Why isnt your dick a big as mine Sup Forums?

Why isnt your dick a big as mine Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


So, what it’s like to be gay and autistic?

Cause I'm a chick and guys feel threatened if I whip out the big guns...

>half dick because kikes

How does it feel to have that long dick ruined by Schlomo? Can you even feel anything without a foreskin to protect that sensible area?

But it is

because it's bigger

post "big guns"


Cocks of pol thread? Post your dicks everyone!

i occasionally wonder what it would feel like since i never really experienced it with the foreskin

Why does it look like it belongs to a burn victim

>snipped tip
>was NO consent
>caused physiological damage OP doesn't even know he has
>fed the jew
LMAO, would rather be a dicklet than a cutfag.

, 481
lel, no normal girl wants that


the jews got him, I guess you can't really say got him, parents give him/it away...

Cause i don't have photoshop



Pretty small DESU senpai.


Your mom's my dog

B8g dick but you have the bedroom of a poor person or a child either or your life is shit

Damn. I wanted it to be a fucking leaf.


looks like mine, desu sempai


>Tfw 6 inch dicklet

Its not fair bros

nice belt, bruh. I had one just like it when I was 62

black cocks look better than white cocks, more suckable. I don't want a pink cock with blue veins, like a dog cock. and yes i'm a female.

What did OP mean by this?

black dick looks ugly as fuck, and i'm a heterosexual male

Can we contain the faggot porn spam to Sup Forums?

Chang please.


>And yes I'm female
Do you even try? Leaf shill?

Because it's bigger faggot.

this thread is still up

>dog cock

Mine is actually not that much smaller.
Which means your dick isn't as big as you think.

idk senpai, your knob looks the same as mine. Why are you bragging about having a normal sized dick?


Because he's about to cum, stupid.

because it's bigger you limp dick faggot.

this post has it backwards. and yes i'm a female.

Fucking go extinct already leaf

why is your room and bed tiny? compensating for some...

muh dick bitch ayoo gimme yo kik so i can holla at chu

fucking comped

Enjoy your anteater dick then.

Obama leaf fag who enjoys cock period and also has his own

mine is about the same size

not gonna post it here tho, this is Sup Forums not Sup Forums

lost 1/2 my glans because of a clumsy imam

t. Chechen leaf


>she likes dick that looks like its been roasted in an oven for seven hours at 400 degrees

Post coal burning tits now!
Nah... never mind. You're probably fat af which is why you fuck niggers.

you've changed up your pasta OP

You have to admire his ability to get (you)'s. Nobody comes close.

He thinks changing his flag changes his identity, OP is confirmed brainlet, also, MOOOODS !

Can't unsee

if someone posts a timestamped picture of their cock (white only) ill show my tits

warning: C-cup

oh, and there are hits for this image on google

this isn't even op's dick, just someone else's that he wishes was his

Are you sure you are not just compensating for your small car?



tfw it's illegal to show genitals online unless they're censored


That's not even practical. What the fuck are you supposed to do with that thing? Nobody in their right mind (outside of nasty beat up whores) is ever going to let you stick that thing inside them.
They look like turds. And, no, you're not a female.



we dont want to suck it just ride it.

discord gg/ymtdYm

add a .

>mutilated cock



checks out

theres less chafing with uncut peckers

>getting gratification from replies on an anonymous mongolian throatsinging forum
i shiggy diggy

Convert to chechen paganism nao


the whole thread checks out. muh im bigger muh mods muh foreskins muh gay

What the fuck, dear God OP, what happened?


This place is trash.

get the fuck out of this thread you lying jew faggot

Dude what’s up with those toes?

>muh vagina

lol the nigger dick thread was already deleted and this one is still here

what did mods mean by this?

Do you know what causes chaffing? DRY PUSSIES