Is this the fabled soyboy?

is this the fabled soyboy?

>tfw look like soyboy
how do I fix this without suicide


it's ok he's kind of cute

Lift and eat more

What is a good diet for lifting? I've been living off nothing but ramen, canned pasta and pizza for years. Where the fuck do I start.

Become a trap

>tfw soyboy glasses

I want to get new ones

I look like a dork with very thin rimless glasses though

What do

get contacts dumbass

Traps are gay, user.

>go to /fit/
>read sticky
ez. just eat a lot of protein, carbs, and veggies/fruits.

If you're skinny, eat big- get big.
If you're fat, eat right, get healthy.

go to /fit/ and read the sticky. Don't do any meme diet just do the sticky. persistence and patience.

the superior lenses

Stop balding and get better glasses


Never been to /fit/, I'll check it out. Thanks.

Fucking contacts or just own that shit.

...a gun. Into your mouth.

im going to subscribe to this guys twitter and everytime he wants to 'spread the word' about something im going to ask for $5

protein after lifting and do muscle stretching to cheat your muscles bigger, also use nicorette gum to kill estrogen in your body and dont drink alcohol.

He's right though, you should be ashamed.

>being this spineless
How do we fix it? Can we just force them take testosterone?

>girl glasses


How about I just smoke cigarettes instead?

>I think #GiveYourMoneyToWomen is such a great movement
Has there ever been such a blatant scam? On one hand I hate women, on the other they're scamming cucks, I'll allow it for now.

>dont drink alcohol.
Besides being a waste of money and degenerate, why is this?

lots of calories, makes you dumb

empty calories

Oh, don't just ask. You have to sprinkle your single sentence replies with guilt. Make him apologize, and when the transaction is final... "That's right."

post tits tacobell working slut

this is the correct answer

choose dork. dork is better than soyboy

What's a nubian?
