It makes me angry when people say that elves are more attractive than orcs. The only reason people think that are Elf-centric beauty standards enforced by the elves themselves.
It makes me angry when people say that elves are more attractive than orcs...
>this awful shitposting
This place is trash.
Wait till they make elves niggers.
>t. orc
Elves are much easier to fuck and/or rape than orcs, whether they're male or female. It doesn't matter if there's a pink hole as long as you can stick it in their stinkhole.
A thread died for this
Come on now guys is this really more attractive than
There's no difference
do you know what snow is?
Orcs are just mutilated Elves though. all part of the Elven race.
You're right, only the Aussies make this board interesting.
Chum best
>not knowing what ORCPOSTING is
I love this meme
>obvious suicide
Elves are fukken fags and always have been
Asian connection my ass
oh fuck off and use the filters if you dont want to have fun
go back to to /plebdor faggot
bump for more orc posts
i lost all of mine
Sad thing about orc posting is that it detracts away from the real connections to Lord of the Rings. Yes, we are going through some retarded Hollywood cultural bullshit right now, but the true matters lie deeper within Lord of the Rings.
The West needs it's king to come back to us. The lands of men must once again unite against a great threat. The Age of the Elves is over, tradition and our past are leaving us.
Lament for Boromir, sent down the Andouin, over Rarous to the great sea.
Remember Gil-Galad who's star has fallen in Mordor.
Ponder why Gimili, having just found out about his Cousin's death, who's friend had just passed, and who saw the empty halls of his ancestors and kin would still demand to gaze into Mirrormere.
>Elf mom fell for the BOC meme
Pic is me, most people can't even tell I'm half orc and say I look white.
There is always hope
There are warnings in Lord of the Rings that also deserve to be heeded.
Saruman the White betrayed Gandalf the Gray.
Galadriel the fair passed the test of the Dark Lord.
Deals were made with traitors past.
Le 56 % elf face
you stole this from me when an anglo said the other day he's the masterrace, and I told him to shut up cause he's a forest elf
Don't. Just don't
I'll start with the crying and migraines.
>It makes me angry
keep it harambe user