Hey kid, wanna have some ishukan communication?

Hey kid, wanna have some ishukan communication?


I wonder if she'd like my shota sized dick.

I want to have some anal communication with her.

Even her eyes give me a boner.

M-Me too...

I want her to pin me down and look into my eyes and smile gently and motherly just like that while I get lost in them

>You will never be a shota again
>You will never be teased and taken care of by a powerful supernatural goddess in the body of a beautiful sex demon

I want her to make me rub her feet.

I want her to kindly ask me to knowing I'd be too shy and polite to say no, and then say teasing but not completely lewd things during it. I want her to try and instill a foot fetish in me.

I want her to hold my hand and give me headpats.