Is there anything more awful than an open air office? Why do bugmen love this concept?

Is there anything more awful than an open air office? Why do bugmen love this concept?

What the fuck is a "bugman"?


This place is trash.

An office filled with nerve gas or smoke, those are a couple things that come to mind when I try to think of worse environs.

>Is there anything more awful than an open air office?
Yes, there is something more awful than an open office. This same tired ass thread every fucking day.

My anxiety would be off the fucking charts

No privacy in a sea of leftist bugmen and chinks and cat ladies all tinkering away on computers. Holy God that is literally hell.

The break room.

It's probably a new Sup Forums meme. If I know any thing about Sup Forums, it is related to the soy meme and means skinny soy boys.


Hello hi are you sad at the loss of r/incel?

I'm in one right now. I don't see the problem. It helps a lot that the air con is good

>open air office?


consumer slaves with no personality outside of the products they buy and media they consume

No walls or cubicals.

i mean, does anyone really like the cubicles, walls and white noise? is open air office that much worse?

I'd be too busy staring at plumbers cracks
>lip smack


You. Are. So. Sassy. You get the bongo stick at nom break his week.
They love any concept as long as it is "conceptual". They are doing really important work that warrents the money flowing through the estate market in that area. DON'T QUESTION IT HATER!

"small-souled bugman" implies that the person has been cut off from their cultural roots, and totally subsumed into consumerist neoliberal hive. they are totally lack any sort of sympathy for their ancestors folkways, higher spirituality, or passion. if they do engage in activities that are somewhat human, they still are heavily tinged by global capitalism. if they are a sportsfan, they will participate heavily in fantasy sports(which is obsessed with statistics, 'scientific' analysis of performance). if they exercise, it will be all cardio, and tracked by fitbit and then uploaded to faceberg. tastes in food, art, music, movies are predetermined by review aggregator sites like yelp, metacritic or rotten tomatoes. political views only appeal to them if they seem 'rational,' and derived from the sort of conventional wisdom, economics influenced worldview seen in works like 'moneyball', nate silver's 538 blog, and 'freakonomics.'

the small-souled bugman promotes awareness about climate change and praises exponential, unidirectional growth. he stands up for the rights of oppressed women and "sex workers" and torrents HD POV ultra-close-up pornography. he corners VCs at TED Talks to tell them about his drone delivery app and doesn't know how to talk to a mechanic.

he tweets safe opinions under his full name. he vapes artisinal medicinal cannabis, gazes at jpegs of nebulas and ponders the wonders of the universe.
he scoffs at miracles and strives to be the most rational, the most right, the most ahead. he never watches things grow and never watches things die.

>tuvok posters
day of the makei WHEN!!!!!

No. How can you not expect for there to be bickering/drama amongst employees and a very high tension environment. I think that the Zuckerburgs of the world enforce this office layout so they can observe their underlings like a curious child watches an ant farm.

I work in one. Everyone is sick constantly, dogs roam free and work barely gets done unless you use headphones.

Only good thing is they tend to pay well, so I'm enduring two more months to make enough to purchase a warehouse and start my own company where pets are banned, everyone has an office and I don't hire women.

Office environment is very passive aggressive. doesn't help when you have no privacy.

Redditors are prime example of bugmen.

If the Redditor has hobbies, they are defined by purchasing and consuming products rather than creating something. A person who woodworks almost definitely doesn't post about it on Reddit - they are usually pretty well-adjusted people who picked it up on their own, took a shop class, or was introduced to it by a friend or family member. They may post on a web 1.0 woodworking forum like this one. The same goes for electronics hobbyists, gearheads, and so on.

