society.
What is culture? The Latin root of culture is cultus, meaning common religious devotion of a people.
First it is religion that binds a people, then ethnicity or race, then it is local traditions and customs.

oh look another "atheist acts pretentious trying to point out how """"""""pretentious"""""" christians are" thread

>God loves all his creation
No shit. the bible never fucking denies that. The bible also tells the Jews to establish an ethnostate and not the breed with outsiders because God knew it would weaken and destroy them. Guess what the bible says happens when they do exactly that?

>God intended it to be that way.
Before or after he ranted for the entire New Testament about being Spiritual Jews and all being accepted into his kingdom so long as they follow Christ?

The whole reason God set the Jews aside was so they would not imbibe the gentile culture, marrying gentile women, and end up worshiping their gods.
Guess what happened when they did? They began sacrificing their children to Moloch and worshiping other gods.
In Christ, there is no more Jew or Gentile.
Thus, "Jew" changes meaning in the New Testament from the "people of the promise" (or the "chosen people") to a negative identity--a rejecter of Christ and a people guilty of deicide.
Otherwise how can the ethnic Jew, St. Paul, say pic related.
When the New Testament says that the Jews cried "crucify him, crucify him!", did that also mean that the Blessed Mother and St. John were screaming that as well? Of course not--because they were no longer understood as "Jews."
When the ethnic Jewish Apostle St. John, inspired of the Holy Ghost, tells of the disciples and of the Apostles who "ran and hid for fear of the Jews," obviously it is making a distinction here.
"Jew" no longer means a people of the promise; but a people under judgement for rejecting God once again.

Neo-pagans are cringy. They are just fedoras but LARPing harder .


Because the proofs that led me to believe in God necessarily excludes pantheism. There's only one God.

>why arent you pagan

because we are satanic. america is a satanic nation

Stop spam replying

>america is a satanic nation
Well, at least this is true.
We're the first secular, godless nation created in recorded human history.
We give Jesus Christ the same public rights in society as Buddha, Krishna, and even Satan.
So much for our "Christian nation."

>first line repeats back what i said
>second line spells out what I implied
>third line goes completely off the rails
Dude, what? This has no bearing on the theology of ethnostates. God clearly demonstrates an enthostate is the way to preserve a culture and people group, as you yourself said. Sure, Jews are now Christ rejecting blasphemers, but this has nothing to do with the discussion at hand.
If you mean to imply that because we are one under Christ this means no more ethnostates, then you are simply retarded. This simply means that God has fulfilled his promise and has provided a way out of damnation for His creation. The effectivity of what God proscribed in the Old Testament is never denied and Governments are specifically mentioned to have the authority to rule on the earth. If a government enacts an ethnostate, it is God's will. This does not excuse immoral behavior, but that's another issue entirely.

pic related.

>freemasonic occult is satanic dating back to horus egypt
>flat earth symbolism with pillars and dome
>checker board floor represents life is a game and you must play to please the gods, yes gods plural
>sun and moon are light and dark, negative and positive
>book of enoch is canon

>godless nation created in recorded human history.
freemasonic occult believes in a supreme being. but its not what you think it is. which is why they dont feel to bad doing what they do to others.

My bad, my speed reading failed me and I took what you said in a completely different manner.

>*adjusts fedora*

I don't care who your imaginary friends are as long as you're an ethnonationalist. Christcuck, PaganLARPer, what's it to me? Just look out for white people's interest and keep your sky daddies to yourselves.

we are under the satanic order. third world countries untouched by industrial nations are free from satans grasp. they are gods elect living as intended, off the land and away from sin.

I picked this up at a flea market a couple weeks ago.
33rd degree cert.

fake or not

is that hebrew on the bottom? for number 6?

It's real. Here's another pic.

all good, my dude. where in the states you from?




Christianity is a middle eastern mythology. Why do whites continue to practice it?

thats a discord for dallas anons. pop in if you like


cock fucking shit. I am a retard tonight. i have replied to the wrong post twice.

the code is a discord for dallas anons. you are welcome to join if you like.

pagans are the niggers of this board.

pagan here

so much for your faulty assumptions

> cuckolic steals Orthodox Church symbol
> preaches ecumenism heresy

> neopagan homosexual here
> i endorse larping around a wooden penis

>Religious D&C

This place is trash.

There is only one true God, his name is KeK. Followers of mainstream religions are mindcucks.

You mean a crucifix?

You faggots cherry pick this one thread (probably started and infused with the shareblue you cry about all of the time) and repost it constantly. I have seen nothing but greed and selfishness with you Christcucks.

Pull your head out man.

Thanks man. I don't really do discord though.

coolio. have a good one

You too. Hope you fellas have a cold snap for Christmas. We're supposed to be getting one in the coming days.

I mean, that all the real ancient culture is replaced in neopagan homo larp with imbecile magical thinking.
It is a pipeline to homosexuality for people who would otherwise read a history book and be useful. You know, like honest Christians are. Or evangelicals, who actually read Evangelion aka Gospel, like their own doctrine prescribes them to, instead of just listening to Talmud-preachers opinions about the last news.