Mexico: Gasoline Smugglers Attack Military Convoy with Grenades

7 soldiers killed
México is a WarZone

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>Gasoline smugglers


I'm really conflicted. On one hand, I want to fix Mexico, on another hand, your people have fucked up my country so much I don't care anymore.

Because it's as lucrative as drugs? you dumb or what

You can't go to a gas station and pump drugs, dumb nigger.

fuel smuggling happens a lot in Europe too (because of 60+% taxes)

>deliberately create policies that subsidize and protect the worst elements from a foreign country
>get mad at that country when a significant number of their criminals take up on your offer

That's only because of the liberal faggots mostly on the west coast, who defy federal law and shield criminal aliens because "fuck white people" or something like that. They should all be in jail.

There are people currently doing everything in their power to shield them. Not to mention that the spics we bring in also take the immigration official jobs and bring in more of their fucking people. Mexico made it to where you can keep Mexican citizenship while gaining citizenship in the US.

i don't disagree, i just think if you start getting too specific about which group you belong to, for example white non-liberal americans, then why not let others do the same, for example white, law abiding, productive mexicans?
i sympathize with your cause, but last time I checked, Hillary, along with millions of her followers, are white. that doesn't necessarily mean you have a lot in common with them, or that you are not worthy of friendship or respect because libs the same color as you push for the carpet bombing of innocent sandnigs or the financing the abortion of babies.

this is especially relevant in the current context: libs are deliberately trying their hardest to import the worst from Mexico. it'd be like Mexico giving out gibs and legal immunity to convicted white americans and then getting mad at you when they end up with the largest trailer park full of murderers and heroine addicts in their backyard

You know I may distest Mexicans but you gotta hand it to the ones that join the Mexican Military. They know they are walking straight into hell, most likely are going to get shot, and have a life of hell after service but they are doing this to help bring some order to their country.

They should start a coup in all honesty

They really should but the problem isn't the Mexican Government it's the Cartels, how you do plan a coup to take out several large crime groups where cutting the head off might not work?

im glad soldiers get killed they deserve that and moar. they kill innocent people all the time
putos milicos de mierda

Because those groups are allowing people to break the law and willingly let them bring in other law breakers. Then those law breakers come in and take important job positions, like immigration officials, congressional positions, etc. and bring in more of their own kind. You may think I'm fucking crazy and just have a gigantic hate boner for Mexicans but you wouldn't believe the amount of crazy shit people are doing just to destroy my one and only country. How would you feel if million of Brazilians were flooding Uruguay and actively saying Uruguay belongs to Brazil? or that the people are going to be a minority and the future is a Brazilian Uruguay? You'd be furious.

yeah no thats a horrible idea because many of the old spec ops became the cartels and mexican spec ops is not really a meme army and its in our best interests for them to have a nice country so alot of them can fuck off back there. mexicans aren't really bad people but I just want anglo america to stay white and anglo although the jews are a bigger issue for us than the mexicans

What cartel are you in

At this point it needs to involve some plan where the military quickly drops guns and ammo to the civilians and tells them to defend themselves against any narco fucks, then they hit the narcos as hard as possible in all of their holdouts. Seems unlikely anyone will have the balls or logistics to pull it off.

el cartel de tu puta madre gringo de mierda

>We wuz special forces n sheeiitt

I would be furious yes, at the criminal Brazilians and at the criminal Uruguayans who brought them in, but I'd like to hope I wouldn't be mad at Brazil as a whole.

innocent gringo. you should know the military doesnt want to protect mexicans. they are in the same buisness as the narcos. they have the worst human rights violation records regarding civilians, they are not trained to safeguard us, they are trained to keep the elites in power, mexico is not a democracy

not Mexico but isis


if that would be the case, mexicans should be allowed to own guns. its illegal or very hard to have even a small pistol. over controlled as fuck

Sorry to hear that. Is legalizing drugs the only way out then? Making gun ownership easier seems like it would make the murder rate go way up from more violence.

I don't want to be mad at all of Mexico, I really don't. But is it really that farfetched to think there isn't anything fucky going on? Considering the amount of shit US officials do, think of what the Mexican officials do behind the scenes, under the nose of everyone.
Here is a pamphlet from the Mexican Secretary of Foreign Affairs telling people how to illegally enter the US:
Here is an article about in in the New York Times in 2005 (Notice how no one talks about it anymore, hmmmm.):
So no, I don't want to hate all of Mexico and every Mexican. But the more this goes on I can't help but feel anger towards them


Who cares

im in favor of legalizing drugs and guns but thats imposible as i told you mexico is not a democracy. theres no legal way out of this shithole the justice system is putrid as shit, it only favors the rich and the politicians.

Algo me dice que votaras a favor del peje

tipico idiota. no votaré por el peje. es lo mismo. cualquier partido. son lo mismo. tu por quien vas a votar dime

Mexico needs to elect their own version of Trump

Who is peje?

yeah, maybe you're right

Does Uruguay still have that hippy president?

peje is like trump but from the left. same shit

not anymore, though his party is still in power.

this 100%

after decades of demoralization the people and the culture it's also putrid. If you give guns to citizens they're going to become the next cartel because everyone wants the easy way. The government and the rich ones want it this way. Alcohol, drugs, party, TV, religion, facebook and the latest USA trend it's everything in life for a Mexican.

Most of them don't deserve a fucking miligram of respect, most of them are corrupt pieces of shit that abuse their power

Stop it with the blackpills pls, i want to fix my country but how do hell are we supossed to unfuck this absolute hellhole

i think (((they))) want to distance political campaigns as much as possible from meaningful decision making. they want people voting on someone because they're white, or black, or brown, and not because they agree or disagree with the fed, defending Israel, or with nuking the middle east. Trump is a special case, but you also have people like McCain, obviously targeted at white voters, who's a full on globalist.

I'm not denying that races exist, or anything like that, but it's being pushed to a point where it almost seems like bait. Hitler himself had a friendship with the spanish, italians, palestines, japanese, chinese, etc. why can't we? i think it's normal for all people to be proud and prefer their own background and country. i grew up poor as fuck here but i don't mind it and unironically wouldn't have changed it for growing up anywhere else if i had had the chance. maybe Hitler's race autism was the 1930's Germany version of today's "USA #1" in sport events. It doesn't mean burgers necessarily want to gas everyone else and turn them into soap. Identity pride is good, but being conned into becoming politically retarded because of your identity sucks.

it not as easy as fucking voting huevon

i really wish my state Yucatan became independent from that shithole


están igual de jodidos. tienen los suicidios más altos. desolación por doquier

Soldiers are also corrupt. Military equipment goes “missing” all the time

and they end in hands of the narcos. i told you is the same shit and the junky gringos are not fucking helping

I try to live a nondegenerate lifestyle and help around on my community, at least i'm doing something you malinchista cagado.
En serio, dime que putas se supone que hagamos?

Do you retards really think we all go to some CC on the west coast and eat up everything professor Roberto shits down our throat? You're just as stupid as the "Sup Forums is one person" retards. I'm glad you don't care, though. Like we need your fucking support anyway.

Chairindio detected.

Asspained demential corrupt megalomaniac that wants us to become Venezuela 2.0