What is a Reddit hobby, then? The best example is collecting mechanical keyboards. I cannot for the life of me understand these people. They literally spend thousands of dollars on keyboards. I can even understand why Black people blow $4,000 on a subwoofer for their jalopi, but why do you need to spend over $200 on a keyboard? This is a secret for those with advanced tastes finely sculpted by months of quietly observing Reddit karma counts, such as the bugman. Another example is the fountain pen sub, the male fashion advice sub (the advice is in the sidebar, the posts are mostly city dwelling nu-males discussing Uniqlo button downs), and to some extent the audiophile sub. Redditors also love Tesla automobiles far more than the luxury cars offered by traditional automakers like BMW, Audi, Acura, Lexus, etc., mostly because they don't know much about traditional cars in the first place and Teslas are more or less glorified appliances to begin with. This isn't unique to Redditors though, an important litmus test of a Small Souled Bugman is their opinion on Teslas. If they gush over them while also criticizing traditional luxury carmakers, you've got a Grade A+ Bugman on your hands.

guarantee you everyday at least one person goes in there on LSD

>Why do bugmen love this concept?

It accustoms one to a lack of privacy or agency while doing it under the guise of community.

There are no walls, no privacy, not even a cubicle to call your own. You are constantly observed, constantly on display, a cog in a machine; but your boss still has his corner office.

hmm so it sounds like a failed experiment for a more "free, open" area so workers feel comfortable and what not

I like the lighting but otherwise, it's horrifying.

I work in one of these and holy fuck the lack of privacy and anxiety level is through the roof.
And I unironically don’t slack off at work or just browse around on random websites. One day we were extremely slow and so I pulled up a tab to pay my utility bill. Never again. Extreme panic attack.
Oh, and one time a douche told my boss they saw me drawing/doodling instead of working when we were really busy. They actually tattled to him, and he wasn’t even in the same department (we sit in the same area though)
The thing is, I don’t even draw. It was insanity. I had been working on several urgent issues all day.
My boss didn’t even ask me about it either. The faggot starting asking everyone around me about it, not caring about ruining my work reputation with them at all.
Of course everyone else said “uhhh no. That definitely wasn’t happening”.
The reason I even found out is because someone asked me if my boss had ever talked to me about it. Apparently they told him I was helping him solve an issue, so they don’t even know when I’d have a chance to doodle.
Grown fucking men.
God I hate my life

Uh..why the hell do they allow pets at your workplace? Do the management not have regular meetings with staff to determine how productivity is coming along?

Because your workplace sounds inefficient as all hell.

>that Black Lives Matter on the cork board to the right

Because it appeals to commie "everybody's the same, man" sensibilities.

>dogs at work in a white collar field
wtf mate?

Get out and learn a trade. Join and working/paid apprenticeship for a local shop - welding, carpentry, electrical.

Just do it. Your life will change for the better.

Get out and work with your hands. Pay is better and you will feel like a man.

Upper management has fallen for the meme that talented engineers like working in these kinds of environments so they can "collaborate" more. The reality is all the best programmers would be 100x more productive and happy working in a soundproof closet with no lights and a few piss bottles. Prajeets and Ching-Chongs like open office concepts because they are better at "collaborating" (i.e. talking alot about shit they don't really understand) and are very good at looking busy under the watchful eye of management.

Quality posts user

I wouldn't be able to focus under these conditions, and look how fucking messy it there too. I can just imagine all the noise there too

I honestly just need my boyfriend to ask me to marry him and try to switch to mostly freelancing work as it comes.
It makes me nervous though. I will stick with him until I croak, I love him more than anything, but he is so bad with spending money that I wouldn’t feel secure quitting right now.
I come from an extremely poor family so there’s not another safety net. I think the best thing to do right now might be to suffer it.
>that douche still tries to cause problems with me all the time though and I really just don’t get it

Tits or GTFO

You know, for $500 a chair, those things get a solid "meh" as far as comfort goes.

Also, yes, open office is terrible. Even cubicles are terrible. Thinking requires a quiet space with a lockable door.

> Prajeets and Ching-Chongs like open office concepts because they are better at "collaborating" (i.e. talking alot about shit they don't really understand) and are very good at looking busy under the watchful eye of management.

