Norway Prisons vs American Prisons

It's time to sabotage the prison industrial complex and reforms U.S. prisons that will help rehabilitate people back in society

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Doesn't work on niggers

If you're in prison you're probably shit anyway.
Niggers, wiggers, and human trash deserve to kick the calendar

did it ever occur to you that america is a capitalist nation? a globalist industrialist one at that?

did it ever occur to you that prision system is a profitable one? one where you can offer the bear minimum and pocket the rest of the budget?

did it ever occur to you that the educational system is the same way with putting a premium on white majority schools and a discount on urban sections?

I've no idea what point you're trying to make and I'm too tired to actually care, but I'll just say that if it were up to me, high security prisons would be forced labour camp. Basically lite gulags. If these fucking cunts won't help society by their own choice, they'll pay the cost they represent by toil and blood.
The prison system would be even more profitable if the fucking human trash had to pay for EVERYTHING they consume inside, instead of letting the taxpayers pay for his mistakes like my country and Norway do.

Norway and Finland have wiggers and human trash filling our prison system aswel but we still manage to have the lowest levels of reoffenders in the world.

Also our prison system at least here in Finland is the biggest christian convertion camp in the nation. I've worked for a christian charity organisation and over half of our male members were ex-cons.

Norway can afford prisons like that because they don't have some group like, say, niggers, that they need to keep separate from the populace at large. Since the people going to jail actually get rehabilitated, their prisons can be nicer.



>black people

yeah just wait a few years to see if that remains true.
Niggers can't be reeducated. They can't be converted, they can't be reasoned with.
Either you keep them in line or in their own countries.
Both Norway and Filand have very lax laws on MANY issues.
Niggers will abuse that and come out with no fear of going back to prison, since your system will try and be nice to him until he gets bored of acting like an animal.
It works with smart, sensible people.
It works with people capable of empathy.
You're not dealing with either of these.
You're dealing with men who throw acid in women's faces for no fucking reason.
You're dealing with people who rape children because they either believe it cures aids or because they know children won't have aids most of the time.
People who would stone you for saying "I disagree with this specific instance of this millenia old religious text. I think it does not apply to our society"
They have no empathy and no feelings other than lust and anger. They would show us no mercy.
To me, it seems obvious that the merciless should be shown no mercy.
Sow the wind, reap the storm.

prisons should be a hole in the ground dug by their occupant desu senpai

>why are prisons full of niggers different than prisons full of nords

This place is trash.


>rape kid
>get free vacation
I'll take the US prisons, thanks.

The system is already cracking under Islamic pressure since it doesn't know how to deal with people who commit crime out of felt superiority towards perceived unbeliever society.

I'd like to talk and teach more about our prison system but I have to get to training. I'm training to became a prison guard actually.

Fuck them up good user

Dude horseshit if I lived in Norway I'd shank a cuck just to get housed in a nice vacation retreat for a few years on the taxpayer dime.

Prison is supposed to deter nigger behavior, not reward it.

I prefer the Philippians style of treating criminals...
shoot them in the fucking head so they don't waste tax money!

prison was never meant to be second to society. it was meant to be bare bones living with little to no optimization done in the realm of comfortability. its true that our prison system is unjustly monopolized as so many industries have become.

the powers that manipulate the justice system are also manipulating society at large, further permeating ghetto neighborhoods and a criminal lifestyle to keep the prison monopoly afloat. blacks and whites alike are under the influence of bankers and other such swine that are indirectly responsible for creating criminals, sending prisoners into a state of exile until they can no longer endure life without criminal activity. something needs to change.

Lol, as if Norway has the same proportion of NIGGERS that the US does.

How exactly do you plan to rehabilitate niggers?

Prison is a waste of time and resources. Either rehabilitate them, or put them in the ground.

What the fuck do we expect to get when we throw minor offenders in with hardened criminals, trap them in a society that is nothing like the society we expect them to integrate with, program in learned helplessness by stripping away every scrap of agency and control over their lives, then throw them back into the bottom of a capitalist society with no money, no connections, and a skillset outdated in every respect except for interacting with criminals?

