How many times does this faggot interrupt the congressman? why do they insist on treating right wingers like children?
CNN host turned into stuttering mess over FBI criminality
we only watch le fox around these parts xDDDDD
Yep, there's one. Continue to assume your moral and intellectual superiority and get your political asses whalloped for the rest of your lives
yeshiva brainwashed zealots berman, tapper
Their strategy is to obfuscate the facts of Strzok. "Mueller fired him right away LOL". They intentionally ignore the integral roles he played in 2016's investigations
FBI Edward W. "Bill" Priestap is married to Golman Sachs zillionaire Menschel's daughter
that CNN dude deserves to be drawn and quartered.
Nah, let him stay. He sucks at his job.
Thanks for the clip op. CNN is truly horrible
i know, i just get so triggered
>Stop conspiring against us goy
The absolute chutzpah of these kikes.
>American Jews
you know how you btfo CNN anchors?
ask them if them what they're going to do about their declining viewership because their audience of squatamalans, cat ladies and sheboons van't relate to tnem
What the fuck is this embarrassing attempt to dance round the issue by that retarded CNN employee? They truly are fake news.
fox news pioneered this style. before they ruined journalism it used to be fine.
This CNN clown is still lapping up Schiff's narrative. Once the facts are all out, he should be fired for incompetence.
>Oy Vey!!! It's Fox News fault!!! Ignore the kikes over at (((CNN)))!!!
t. Samantha Bee
CNN: what about our alternative facts?
Except this is not a Right or Left issue. There's a clear unfolding narrative of facts. This CNN guy should be curious. Instead, he's playing the ostrich.
That congressman is a tinfoil retard.
RIP Mueller investigation!!!
Liberals BTFO!!!
>I only hear you talking about the people who were pulling shady shit
this reporter's balls
The problem with the CNN position is they don't have the reality of what happened on their side. They should have caught on months ago, instead they still persist in their stupidity.
Then in who knows, two years, when the whole world will have realized there was a plan to take away the election from Trump and to manufacture the whole Russian story, they'll wake up. They'll be shocked, like 'who could have seen this coming?'.
>Continue to assume your moral and intellectual superiority and get your political asses whalloped for the rest of your lives
Why would you say that to me? I'm not a liberal. And I certainly do not watch CNN Fake News.
jesus. this is horrible.
where's the gas when you need it?
Jim Jordan has the facts that he rattles one after the other. And it'll just get worse for CNN as more facts come out.
The CNN guy still grasps to the most tenuous links to show somehow there was no plan to hurt Trump with Russia. And it'll get just more tenuous as time goes on.
As the facts come out, they'll steamroll CNN and the rest of the MSM... Litterally the opposite of Watergate. CNN and MSM are hindering the truth getting out.
I love you guys but these meme flags are getting old.
i liked the anonymous source from vanity fair
that was priceless
We've been telling them for months, right here in the open. All they had to do was listen. It still kinda amazes me that they didn't. I realize they were going to stick to the narrative on camera, but it appears that they stuck to it in their back rooms too, and you can't strategize against facts you won't consider.
That has to be the most desperate attempt to shift blame I've seen all day, and it's 11:58pm. Congrats, you win.
Well, of course he is, he's not parroting the CNN narrative. Keep forcing that divide until they're talking to dead air.
his is a worthless scumbag, deserving naught but death
>Some rando congress turd can kill an investigation
sorry friendo
thse cunts are scared shitless that their playdough president is a goner
Whether you're a paid troll or not, it's OK. You can spin stuff. It's part of the game... But this CNN guy is not a troll, he's supposed to play a journalist on TV. He's a disgrace.
Holy shit. That was good. It's hilarious how taking Trumps side is so difficult because explaining the treachery of the left is fucking exhausting. You basically have to be autistic and assertive.
CNN really doesn't like it when other people are talking, do they?
And I thought the government was sweeping this under the rug. Good on this congressman. I have a little bit more faith in our representatives now.
Is anyone else starting to think that James Comey ACTUALLY found his own suicide note in the hillary doccuments?
the sad thing is that millions of people actually believe this
That was great
Lol it's the guy from the Senate vote thread that carried an entire conversation on with himself
John should have told him to shut up and have some respect, then they could have a real conversation. The man is a babblering fool who does not respect his interviewee, end the interview there and go to a different network.
Stop being interviewed by CNN it's a waste of time politicians.
Sorry meant Jim it's late.
>Lol it's the guy from the Senate vote thread that carried an entire conversation on with himself
So, you weren't listening?
>Hey congressman check out muh Vanity Fair anonymous quote
That's pretty retarded, dick. Check out these text messages from FBI agents.
My wife has serious doubts anything that isn't run in the mainstream. She watched Jordan and said, Oh my god it's real. But the anchor kept interrupting and didn't let Jordan make his best case.
Holy shit CNN is a fucking hot mess.
Really like this Jordan guy. Good energy.
I love this, I love when their bias is so transparent, it's laughable. CNN makes themselves look bad so frequently, it's too bad only Leftists watch this shit and their blatant bias goes unnoticed because they think liberalism is the only reality... idiots. Also, why is CNN still so hard-on to defend Shillary? She lost.. I understood them defending her when they were on her payroll during the election cycle, but why now?
The fact that people as retarded as you exist IRL is terrifying.
Typical salt on this video from Democrats:
Kim Morris3 hours ago
He is mental absolutely mental!!! Even as s British woman you can see that he’s on something. This interviewer was too weak everyone else wouldn’t let him get away with half the crap he was saying.
He said Merry Christmas but all I heard was Fuck you cnn.
Listen, Listen, Listen
Anytime the pun-dents say the same thing 3 times its because the producer in their ear is telling them what to say.
Because Hillary's corruption network includes them. She is still their boss. Also because they know that if she goes down, whatever is left of their credibility with the actual morons who still listen to them is gone forever. Even the dumbest spic will see how they were lied to. The fake news industrial complex is fighting for its life.
Lulz at 6:40 the rat juden tries to spin the interview in his favor and gets shut down, Priceless!
It's amazing how much of a bogeyman Fox News is to liberals. It's nothing more than a news channel with a right-wing perspective, but you're acting like it's bringing down the republic even though maybe 1% of the population watches it.
That's A big "IF". It doesn't seem like anything can take Shillary out, like she invincible from the numerous crimes shes committed
is that what meganon means when she says the media sets up backdoors?
>nope, the investigations weren't all deep state shills because this vanity fair article with 3 page views says so
She can go down, but it's a process, because it's like she was the kingpin of her own substantial deep state, funded by the CF. A lot of supports have to be cut out from under her first. Saud was one. Weinstein and a ring of Hollywood pedophiles are another. McCabe's gang of moles in the FBI is another. When enough of them are taken from her or turned against her, then she can be dealt with.
>Have a happy holiday sir
>You too, Merry Christmas
interrupting communist (((kike))) journalist
Harvard did a study showing that fox news was by far the most unbiased cable news network. It wasnt even close and they STILL were 49% positive for trump 51% of stories about trump were negative. Also how can you even say this shit when you can go on youtube and watch cnns fake ass desert storm coverage from before fox news even existed. 8/10 i fell for it
You got a link to that study? I'd like to bring that up during the holidays.
>not baking jews
you had one job
Jims reaction was priceless. And he nailed it home by repeating how ridiculous CNNs position was, trying to compare an anonymous source vs direct email evidence from leading FBI figures.
CNN only hires the best and brightest people they can find - case in point:
Years ago Fox was very right wing. They actually are now just reporting real news, at least in primetime, but because it is different from the left loony networks of CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, and NBC are so left - it makes Fox seem extreme.