Nail on the motherfucking head.

I remember thinking in school
>it'll get better in uni, there people are mature

Then I remember thinking in uni
>it'll get better after graudation, there people are mature

Then I remember thinking in my internship
>it'll get better when I get hired fully, then people will act mature

Then I remember thinking during my first job
>it'll get better when I get the good position

Then I became self employed. Do it user, it'll liberate you.

me on lower right

Manager here, it's so we can make sure you fucks are working and not pissing around.

Soy boys who are lanky and have no muscle(limbs like a bug) thick black rim glasses (like bug eyes) and who follow their hivemind.

Nothing like some free range office workers to

Ctrl+f panopticon
No results
I know Foucault aka AIDS Mody was a punk, but this is what is happening. It's just like social media atmosphere but material.

To clarify; “that douche” as in the guy at work.
He yelled at me the other day for bringing up an error he made (I have to do this as a required part of my job, so he can fix it). He’s not even in the same department as me. But he came up to my desk and started just shouting and I felt really scared. I don’t know why I felt so scared, but I was raised by a single mom and a grown man has never stood over me and started yelling before.
Then later the HR girl (who is also sitting close by) that flirts with him said she didn’t hear anything when I had to talk to the whole HR team about it.
The yelling from him was so bad I ran out of the building and so I could cry from sheer anxiety. As I was leaving he shouted behind me “YEAH YOU BETTER LEAVE, YEAH GET OUT. FUCKIN GET OUT OF HERE”
All this for doing something I absolutely have to do as a requirement for my job, that was something along the lines of “hey I noticed this one thing is missing from your report, if you rerun it with that included the whole thing should be good to go, the rest looks great”
Thanks for reading my blog

simple, they count on outsourced slaves in hyderabad to do most of the work.

If HR doesn't do anything about it then go above them. That's one thing I've learned throughout my career. If someone isn't doing their fucking job and that prevents you from doing yours then go to the next level above them.

Show tits and vageene

Do you work where I work?
If so I'll report you, you communist faggot. I love those dogs and you're not working hard enough GLEN.



Do you understand what this meme is even for you mong
No gender was even mentioned, stop being a brainlet and distracting from the thread about miserable liberal work culture

Open concept basically enables and encourages spying/shoulder-surfing, which turns employees from human beings into the soulless work drones the company pays for.

>what? But how?
Open concept eliminates privacy, which creates an environment non-conducive to individualism or personal expression. This is great for HR, middle management, and other similar business functions that focus on creating/cultivating an extremely bland and boring workplace environment, but it also stifles creativity, decreases job satisfaction, and counter-intuitively often increases social isolation in the workplace. Turns out, people don't like not being able to escape unwanted social interaction, and this leads to overall decreased job satisfaction.

>But why do bugmen like this?
Because bugmen are the closest thing modern society has to a pure expression of consumerist culture. They primarily consume traditional social media, so they harbor almost no unique or individual opinions that would spark controversy it would "out" them as unique individuals with complex opinions. Their thoughts fit nicely into the vanilla box, and their actions are nearly all sanctioned by traditional or social media, so they have no reason to fear reprisal for their personal habits/practices.

They are constantly "keeping up with the Joneses", measuring themselves against the material trappings of their peers, so they like being able to glance around the room and simply eye fuck other people's desks for signs of status (trip photos, new car keys, new phone/accessories/personal items to compare scores against).

Finally, bugmen are aimless wanderers, and rarely relied upon for meaningful work requiring actual focus or intellectual effort, so an open office gives them ample excuse to just fucking gab all day while pretending to be working, under the guise of "collaborating" with their peers.

Report to next level of management both his and the HR woman's actions. Paper trail it. Keep an eye on the guy and whenever he approaches you try to discreetly film so there's at least audio. Best do the same with the woman as well, females are often cruel and vindictive creatures.

offices were always open. cubicles are a relatively recent idea. I've worked both ways and it's a mixed bag, some good parts some not. I prefer the cubicle for concentration and less distraction. and browsing certain websites unobserved.

