Is this one of the best moments in the whole series?

is this one of the best moments in the whole series?

Blue eyes ultimate dragon was such a pointless monster

it's not pointless, it has 4500 attack points

And it can help make Dragon Master Knight, which has 5000 everything

No, because Kaiba should have won that duel and would have if Noah wasn't a cheap fucker.

Atem had no place in that match because he has no ties to Noah whatsoever.

>Kaiba cheats in Duelist Kingdom
>gets saved by Yugi
>Kaiba gets cheated by Noah
>gets saved by Yugi

>the state of that guy
>go to the only god knows where just to lose again

The series isn't called Kaiba-Oh for a reason.

Can't be the best if you are just filler.

duel me faggots

no shit



Useless muhahaha


Lol fuckin trap stun

Pic related.

d-delet this

I see you got distracted by my dragon but guess what turn it is!

You have 400 life points left and no monsters in play, not a wise choice.

Turn 20 already happened you lost, better luck next time.


>Looks like a dinosaur, but isn't
>Looks like a machine, but isn't
>Literally called the shock master, could be thunder, but isn't
What a gay card

> Cyber Twin

catch up, jiisan

>must be fusion summoned

>deals over 9000 damage in one turn

Jesus Christ Yami

Is the manga better than the anime?

I've been getting nostalgia for the game, but I have a feeling that the show isn't any good.

I mean if you haven't seen "Season 0" it's a nice treat.

Also Malik becomes much more malicious

Post your Cardfus

Is king of skull servants still viable

Yu-Gi-Oh had some real ace mechanical designs.

Absolutely, even more now that this came out.

>that card

My god that makes me wanna play again, loved me some KoSS

I missed out on Season 0. Otherwise I'm sure I watched everything else regarding DM as a kid.

And I just read the first two chapters of the manga. The series is not even about children's card games yet. But it's too early to tell if it'll be a decent read or not; so far it's been quite cheesy, but Atem is an endearing edgelord.

Nope. The first battle is with Kaiba

Like holy shit find the YouTube video for it and watch the rules

It's pretty cool to see what duel monsters was


Sutadasto has a lovely pair of tits.

That's even more pointless. Just attack with the 3 blue eyes already

Why was Kaiba able to summon Obelysk in the newest movie?

The whole time wizard part with Joey was a classic, I probably couldn't forget that.

Because he's Seto Kaiba.

Couldn't this card be combined with ones that jumps turns like Yugi's?

I don't think that one exists irl

>best moment

can't be both user sorry


yes, but it's pointless.

It's Angel.
And these things are traditionally depicted as weird shit, consider Vylons

Shock Master fits this perfectly.

your turn, senpai

did you play youre whole fucking hand

Night beam your Solemn Warning, normal summon Denko Sekka, Cosmic Cyclone your Ariadne, Harpie's Feather Duster, run over Artemis.

People run Night Beam in 2017?

Ariadne :^)

>Night beam
You do realize that MST is objectively the better card, right?

Let's do this.

no. final countdown increases counter at the end of the end phase. using turn jump would just skip one of the counters.

source: i run a FC deck

He was one of my first cards, and I still have it actually. He's just SO cool in my opinion.

pyro clock of destiny works tho

>source: i run a FC deck
please kill yourself
also, how do you ever win anything in this age of rats?

No, which is why I forgot it doesn't actually work in this situation. The correct solution would be enter Battle Phase, activate Anti-Magic Arrows, Main Phase 2, Normal Summon Denko Sekka, activate True King Agnimazud to pop another copy of itself and Bahrastos, Bharastos effect to summon Lithosagym from deck, destroyed Agnimazud effect to add Bahrastos back to hand, overlay 2 True Kings for V.F.D., effect of V.F.D. declare water, Bahrastos effect pop Artemis and Lithosagym from hand to summon, Lithosagym effect to summon Agnimazud from grave, and optionally make another V.F.D.

>activate Anti-Magic Arrows

>Denko Sekka

>everything afterwards
Chain Vanity's to Agni

>Cards and effects cannot be activated in response to this card's activation.

you're right, but is there anyone who actually runs anti-magic arrows, because it looks really, really bad.

Seen it a handful of times but it's not really good, no.

It a great card.

Unless your opponent is a retard with an open field that's impossible.


But attacking with ultimate blue eyes or dragon master knight is easier? They all die to man eater bug anyway at least with 3 blue eyes you'll still have 2 left


>Joey should have won against Marik
>Yosenju Sawatari should have won against Yuya
>Jean should have won against Yusei
>Odin guy should have won against Yusei
>Literally anyone with half a brain should have won against yusei ffs

Nigga MAI shouldve beat Marik

Is Construct still banned? I had tons of fun making all sorts of weird decks with Shaddolls Blue Eyes Shaddolls being the best one.

Honestly someone needs to overhaul that banlist. With the new master rule, many of the cards aren't even "dangerous" anymore.

I forgot about the one summon only rule for a second, thought it was a bad dream. Guess I'm not playing Dolls either way.

Odion should've won against Joey

Post yfw super polly got banned

Mine was still in the mail at the time

Are you actually retarded

To be fair, Marik had a strategy set up that intentionally gave Ra to Mai. Then again, I can't remember if HLS would have been able to beat him if they hadn't been sacrificed.



It's sick though. The only bad thing is that it was pretty hard to summon back in the day when you only had polymerization to rely on.

I activate my Mask change, turning my defense position monster into Masked Hero Acid. Your backrow wipes, and your monster loses 1500 atk.


I once played an Exodia FTK deck and did this to them at the end of the turn. They were so pissed They just slid all their cards into their backpack and left the tournament.

I meant to say bubbleman, not monster.

Were you surprised? Harpy feather duster is banned for a reason so having it on a monster is only a small step up

final countdown decks are shit, so he doesnt win

Best thing is to do is make absolute zero first turn, but that usually scares them away. Full opponent board wipe is hilarious.