People finish their sentences every day. All we're doing is paying to feed, shelter and radicalize these degenerates & stroke our own egos.

You're operating on the assumption that going to prison is supposed to be a pleasant experience and not a punishment for being a piece of shit.

The Norwegian prisons are not as humane as the media led you to believe. In modern Norwegian prisons, you are only allowed out of your cell for one hour a day. It is basically solitary confinement for everyone.

Wealthier states probably have better prison infrastructure...

Hit the nail on the head with the issue. For Nordics the loss of freedom is punishment enough but that doesnt work on people who lack the ability to understand such abstract consepts.


Then niggers would be motivated to commit more crime because those Norwegian prisons are nicer than the niggers communities.

so americans

the private prison system is a cancer.

>Goes to Oslo
>Kills some Muslim Invaders
>Goes to wonderful prison
>Enjoys self
>Gets out
>Goes back to kill more Muslim Invaders

I'm not sure why this isn't happening all the time



Fuck off nigger. US prisons are working as intended, your kind is just too stupid to realize that stealing shit and fightning cops is what lands you in prison in the first place.

Simple solution. Don't go to prison (even if you have to kill cops).

this. like animals, niggers don't associate the punishment with the crime and can't grasp the concept that they should be punished. in their minds they are always the victim because something bad is happening to them. this is why they always "din du nuffin". they can't understand that a punishment in the future applies to something they did in the past

Let's see what the prisons look like after their filled with imported criminals

Or maybe they just realize that your system of laws is a complete fucking joke and laugh at your dumb ass while fucking your wife.

They'll catch up quickly, they're importing criminals in from africa and the middle east just to appease some form of white guilt despite never having anything to do with slavery

They're the epitome of the term cuck

Prisoners rescuing dogs and Prison Ministries are really good programs to start.

Crack the collarbone, so they can't raise their arms.

But under American prisons they already have no fear of coming back to prison. Our prison system isn't working, and doing the same thing while expecting different results is lunacy. It's time to try the Scandinavian prison system, it has shown to be very effective and facts don't lie, unless they're (((facts))), but in this case, they are not.

>give American niggers better living accommodations in jail than when they’re free
>they keep coming back same as before


> go to norway
> rob a bank
> if caught serve time in luxury prison
> if not caught , Money

How hard is it to understand
don't steal
>(robbery, larceny, burglary)
don't kill
>(murder, homicide, manslaughter)
don't force people to have sex with you
>(rape, criminal sexual act)
don't beat people up 0
>(assault, harassment)
don't deal drugs
>(criminal sale of narcotics, criminal possession of narcotics, criminal sale of marijuana, criminal possession if marijuana)

It seems very simple to me and most people. Yet when we look at the demographics the perpetrators of these crimes overwhelmingly a share a particular trait

>Tyrone kills WW2 veteran so he can steal his TV and 20$
>state has no death penalty
>gets sent to prison
>free playstation and netflix xdd and hamburger xdd
such a great idea my liberal friend
what USA really needs is GULAG

The prison system can rehabilitate people who have no desire to be rehabilitated. The type of crime being committed in Scandinavia pre mass immigration reform is no where near the crime that happens in the urban US

If we did this we should make longer sentences


But the ones here come out even worse after prison. Won't it be better to atleast attempt to rehabilitate them?

I agree penal colonies one of the good thing to come out of Russia

Would you agree to live in a luxurious apartment with the condition that you can't leave it, no internet, no alcohol, etc? Would you want to go back after the served time?

>implying people can be rehabilitated
I got some news for you, faggot

I hate Scandinavian prisons, they're soft as shit. We should just throw prisoners into a dirt cell for years with barely any food and absolutely no bed.

>come out even worse after prison
then make sure they don't come out
prisoners manage to own cellphones and make alcohol in Russian and American prisons, do you really think they don't have that in Europe?
