SHEITTT, Fuck u whitey, takin my stamps n shiet
Trump moving In to take down the Welfare State
They need to do away with EBT cards and go back to the stamps.
>Somebody got to pay for all my children
God sometimes I wish I could legally bash someone's skull in....
Fucking dindu nuffins.
Destroying the welfare state would end mass-immigration. True story.
he just gave a trillion in welfare to corporations and rich jews
Fuckkkk nooooo
Nigz will have to work now!
Or steal more...
>let them keep some of the money they earned
all these ppl are degenerate low lives. can american be any more naive or stupid? this shit makes me so sick, RACE WAR WHEN!?!?
A person working 3 jobs makes less than a person on SSI?
I get 900 schizobucks a month. I certainly am not "living large"... My life is shit.
Sweet! I can't wait.
Then you have niggers trading physical food stamps as currency for all manner of illegal shit. This is a problem that zyklon-b can solve.
Do you enjoy being retarded?
Come on man leave food stamps alone. We are supposed to be trying to end hunger in this country nobody deserves to starve
>jewtube link
anyone want to give me a less cancerous quick rundown?
How will this effect SSI?
1 trillion for Jews in Israel none for goys
Because it will create jobs and force people to work.
when was the last time you looked at the obesity rate? welfare trash is a huge part of it, they'd be doing a lot better in life and a lot healthier if they ate less, hunger definitely isn't a problem - almost all malnutrition is child abuse victims and people with various types of mental disorders (anorexic, psychotic, vegan, etc.) none of who are being held back by a lack of money
No, will this effect SSI? Like disabled people on it?
jobless fucks vote democrat anyway
There are people who legitimately cannot work (paralyzed, severely mentally retarded or mentally ill); I'm fine with them getting food stamps and other benefits if necessary. That they cannot work is generally no fault of their own.
Then there are people who are 100% capable of working, but don't because they are worthless human beings. These people deserve to starve to death in the fucking streets, because not only are they taking money out of the pockets of people who are productive, they are putting a huge strain on the benefits that the people mentioned above actually need.
I'd go even further than letting them starve to death in the streets, I'd round these lazy motherfucking welfare cheats up and work them to death. Fuck your nigger bullshit.
How many of them are truly disabled? How many fat lazy niggers get a "disabled" status applied to them, earning them even more gibs, on top of their welfare, subsidized housing, and ebt (potentially wic if they have a blood)?
Let the weak die. Those who won't work, shall die. Life is an eternal struggle.
Keeping money you earned = welfare?
Welfare isn't going anywhere. And you can't just say "it will force people to find jobs". Those people would rather riot and cause a civil war than work.
This guy looks like a necromancer
Are (((they))) going to use him to help with all the sacrifices happening around the world?
I remember when I worked retail nigs would come in with ebt cards and would buy the most unhealthy shit
There's an older fuck in my neighborhood who hasn't had a job in 30 years because of a supposed back injury. He's been on SSI my entire life. But apparently that doesn't stop him from playing basketball with the neighborhood teenagers or mowing his lawn twice a week in the summer. The crooked fuck deserves a bullet.
I know a mentally disabled guy who has held a job at the local grocery store for 25 years. He is on SSI, medicaid, and is in a group home, but he still contributes what little he can to be a productive member of society. He deserves a medal.
What constitutes "truly disabled" needs to be seriously reformed and the cheats that are discovered in that process need to be dealt with swiftly and brutally.
Niggers BTFO!!!!
We need it. The middle class is ANGRY. Welfare reform must be next. There should be a 2 year limit and it needs to be tied to work placement. Anyone with more than 4 children and they are on welfare needs to give up their children for adoption.
>Those people would rather riot and cause a civil war than work.
Bring it.
How can we make niggers get more abortions?
People are such Satanic faggots.
If you don't work; you don't eat. The Bible is clear.
If they start rioting, they'll just starve faster. Dumb niggers try to cause trouble, put them down.
And I don't mean prison, that's not biblical.
Christian Monarchy when?
Oh boy oh boy am i triggered. I want blood in the streets. worthless pieces of shit.
Eating vegan is a mental disorder? Wew lad
Hell yeah bring it on, I’m itching for someone to try and riot out my way.
Trump's gonna fuck all us working class stiffs who are forced to live in the proximity of niggers. When the ebt gets cut the baboonery will be off the charts. Think about the present state of affairs with regard to negro behavior imagine how much worse they will chimp when they no longer have guaranteed food and shelter.
