Well, user? If Santa could give you anything your little heart desires this Christmas, what would it be?
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I want OP to die.
Cum all over my blown out asshole
My second child is on the way, first one is a boy this one is a girl, pretty excited so all I care about is that she’s healthy. That’s my Christmas wish. A white ethnostate would be nice though
just for the cringe you gave me, now i wish she is born dead, or black
fuck santa, I'll pray to Christ on Christmas and ask for nothing but salvation and the death of all muslims
A hotter wife.
Nice wish, user. Forget these other faggots, I hope she's healthy, and has a good long happy life, too.
redpill the masses, and i mean truly /x/ tier ego death redpill
to the point that many will commit suicide, maybe the ayyyy can beam a energy frequency to earth, that affects our brains and put us in super megalomanic psychotic state, i want everybody to see God, heaven and hell
>a happy, healthy family is a cringey thing to desire
Thanks. Merry Christmas, user
for the KKK to be okay with BLM
user, you're a true degenerate.
I want every corrupt person in Washington to be held accountable and thrown in jail for at least 20 years. An old fashioned public hanging of these traitors would work too and be less costly to taxpayers.
Merry Christmas Sup Forums
I want the white race to survive
>i just want them to be healthy
the lie that disappointed parents say to themselves, the fact that you are saying before birth, means you have 0 expectations
she ll become a sjw
Personally, I would like:
1. To see FBIanon become new Director of the FBI.
2. To have all of Reddit sodomized by all of The_Donald, and vice versa.
3. To have all the black people in the world teleported to the moon. The dark side, naturally.
4. To see Angela Merkel and Hillary Clinton in the same prison cell. live-streamed.
5. To see Julian Assange pardoned.
6. To have Melania Trump blow me.
Not necessarily in that order.
the motivation to achieve my goals
lose my virginity
if d1gits then backpage
Hitler to come back in a flying saucer at age 20 from antarctica.
She’s not going to be an SJW you moron. SJWs happen when there is a weak/absent fathers, neither of which I am. I just want her to be healthy means at this point in time, I’m hoping everything goes right. Once she’s born, then I can ensure she doesn’t grow up to be some worthless woman, but you gotta take it in steps. Miscarriages can happen, all sorts of complications can happen. Clearing that hurdle comes first. Stop being such a defeatist
Please hit the planet with a gamma burst and don't stop.
Trump supporting Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, everyone freaking out about the decision, then threatening to cut aid to countries who don’t recognize it.
I already got my Christmas miracle. 2018 is going to be a hell of a ride
I ain't even the guy trying to have a family, but you must be one miserable fuck. Enjoy jerking off tonight.
A Baneblade!
You've had a sad life, haven't you?
>Welp, thats what degenerates deserve
my dad to come home
Congrats dude. God bless your family, the great enemy of ZOG.
To stop sinning against the Lord
That photo strikes me right in the feels...
A new Girlfriend!!!
Santa can only do so much, Bruce.
I just want to be loved.
Hillary in prison would be pretty nice, supreme court upholding that freedom of speech still includes things that might hurt a snowflake's feelings would have the greatest real effect but isn't as fun, if it's absolutely anything it's got to be no more niggers though
I've given up on that to be honest, I can't even remember the last time I spoke to a woman and jerking off is decent enough for me that it seems like too much effort
i want to fap to GILF porn for xmas
Well, considering that everything gets stolen from me...
I would like 99 lashes from a wooden pole.
>those digits
ask and you shall receive
muh dick= sucked
people to feel loved
That image is so cute
I genuinely wish that all the suffering, struggling, unhappy anons on Sup Forums find happiness and peace of mind. Myself included. I say that even though I expect a good chunk of 'em to piss all over me for getting sentimental.
I asked my parents for socks. I have big feet so socks never last long due to stretching.
Please cure my ADD and video game addiction. Seriously, it's ruining my life
anything? a workshop. I just want my own place to make whatever i want/need
The people I love to be safe.
nuclear war. I am sick of my office job.
Some happiness or some affection. So fuckin lonely these days.
Why is that?
Either the job I interviewed for a few days ago or the one i interview for after the holidays.
Deportation of all illegals, an end to chain migration, and of course the ensuing sound of liberals crying themselves to sleep, resulting in terrifying nightmares of Trump drinking diet coke and eating big Macs while he laughs like an evil character in one of their fan fictions.
I want my muffuggin chockitchip cookie bitch!
a mysterious virus to spread that only affects niggers & arabs which kills them fast and painful...then Arabs blame it on the jews and Nuke Israel multiple times before they all die!
I want the girl I like to get fucked by another man.
>nuclear war. I am sick of my office job.
Why not just quit?
Whirled Peas