Berserk 2017

They actually went and hired him as the director again. What the fuck are these Japanese bastards thinking?

Just fucking kill me now.

2016 must have sold well. Somehow.

So none of you give a shit then?

Well, shit.

It was on the top list of Crunchyroll.
It's fucking Berserk, anyone who has any amount of taste is going to check it out, and then since most people are also cock gobbling normies who are entertained by shit like Re:Zero and Mirrai Shitty they keep watching it.
Anime was a mistake.

No one here had any hope for the adaptation let alone watched it.

Berserk has been in another slump ever since the hype of Guts getting off the boat died down.

Once Casca gets healed we will all forget about the adaptation and be able to move on with the story if Miura decides to get his shit together.

>implying Casca will actually get cured

Such a natural choice

Maybe it's better than all the "character driven" otakubait that's out right now

Is Berserk ever going to end before the writer dies of old age ?