Thanks Trump the baboon people are literally going to burn every city with a population higher than 500k to the ground.
Your still lucky compared to the schizos who can't get that though.
>How can we make niggers get more abortions?
Apparently, simply opposing the leftist abortion agenda is enough for them to double down and support abortion even more. Use their rebellious attitude against them and let them push even harder for the death of more nigger babies.
The reality is that leftist want niggers dead more than anyone on the right. Those on the right want niggers to be contained or forced to return to Africa but the left wants and encourages niggers to have abortions so their babies die before they even get a chance at life.
>finally realizing all of those "why don't you own a gun" threads weren't just being edgy
>compared to the schizos who can't get that though.
3rd world countries? Yea it sucks...
I know finn who get's an apartment, enough cash that he brags about some expensive laptop or phone and seems like the only issue he has is anxiety.
Getting SSI or SSD for a mental disability is a nightmare. It took me nearly 4 years and a lawyer to finally get SSI. All the while I couldn't hold down jobs for to long or even get hired. The military wouldn't even accept me.
But if I was black I could have just gotten on welfare.
equality doenst exist and that goes for everyone
Info wars using that teflon warfare as usual. Throw in a fat white nigger and they can't call racism. Perfect.
i like this type of thinking
Glad I live here in the great white north. Just got my first welfare cheque today and I still live with my parents :D
>he just gave a trillion in welfare to corporations and rich jews
>he just gave a trillion in welfare
>he just gave a trillion
>he just gave
>They need to do away with EBT cards and go back to the stamps.
Even better, bring back the days where the gov handed them a block of USDA "government cheese", a sack of cornflower, and so on. No EBT for fried chicken, soda, snacks, and barter bait to get malt liquor + smokes an shit.
niggers btfo
I am on Social Security I have been raised on Social Security and even I know this would be good for me I understand I am a waste of human space and I am simply feeding off taxpayer money I hate myself day and night for it but I am too reliant on it the only real hope I have of being able to get off of it is ultimately destroyed if this is fake news I will curse you
Let me know the next time Goldman Sachs actually earns a single cent they've scammed from the system. Fuck corporate welfare as much as gibs for Tyrone.
I think that to get more than 6 months of welfare, section 8 housing or food stamps you should be sterilized.
the left views nigger baby killing as an unfortunate side effect of white baby killing, but thinks they'll get more support for it if they let people think that's who it's for
Yeah there's a lot of welfare abuse that needs to be shut down, especially with illegals, but in general food stamps aren't a problem at all. If they ended food stamps, the price you pay for food really wouldn't go down, a lot of companies would lose a ton of business and would have to scale back a ton of production and lose benefits of scale economies. We really have no shortage of food, and if you qualify for food stamps then you're a fucking moron to not take them.
But yeah though there likely should be laws against using food stamps for shit like soda and candy, just like you can't use them for alcohol, and this would be for health concerns, too many fat asses
>welfare is only for niggers
welfare is the best thing since sliced bread
>white nigger
I know that feel.
But the christcucks would rather watch us suffer than euthanize us...
I hope he ends corporate welfare first.
I want my groceries half price. Where can I buy a EBT card?
Gotta love the idiocy someone posted about Christcuck BS about having to work to eat. Fact is, AI and robots will soon make nearly all forms of work obsolete save for the highly educated. I'm in CS and specialized in AI so haha, but otherwise you are obsolete.
Some truism that held for Jews wandering around in a desert 2000 years ago means nothing. You are obsolete, and you have nothing of value to trade for your existence. There will be a wholesale die off and liquidation of proles that "work", just as the Georgia Guidestones foretell, leaving only the intellectual ubermensch to survive in a world purified by this ablation.
bring back soup lines. the public humiliation would shame them into getting jobs
many on disability who cannot work either. Many with constant seizures, etc, I have no problem with them getting food stamps and financial aid.
It isn't the disabled we are talking about here. There are able-bodied who know that they can make off better without working than those that do.
Oh Yeah. Chances of nog recovery at this juncture are negligible, if not non-existant. The recovery will NOT be televised.
It's true tho. The government spend trillions on things none of us but the super elite make huge profits on.
Just think about roads. You thinks it's fair Walmart and you pay the same tax rate for the roads? It's not.
Your tiny sedan doesn't even wear out the road but Walmarts fleet if semu truck ensures the roads all have to be repaved every few years.
