Send them back seriously

Send them back seriously.
I can't stand them anymore.
Send every single one of them back to afrika, where they all belong.
Got mugged today by 2 of these fucking chimps.

Other urls found in this thread:

Hey white boy. I want you to remember how scared you were. How utterly powerless you felt in that situation. You, the supposed greatest race on earth, frozen, scared, and completely helpless. Someone demanded your property and you, being a coward, didn't fight or struggle or even say anything that would stop them. You couldn't. You didn't. You were scared. It happened so fast you'll say... Oh, isn't the white man of high IQ? surely your brain could've thought of a solution. I was outnumbered!... Oh? Is your property and money not worth fighting for no matter the danger?

Fucking coward. I want you to remember that fear, that sinking feeling you had and how you didn't do a goddammed thing to stand up for yourself. Be afraid white boy.

Yay for internet toughguys!

where and when OP?

send them to israel

The threat of losing some money isn't worth dying over. There's a difference between cowardice and stupidity. Apparently you didn't get the memo.


Fuck you bush nigger

Why not use your own image ?
Making your point from someone else's perspective. 100% proving OP.
Just another pants wetting keyboard faggot

Should've offered them NAP

>larping anarcho capitalist wants help from big daddy government state because a bunch of niggers used their OWN FREE WILL to choose what country they want to be free men in

I feel your pain....

I wish that I shall never see
a monkey nigger in a tree
until that day that I have paid
I'll ready have my can of NAID!

Just that thought brought a tear to my eye....

Ah, a leaf. My brothers up north seem to enjoy killing you. Oh, you think your governments efforts to be diverse and apologize to us will stop our hatred for you white boys? Not even a little. Stay in your neighborhoods or be cut down like the dogs you are

you relaxed instead of shooting. if you french fry when you're supposed to pizza you're going to have a bad time. around blacks, never relax.

And what about the missed opportunity to kill a nigger and not get charged?

There's also a difference between being a man and a worm. You seem to be the one who can get stepped on

>>not get charged
>>this happening anywhere a nigger population resides, eg (((blue))) city
you dun goofed

First post best post

I'm a red man you mutt. You're 100% not racially pure. Though not the answer you're looking for I still think your shit genetics are enough to allow me to tell you to fuck off you Amerimutt

Remember this small victory when a)another nigger kills you for being a nigger or b)police kill you for being a nigger

>meme flag
Where are you nigger, and why didn't you have a gun?

It's not really a missed opportunity. Young criminal niggers are literally the most useless members of society. When they get murdered the investigations tend to be short and halfassed.

redskins eternally btfo. Why haven't ya'll drank yourselves to death yet kek

Here is where I would say I'm a redman not a Nigger. Then you'd, or another white boy would say: what's the difference? TOP KEK!
Nah, you Amerimutt, this isn't a victory, but I do enjoy when you people are scared.

Yup, good ol alcohol. Takes a lot of us. Truth is I'd just as stomp them to death as I would you.

I wouldn't know the impulse. Your people aren't even important enough to have emotions about. Live die literally makes no difference


Zimmerman did nothing wrong.

Red Man= neomongloid mutt.
Just call the Red Man American chinks.

It is, however, worth killing over. If OP had a CCP and smoked these two sambos, they wouldn't be able to rob anyone else and society as a whole would benefit. Of course, then the nigger media would call it a hate crime for him not "simply handing over his property". Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

Learn from the experience is the best thing you can do. What could/should you have done differently. Are you aware of your surroundings? Did they use a ruse on you that you fell for? Did you talk to niggers so they wouldn't think your racist?

Tell me more I am interested and bet I can offer advice.

If you can get revenge all the better. Your a libertarian so you best have a weapon. Find them and make sure no one else has to deal with it. Make it look like a gang shooting etc. Plan it out so you are not seen and not caught. Don't use your car and wear clothes you don't normally wear. Godspeed.

Wear shoes from goodwill that are a few sizes too big, multiple pairs of socks, toss the shoes when you're done and away from the scene.

>you're a woman if you don't do something stupid're neither if you're dead. Dumbass.

>surely your brain could've thought of a solution.
the white boi's gonna think of a solution and it's called a CCW permit; and he's gonna get himself a nice Glock 19 and a few hundred rounds of 9mm and go practice at the range and then get himself a good holster and carry his gun and his CCW permit so the next time he gets mugged by a chimp, he can shoot him dead.

All Whites should responsibly carry concealed pistols so if they get mugged by chimps; they can shoot back.

>prepare yourself and be armed.
>present yourself as a target
>throw off body language and cues to indicate you are a target.
>Go to area those niggers operated in
>Act distracted/not aware
>Niggers move in
>You are already shooting before they speak
>Run/Report self defense
>Niggers will have long rap sheet and cops won't think twice

& the .98 is what the media focuses on, when was the last time CNN talked about chicago?

But OP has more than 1 option here. He may be better off claiming self defense and calling 911 depending on the setting/ cameras/ witnesses/ etc. Best option would be to actually be actively robbed again by them but this time the prey is prepared and becomes predator.

You know what? When we studied history in school we were all told the story of the natives and how it kinda sucked that they were run off from their lands and systematically exterminated. They had a lot of sympathisers.
Now after one guy posting on a messageboard; i dont give a shit
Funny how life works really

Deus vult.

You were lied to. They were not peaceful. They were literally savages who often didn't value life. We're talking human sacrifices and ceremonies. Vivasections in front of crowds. They also attacked us first in the United States anyway.

See King Phillips War (AKA Metacom)

That is a very good question

Next you'll be telling me refugees 'arent' good for my country on to you and your casual unfounded racism

So lose a few dollars and have to cancel a credit card or lose your life? You're a retard mate. Now these criminals will be caught by the police eventually and they'll just contribute to the beautiful 54%.

Bitch ate my cookie!


Nah, your faggot forefathers made this bed. You tout their accomplishments as your own, so you get to take their downfalls as well.

You're lucky they weren't white. They would have stuck you in the oven or given you smallpox.

I could rob you and get your phone and wallet. You wouldn't be able to stop me if I targeted you and stacked the conditions in my favor.
>Study your body language and cues
>A ruse "do you have the time"? "can I bum a smoke" "can you tell me how to get to the fedex building" etc
>Setting in my favor
>Numbers in my favor
>Armed if needed (many muggings will involve at least a knife, but not necessary)

I actually know a lot about this. I have actively trained others and fought against armed robbery and strong armed robbery. If I caught you walking away carrying something with one or even better both hands (including just your phone) I would have you. You wouldn't be able to physically stop me no matter how strong you are without being severly injured possibly permanently. Your only option would be to immediately start running; but if I planned it right (right setting, a knife/firearm, 2nd or 3rd guy in on it) I could take even that option away.


I really didn't mean for my racism to come across as casual. I aspire to a more professional racist standard.

Apologies for any misunderstanding.

Fuck off we're full.

Are you kidding
izrayle says it has to preserve its non existent 'homogeniety'
So they got one of their jew buddies, who just happens to have been an MP in Australia for 30 years ... 30 fucking years on the white man's coin ... to 'accept' tens of thousands of Africans

And now Australia has the black curse. That black curse is already destroying entire towns and suburbs. All they know is to attack whites. Rob whites. Rape and bash and kills whites

You bet I'd like to send the bastards back to fucking fake izrayle, with interest in the form of Abos

Using the term “infiltrators” to refer to Africans who crossed into Israel through the Sinai, Netanyahu said he had reached “stage three” of a plan to remove all asylum seekers.

Your country is not Britain you parasite

enlighten me oh wise one