Greatest love story ever told.
Little Witch Academia
>Sweet moment.
>2 seconds later it's a fucking rollercoaster of hell.
Least they shown the best Sucy.
>episode doesn't have a Diana screentime
>is good
Wish Trigger would take notice of this formula already.
No :D
Don't type like a retard.
>Least they shown the best Sucy.
Every Sucy.
>Report submitted! This window will close in 3 seconds...
What is she supposed to represent?
You've never felt old user?
Reminder for /u/
>8 episodes in and Akko still can't fly
>Makes Diana her scapegoat.
It's the Sucy that wondered how she would be like if she was old.
It's ok, Sucy or Lotte will carry her.
Why was Yuri Sucy a loli?
I kind of felt sorry for her her, she seemed so innocent.
Gay feelings start small
That's the point
I want to protect her bucktooth smile.
An old woman that never stop to talk...
It feel like the representation of someone that want to chill and chat for hours. Basically an image of total relaxation.
So it's the Sucy that just wants to talk to someone, but the real Sucy is too autistic for that.
That's awesome
Yeah probably the image of a chatty Cathy that want to gossip, relax, and drink mushroom tea without a care.
The cartoon part was quite original and the pivot of the entire episode
Reminder to report the kind of posters who
>types in all caps
>uses acronyms and emoticons
>excessive exclamation/question marks
>posts gun edits
They are the cancer that have been plaguing the thread for weeks now. Please do your part on making Lwa threads great again
So this episode settled that Imaishi is the soul of trigger, right?
This was the best episode so far.
This episode would have worked much better as a standalone than as a part of LWA. It was entertaining, but why does a show about witches and magical school need to have an acid trip episode based around referencing western cartoons?
>Akko never actually dealt with the yuri in sucy's mind
really makes me think
It wouldn't be as fun with characters nobody heard about.
And this anime is already as episodic as it gets.
The episode was great, but I kinda think it's stretching on the borderline of a show intended for all audiences.
8 episodes in and we're still getting this story of the week format. I was kind of hoping they'd build up a bigger arc in the background at least so it's not rushed into the last few episodes.
Imaishi held back just enough for the episode to be PG
>So this episode settled that Imaishi is the soul of trigger, right?
No, but it was a fun episode.
yeah, but it's nice that he always slips things like pic related even in pure shows.
I don't know about what kids can handle watching these days, but this stuff would have scared me to uncomfortable levels if I watched it as a kid.
Yup, you're a pussy.
I-I just want it to stay family-friendly, is all.
How old are you? There's nothing even remotely bothersome about this episode. The fucking whale from Pinocchio is more frightening.
So next week is the real episode right?
>Not knowing that Mugino is a troll
nope, in 2 weeks
>le homosex episode
Sunday drive through the country sounds pretty nice
I remember when I went with my dad to see "A Goofy Movie" in the theather. They also showed that short when a mad scientist switched Mickey's brain with a crazy monster. There were some crazy scenes in that short. Though, It's not something that "traumatizes" you (at least, not in my case), it's something that it makes it memorable in an interesting way.
I think this appiles to this episode as well. Western Cartoons nowadays need more of that. And that's probably why I'm liking LWA so much.
Reminder to ban Imaishi from doing anymore LWA episodes
Sucy's fear of growing old and achieving nothing, becoming nothing other than an old lonely woman with nothing to talk about.
I love the edits you guys make.
Needs more drool though.
You know what's family friendly? Tom and Jerry, Tiny Toons.
You just want a 100% edulcorated Discovery Kids show. I bet you also want it to be educative too.
Or am I wrong?
So that's what happen when girls touch themselves too much...
She should sanitize her toys.
Onaholes share the same problem with growing fungi if you don't clean them properly. Or so I hear.
It's a nod to her oedipus complex from the manga.
>Triumph Spitfire
All the witches seem to have nice taste in /o/ matters.
except if the police car is actually a Morris Minor but it appears so shorty and it's never completely visible so I can't really tell
Agree on everything except guns.
Gunposters are patrician tier, haters can go fuck yourselves.
Anybody have lewds of alpaca Sucy, I can't be the only one who wants some, right...?
I completely agree. If it wasn't the unsettling imagery of monster sucy, death and Armageddon or mushroom fingers I thought the message about needing to "kill" very extreme quirky facets of your personality to maintain who you are as a person to be a little more than a younger audience might fully appreciate.
I also found the pacing and the abrupt changes in animation to be a bit jarring. By the end of the ride I enjoyed it.