So why Walmart just pay for the roads themselves?
Because the people who own Walmart earned to be on top
Trucks pay a fortune in registration fees, and get fines into the thousands for infractions like being overweight so they do pay more than a passenger car.
Good. I fucking love it. Stop stealing my money you lazy fucks.
If Trump can pull this off he's gonna win all 50 states in 2020.
give people money for abortions, but it's only claimable to PoC.
>Because the people who own Walmart earned to be on top
What does that even mean? Since Walmart doesn't pay a living wage we have to pay taxes for welfare for Walmart employees.
There's so many ways the elite subsidize their livelihood on the backs of the middle class.
Scott Walker was pushing drug testing for food stamps in WI so maybe it'll be more rigorous vetting but either way fuck niggers
I love this picture of Trump so much. also fuck niggers.
>the people who own Walmart earned
The company was inherited by them, so they earned their billions the same way Prince Charles "earned" his way - by winning the vagina lottery. This effects me in no way whatsoever, so I could care less, but is amusing.
ur a socialist, my dude
u love welfare and gibsmedats
You got it backwards. Taxation is basically the people giving money to the government, not the other way around. Tax cuts merely mean that they will keep more of their money.
>There are able-bodied who know that they can make off better without working than those that do.
My point exactly. These people deserve to starve.
Companies would lose business because....people would stop eating?
I've lived among food stamp people. The main problem is that they get too much, enough that they can be all brand-name, ready-to-eat foods. And they would still have money leftover to buy groceries for other people in exchange for cash to buy smokes and booze.
One friend had a freezer full of microwave pizzas and ice cream sandwiches. No one should be eating like that, but poor people especially shouldn't, because it encourages obesity and bad health, which they can't afford. They should be cooking real meals with cheap raw ingredients. But food stamps don't buy pots and pans or pay the gas bill for your stove. So microwave pizzas it is.
On the other hand, trying to specify that you can buy potatoes but not potato chips would probably be a bureaucratic nightmare, with every food company lobbying to have its product on the list. So that's probably not the answer. Best bet is probably just to cut the total dollars, so people have to buy cheaper food.
>Trucks pay a fortune in registration fees, and get fines into the thousands for infractions like being overweight so they do pay more than a passenger car.
I still pay hundreds a year in registration. I paid $850 for a red light camera ticket, and I ask where my taxes go and all I hear is roads yet I'm sure I don't wear them down in my Kia Rio. It's walmart that wear them down while making a profit off them. I only lose money.
Gas taxes pay for roads and I'm pretty sure Walmart pays a metric shitton more in gas taxes in one month than you will in your entire miserable lifetime.
>welfare for Walmart employees.
People with jobs don't get welfare. Also they create jobs for the middle class. The rich don't get a giant slice of a pizza, they opened a whole new pizza joint.
(that's what we an-caps have been saying this whole time)
National Socialism is one way of saving the soon to be obsolete working prole from extinction, however, so those in that demographic would be served by a form of that protectionist benevolent state.
Like I said, give them blocks of cheese and raw generic food straight from the government like the old days. No brand names, no barter for booze and cigs, just institutional grade food.
>People with jobs don't get welfare.
Yes they do you 12 year old retard. They don't collect unemployment welfare but they receive supplimental money for food housing, education, even phones since Walmart pays them such low wages.
great now all poor americans both black and white will have hard life
and your jew upper class will have more money to protect jerusalem
Sup Forums is dumb and dumber every day
Your opinion has been invalidated because of the following reasons, increasing in severity:
fuck you I'm on welfare too and have no job how is this a thing?
Hitler, Himmler, and company were plenty benevolent if you happened to fit the Aryan profile. For that kind of person, natsoc would have been bliss. Everyone else would have been fucked, however.
how much do you get? is it possible to live off of?
If you use roads to get to work, you make a profit off of them as well. Roads allow you to get to the place of transaction where you trade your labor for currency.
Your federal withholding mostly go to paying social security, medicare/medicaid, welfare, and government pensions. That makes up about 60% of every dollar that the federal government spends. The rest goes to the military, education, (((studies))), and other shit.
You are the kind of scum that is further ruining this country.
Of course, agreed. I think people always try to say we are not compassionate: I am absolutely compassionate for our weakest and sickly in our country, we should take care of those, especially those who were once working and then became ill, we deserve to take care of them.
But those who simply want GIBS? No, never.
I'm white