Separate open space for each team is a must. Global open space is retarded. I need control in work from my team mates, not ideologic lookout from the whole office.

>tfw live on East coast and people ask if I'm from California due to my "accent", but I just smoke a lot of weed.

You sound like an absolute faggot.
Why the fuck would you run away and cry? Seriously grow some testicles. You are not going to go anywhere in life if you are running away and crying in the bathroom like a 12 year old girl.

Thank you. I’ve done this before and it’s been effective but recently I saw someone get chewed out by his boss for going to his boss’s about an idea he had that kept getting neglected/forgotten/pushed aside for months.
I thought when I made a certain amount an hour I’d be happier, but I was honestly happier being broke with less things to make me anxious at work.

All of this. Your friend who bought an Amazon Echo as soon as they came out is a perfect example of a bugman.

My company recently hired one of these numale faggots and assigned him to my team. I fucking hate his shitface so much I quit my job yesterday just so I don't have to look at his stupid face and listen to his faggy voice all day.

Jesus christ how much of a fucking pussy are you?

Grow a backbone

>in conclusion
Open offices are used to kill individualism, privacy, and subtly police thought, so as to eliminate undesired behavior or encourage an office full of individualism or genuine conversation. Eventually you grow tied of policing your private self in the open office, and so just give in to the environment and eventually just subconsciously begin to avoid 'problematic' thoughts or opinions, until a form of HR- enforced Stockholm syndrome develops. Bugmen already embody these ideals in their natural state, so an open concept office simply enables them to more easily shirk tasks and compare consumerist dick sizes with none of the downside of losing their privacy or individualism, as they had no concern for their privacy to begin with (seeing as they freely and regularly post on social media, thereby voluntarily sacrificing an essential aspect of their privacy in exchange for internet attention and online social currency), and they have no individualism to lose (as all of their collective understanding of the outside world is cultivated and curated by social media, all of which is notorious for censoring controversy and enabling extreme confirmation bias).

>why do bugmen love open air offices?
With an open air office, anyone can watch. Everyone watches. As work burdens everyone, you take on their burden as they take on yours. Everyone works as one, and combined as one we are more than the sum of our parts. We will it as one. We do it as one. Anyone who refuses to become part of the collective will be punished for their transgressions for not being one.

I guess something like that. This is the socialism of workplace design.

Literally post tits

no. You would be happier if you had some more resilience.
People that winge that "work is hard" are usually not great employees, or they're absolute pussies that can barely deal with day-to-day problems.
Learn some fucking people skills and grow a backbone. I can smell your self inflicted autism from here.


primary reason: cubicles cost money
public relations reason: it promotes camaraderie

fuck u guys I can go outside to cry if I want
He’s like a foot taller than me and at least hundred pounds heavier, and I have never been yelled at by a grown man in my life
Shit was fucking scary. He got too close and was standing over me shouting at the top of his lungs

Sounds like shit my I have a cubicle in a back corner where no one bothers me and I have a nice view. I like to play nature sounds and do whatever on ze phone when it's slow.

I think you're just fucking with us.

This, the fag numale my company hired ended up having an anxiety/panic attack over me trying to push him to get daily client reports delivered on time.

Probably a grill if true

Bingo bango bongo

Sure you can. But some things are something someone with extremely low test would do others are not.
Your other option was to ignore the cunt and get back to work. If he hits you, you can sue.
In a work place like that don't retaliate because then you're in the shit.
>100 pounds 1 foot taller
What are you 5foot and 100pounds or something?
>never been yelled at by a grown man
By that I suppose that you never played any sports because "too intelligent" or never did anything other than sit on your ass and play mario faggot cart.

There's a difference between not getting the hint your project idea is shit and actual workplace harassment.

And if your bosses don't comply then there are more options available.

