A Question To all anons on this Board

Do you or have you browsed /misc/ over @ bodybuildingforms?
What is your opinion of the board, and the people on it?
Do You believe many of the values expressed by those on the board aline with the majority of ourselfs here?

Thank you to all anons who respond. U.N. out

oh my GOD i want to leave my cum dripping out of them BOTH.

I want to eat their asses. Fuck.

Look at their faces dude, they're hideous.



I wasn't looking at their faces

Great pic but sadly it's shooped.


Sad state of affairs when cunts are so fat that any girl that is slightly overweight is deemed attractive. I don't dislike what I'm looking at but this fat ass meme needs to end

They were altlite when I was there.

>look at their faces

We all want to eat their asses out


Some are ok
The larpers and soy boys are cancer.



I want to slide my boner up and down their ass cracks till I cum on them


Cum once and you will no longer care for them.
Of course, if you cum inside them, you'll have some non-White mewling spawn to deal with.

>muh dik-ing this hard while pretending those faces are attractive
user, I...

I'd pay a hundred bucks to each to work my nephew's bachelor party next week in Michigan.

They aren't worth that much, and you could get White girls instead for the same price.
Have some self respect, and some respect for your nephew.


girl on the right has a very cute face imo, both have amazing bodies. Pic related is you.

I’m not going to be looking at their faces they will be buried in the sheets ass up in the air like it’s supposed to be....Fag

Here's the original.
>pic related

ill be the one guy not talking about the degenerates in the photo.

Yes I started on Misc at a very young age and they helped me slowly take red pills, which led me to this place.

Still would fug

still would, faggot.


I'm sorry but they don't look bad at all, you're just a fag.

>would still ejaculate

It is a hangout for closeted sodomites.

End of story.

Nope. A fag would be attracted to those ugly mudwomen.

Girl on the right has an ugly spic face bruv, one on the left is even worse.
Their bodies are absolutely nothing special.

You're both just thirsty and niggrish m80s.

Show me your fuckin sister then faggot. I mean how can you argue that she isn't attractive when i find her attractive, this argument is going nowhere.


Fuck off faggot, brown women can be sexy, cry more about it.

Look at their faces dude, they're hideous.


Fuck you bitch lasagna. Show vagine.


they have cute slutty faces, lets see yours cuckbeard

Don't worry user, I agree with you

Nah m8. They're ugly. Deal wif it.

I don't have a sister, but I showed you a White woman who is head and shoulders more attractive than the mudthots posted.
You got shit taste m8.
Deal wif it u daft thirsty cunt.


their asses were made for fucking, who gives a fuck about the face. with asses like that they could look like Trump for all I care

Your taste is subjective too, you're making me want brown ass more and more, good job.

>muh dik
>asses made for fucking

You aren't White.

rite rite? :D
That Image might probably be bugged, but who cares I'm keeping it!

I was heavy into The Misc from 2010-2013, I remember back when even Zyzz used to post there in person. I used to drop HARD red pills there on race and immigration back when everyone was delusional blue pillers (think like back in 2011 and 2012, before terms like red pilled were ever even used), I caught a shit ton of flack and negs for it at first, but after a time the seeds were planted and everyone started talking about these issues as well and backing me up in threads. After I found Sup Forums I stopped going, this place was just the perfect fit for me, but I like to think I had a sizable role in turning The Misc to the Right Wing and even the mainstream internet in general (you gotta understand, NOBODY was talking about race or immigration as a serious issue at all back in those days). Havent been back to The Misc in years however and have no desire to. Its just a watered down Sup Forums and /fit/ hybrid, and it lost its influence and appeal years ago.

>You aren't White.

>woman with no ass and tons of make up
put the soy down please.

That's fine. You should want brown asses.
Its just natural (unlike sodomy).
you sad thirsty brown leaf.

this is why I misc
>negged phaggot

Just because that's true doesn't mean he's wrong.

It's basically Sup Forums-lite

even the mods participate in troll threads

>Just because that's true doesn't mean he's wrong.

Indeed. But Sup Forums is full of underaged mutts, so it's no wonder everyone here is triggered by the truth.



Who cares? Enough with your sperging, little leaf.

Fuuuuuaaaark, Camel Jockey brah.

Wow, strong nostalgia.

Is he still alive or what?

>56% maymay

There are more non-hispanic Whites in my state than in your whole country, and my state isn't even that big. Feels good.

What state? You also have more blacks than we have people lol. 40 million blacks. Also check some rape statistics.

I know proudmanlet in real life . Been admin banned 4 times. Mod banned 3... heh kid I'm a bb misc og. Been there since the days of balcony brah. You soyboy betas wouldn't know what it was like to browse amongst other alphas at oldschool.bb misc tinder threads 2010-2014 fuaaaaak repped fag

fag virgin

we get it, you are attracted to dolls.

SRT thread?

I'd rather have a cup of pure water than a gallon of water mixed with shit

This, they're also shitskin mongrels.

jfc what the fuck is wrong with you fag!





Also anyone else use to neg black people on the bb misc and say NIGGER in the little comment box hahahaha they got rekt all the time the burnt skin soyboys. They'd neg back all buthurt saying oi man I've alerted a kid. Ahahahah that dumb big with the big muscles from London was a real cunt

Misc is where people with the lowest iq on the net gather. Bb site attracts nigger tier shitposters more obnoxious than /fit/

>non-hispanic Whites

T. Roastie

I know right? Think about that - we have more blacks than your entire country... And we have nearly 4x as many White people as Blacks.
You really don't even matter, do you?

>rape stats
Yes, nigger rape has awakened many to the nigger manner. We will bear the burden, and awaken first.
You can thank us when we free you from Chinese hegemony and forced transsexuality.

But you don't have that.
You have a cup of water thats 20%+ shit. So, basically, we both have quantities of shit-tainted water... I just have a lot more water than you, once filtered.

You only have like 32 gallons, 25 gallons of which is water.
I have 320 gallons, of which 200 gallons are pure water.

Still feels damn good.

>talking shit to anyone ever

If you're trying to cross a metaphorical desert, you die first, and long before I do.


No. They fell like clouds. So soft.

200 million of them.


>you said those thots are ugly
>you must be a thot

Your nephews last hurrah as a single man and you can't even get him white women?

Sad. Be a good uncle and deliver on this for him.


>T. white roastie

>literally has nothing


wow i already saved it :(

Much better, only niggers want big asses.

All us guys were looking at their asses.
Your a femanon for sure TITs or GTFo.
I know your a girl post em.

Said the Cuckdian

A reverse image search confirms this. Anons are so used to 2D girls that 3D ones have to be heavily photoshoped in order for them to be found enticing. This is actually a pathetic state of affairs if you think about it.

I looked at their asses. Nothing special.
Then I looked at their faces. Wew lad.

You just kept staring at their asses. Like a muh dik nigger. Speaks for itself.

This is the photoshop, pol is to easy to troll.

This user is right, stay away from those shitskin mongrels


Actually looks better.

You dont fuck their faces fag

I was a hardcore miscer between 2009-2012. Misc claimed you will be hacked by browsing Sup Forums. I went to check out all of the fuss. I was browsing under incognito. Then , i found /k/ then got stuck there until Moot created Sup Forums then now here i am.

I kept getting banned from misc.

Misc is okay but the mods over there are insufferable

Post feet stacy

Shut the fuck up leaf

Mods kept repping every female posters while neg anyone who insult the female poster. I kept getting banned there and got negged to hell.