Give me rational REASON to not hate this country.
>low standard education level(especially higher education)
>low research standard
>people are divided into two groups, one is fucking idealist dumb liberals or ignorant poor nationalists
>has no future. This country has no potential to grow better than other developed countries.
>people obey to the authority. the reason? because it is authority. "Don't think, just obey."
>fucking outdated culture and society. it is still unacceptable to be gay or marry with gaijin partner
>stupid regulation stop people starting up bussiness. and the government wonder why there is little start-up in Japan.
>Start-up bussiness in Japan is actually hard mode. People prefer to be "a part of big company" rather than having company. totally slave mentality. also venture capital is relatively much smaller than America's one
>talented people abandon this shithole and move to abroad. only people left in Japan is ignorant idiots like me
I can't stand with this life... I can't stop hating myself.