Kids play zombie games with photorealic gore and watch pornhube these days yo, ain't like the shit we used to see, blobby pixels and scrambled cable signals.
No, you furscum.
Remove yourself from this world immediately
Just watched ep8. What the fuck was this entire episode. What the absolute fuck did I just watch.
>Sup Forums nannies discussing what's "too mature" 4kids
Go fuck yourselves, you fucking offboard cunt nuggets, jesus fucking christ on a stick, goddamn.
your basic anime filler episode #1,525,685
>I don't like what this person has to say, so they must be from somewhere else!
Dat sexy leer tho ;^)
The fuck do you care what fucking brats watch you prissy bitch cunts.
Fuck off.
some good shit user
If anything this episode gave us an insight about the relationship of Sucy x Akko.
If this was filler, every previous episode was just as much.
At least you're not denying it.
How are the new seasons on MLP?
I'm not even that guy (and I don't agree with him), I just hate the stupid board war bullshit and scapegoating that ruins threads.
When did I ever mention this episode needed the 4kids censorship treatment?
I said the themes might be lost on a younger audience. But fuck me for having an opinion right?
>people calling it filler
>people saying episodic anime that doesn't follow an overarching plot is inherently bad
>inb4 everything but ep 1, 2 and 6 was filler
>not including 7, which showed that Akko is improving
The FUCK you care??
I've never ever heard of Sup Forums giving a shit, maybe about loli, but not about the kiddies you dumbfuck.
This airs past midnight, this site us meant for adults, FUCK OFF FUCK OFF BACK TO YOUR SHITHOLE FUCKING CUNT.
I'd say I'd watch Steven Universe if I wanted an episodic cartoon but even that shitshow has more overarching plot than this
D-do I fit in yet?
The show died after Faust left, terrible.
>tells people to go back to Sup Forums
>tens of posts later someone mentions Steven Universe
it's like pottery
>proof of Sup Forumsmblr scum
So us anyone gonna draw alpaca Sucy lewds or what?
This was a wasted episode, plain and simple you fucks
Only reason everyone is giving it a pass is because muh 2 cour, plot will come in later episodes.
What if LWA was only getting 12 episodes, and they release this as 8th episode out of 12.
Everyone would be going batshit crazy saying holy shit there's now 3 episodes left and they've done absolutely nothing with it
>phone poster riddled with typos is the autistic Sup Forums furfag
What a surprise.
>still expecting any serious lore or plot
lamo at ur life
I enjoy learning about the other witches
From Q&A on this fucking board Trigger has stated they wanted to the show to be enjoyed by all audiences. I watched the episode and thought that there times when they went a little beyond that. Someone posted they felt the same way and I responded in the hope of encouraging dicussion.
Now was that to hard for you to follow? Because I could deffinitly simplify it if you need me to.
They've kept btfo'ing Diana with "canon" Akko/Sucy, it's fine.
This show probably isn't going to have serious plot. Stop thinking this is Kill La Kill
calm your mantits the show is funny and confy
it will turn in shitstorm after 13 for sure tough
here's the little witch academia anime interview from awhile back.
important bits to take,
>──For the TV anime, have you thought about any differences between the movies?
>‘Well, one thing is that I wanted to make it for the kids. Like Nintama Rantarou. I mean, TRIGGER doesn’t have any works aimed at children yet so we wanted to show that we can also create stuff like that. The crazy parts are fun in Kill la Kill and Gurren Lagann, but we wanted to move on into a different direction. I want to broaden the scope and make Little Witch Academia an anime that will not choose people.
No, fuck you.
You have to go back.
Who cares.
Hell Cop movie when?
I thought we were getting an episode focused on Sucy, but it was just mostly Akko fucking around. This show is so disappointing.
>Small Sucy gave Akko lilies/yuris
>Turns into monster/dragon
>Akko tries to wake up original Sucy with a kiss and potion cocktail
>Dragon gets heart eyes and clearly into the scene as they're about to kiss it's okay though cause they're just friends
>Sucy dodges the kiss and immediately denies any chance of yuri, dragon explodes shortly after and they all wake up
Did they just imply what I think they're implying?
>it will turn in shitstorm after 13 for sure tough
>for sure
I wouldnt be so sure
the promo poster seems to imply that some plot will happen
What poster?
/u/ blown the fuck out
i don't have it but someone else here probably does
it shows Akko losing her YAY and walking out of Luna Nova