Also, if your would be so kind as to show your tits?

>the most popular media franchises on earth
>half of american politics
>one of the most popular websites in the western world
Awful wide net you got there.

>like a 12 yeast old girl
Close. She's not 12, just a standard woman. Notice the incessant anxiety, the casual mention of a boyfriend, the legitimate fear oozing from her post referencing being berated by a male coworker?

She's just a standard low-drive woman who only wants job security and financial stability (things she would have in spades if she and other women like her were smart and self-serving enough to find a man who would let her stay home, have children, and provide a happy home).

a Sup Forumstard projection fueled by self-loathing

>fuck decent working conditions
>fuck social contact with other human beings
>fuck not working in a box, or alone with a shovel

you people are too much

Did you even read her post? She is clearly a low-drive, anxious, high strung woman who just wants to be taken care of. What would ever make you think she could handle self employment?

How do you it's a (she)

Yes you stupid fucking abbo. I’m 5”5 and exactly 100 pounds. I promise you low test is not something I’m worried about. The guy is an utter douche but I absolutely don’t want to get hit by him

You do realise that this person you are replying to is supposed to be a female, correct?

Fuck you I work hard as a full time employee, I’m in college, and have multiple freelance clients I do regular projects for. I’m allowed to be miserable at my new age ant farm job asshat

They are not female.
That is a male pretending to be a female to seem like less of a pussy.
Regardless of this, if women want to work along side men they gotta grow a fucking backbone.

>t. Soyboy that can't form relationships outside of work

Bugmen are the defined Millenial generation and their heroes and asexual uglyl female beta orbiters.
The government and insurance companies have convinced these people, who do not need health care, to pay for my old ass by making it a moral standard.
Businesses convince Bugmen and their attendants to work in cheap old warehouses with no offices, furniture, and all the infrastructure exposed.
This cuts down on Capital costs and by making it cool and trendy they can also pay the Bugmen less wages if there are a few mini fridges with the latest craft beer and soy drinks in them, plus some avocados.
You can't even fart in peace in this hellhole of a slave factory.
And they love it.
The Bugman is the tool of the Globalist Elite and their demise can't even wait for the DOTR.

I work in one and I don't mind it at all. My team is loud AF senpai, office is like hanging with the bros.
>OP's pic is FB HQ pretty rad place.
t. work in tech

An open air office would be terrible. Everyone would know that I post on pol and I wouldn't be able to jack off. However, Plenty of things are worse, like Manuel labor.

You are working at loud noises and bro shit
I'd smash a fucking bottle over your head and gouge out your eyeballs with the jagged neck for bro-fagging my workspace.
All Millenials Must Hang.

It's more women, and it's because that's how women derive power, integrating everybody into a highly social situation and then playing everyone off each other.

I am many things, but “low drive” is something I’ve never been called by anyone in real life, you faggy incel brainlet.
I am always working on something, learning something new, or reading new material. It even says in the Bible women shouldn’t be idle. Now stop shitting up the thread if you have nothing actually relevant to contribute.
>also you fucking nigger, it’s okay for me to be afraid of a grown man coming up to me and screaming over me at work
>unironically kill yourself if you think a woman has no right to feel scared in this scenario, since no one will ever feel safe with you enough to truly love you

You have more power than him, yet you still find a way to be the victim.
That's fucking brilliant. Really it is. You have to admire the sheer gall.

The more you type, the more I realise how much of a stupid cunt you are.

I've worked in both. Open air is far worse. You'd think a tiny cubicle blows, but if you get a nice spot away from the manager you can work quietly in peace and actually enjoy yourself a bit when you just want to sit back and stare blankly at the wall.

The thing that bugs me about open air offices is that company push it forward like it's unique but everyone has it.

I went into an office and they were boasting about their open air office but every desk had these noise cancelling walls

But yeah, these office spaces are to be sure that all they have is cog normies.

>not a single black person in sight
really makes you think