What is the final redpill?

and why is it Epicureanism?

>trad before it was cool
>live, laugh, love
>communism done right


keep it simple, stupid. life is not complicated, so stop making it be


distractions. distractions and nothing more. do you really want to waste your life away being angry at the news? how do you think you'll feel about that on your deathbed?

face it, we have no great cause. at least not yet, so just relax and enjoy your fucking time here, brahs.


that's not very epicurean, bro


I agree. Why not enjoy the time we have here?

Just drink, fuck, smoke and sleep and take care of yourself in order to drink, fuck, smoke and sleep even more.

The only purpose of going to work and working out is to have even more fun before you die. The trick is to find the right mixture between work and play. Thats all. There is nothing more.


>communism done right
so not at all

>supporting a philosophical justification of hedonism

Just kys

>stealth rare

communism as in living in a commune with your bros and hoes

nothing to do with the government

You can if you don't plan to build a family.

If yes then you'll have to fight for the white race.
And yeah, the jews want you to think yolo.

>being happy is hedonism

Love thy neighbor and the immigrants among you.


oy vey, watcha doing judas?

It is "love those who are foreigners, for you yourselves were foreigners in Egypt"

Were the Israelites immigrants in Egypt? No, they were enslaved, and belonged in the promised Land. The Bible is not for open immigration.

The final redpill is that the world is more mundane than it appears.

There are no great conspiracies.

>What is the final redpill?
You're not in control of your actions. You cannot observe the origin of your thoughts and thus will never know who controls you. The best you can do is enjoy the ride of life.

there is no final red pill. reality morphs with our understandings so that there is always something to discover.

>you don't control your actions
>the best you can do is enjoy the ride of life
how can you enact enjoyment if you don't control your actions? do you even think about the things you say?

Epicurius lol
Do you know who says "being epicurious"

>just live life indulging in every silly whim you might have
>literally YOLO the philosophy

No thanks. Struggle is Strenght. Overcoming obstacles is what life is about.

try understanding his philosophy before you attempt to critique it, pleb

>>literally YOLO the philosophy
Holy shit, you don't know the first thing about Epicurus, do you?

Oxford was literally founded by mason's conspiring.
The entire political process is groups of wealthy people conspiring. Why would you ever claim to have any pills when you're searching your medical cabinet in the dark?

>What is the final redpill?
evola's writings desu
he explains what exactly is wrong with the right, what a proper right wing would look like, and in explaining it, just so happens to pass over what makes true right wing perfection impossible.
shit's depressing. and that's if you ignore his esoteric views, which, if right, imply there's nothing to be done. That society is fated to go off the deep end and things are going to get much, much worse before anything gets better

>>you don't control your actions
>>the best you can do is enjoy the ride of life
>how can you enact enjoyment if you don't control your actions? do you even think about the things you say?
Fuck my life. Not even enjoyment is under my control. I have finally attained enlightenment.

yeah desu

Hang yourself nihilist.

You believe that is it? For life is merely an endless chase for mindless, hedonistic pleasure that shall not end til death? To not produce anything of worth to rhe world? Perhaps you can ask the Romans on how that sort of thinking got them.

If you wish to be like cattle, and not enjoy the higher pleasures of man, such as philosophy, you have no hope as a man, merely a tame sheep.

>TFW you realize Sulla did nothing wrong
plebeian rights was a mistake

*Middle Eastern mythology.

If philosophers are a buffet, and this is a pretty spacious table, mind that, Epicurus is down the hall and in the bathroom. He's a disgusting shit in a toilet.