
I accidentally stumbled upon this hidden gem and don't remember ever seeing a thread about it on Sup Forums. So let's talk about this!

Anyone else here seen Simoun?

Visually it is quite bad and it looks like the budget was small. The premise of everyone being a woman or feminized man is strange. Also, I hated the ending. It was truly bitter and unfulfilling. However, I love this kind of character driven show. I have never seen anything like this. Unlike many I do not believe that originality makes an anime better. But this anime truly attempts something great and does a good job at it.

I just wish this show could have ended in a generic happy ending where everything turns out great. Instead it made me feel sad and empty.

Just download the OST, faggot. Thank me later.

Come on faggots, is this anime really so unknown? Even though every time it gets mentioned it is praised?

I'm halfway through and I'm not ready for despair. Fuck you Op.

You should already know Sup Forums is the seasonal anime board. You will never get over 30 replies for shit that has already aired unless it's Evanjellyon.

Simoun is indeed good and many people like it, but there is absolutely nothing to discuss, it has been dead for 10 years. Play the PS2 game, listen to the drama CD and read the Yuri Hime serialization, that's all you can do for more Simoun.

That's just my interpretation of the ending. Maybe you like it.

Except that I have already made threads for old anime that have hit the bump limit. Though I admit those anime have huge fan bases and new material to this day. But I won't just give up like that.

I want to fill this void that the anime has left in me. And more material won't do it. I want satisfying closure so that I can move on in a positive note. Maybe I will rewatch the first half. It focuses on Aaeru and she is amazing.

Reminder that Dominuura is fucking dying and you probably didn't even realize.

I realized. They zoomed in and had a long shot on this, you can't miss this.

Also, already before she did the Emerald Ri Majoon my theory was that pic related is time looped Dominura. And later on in the series my theory gained additional evidence when it was confirmed that the Emerald sends you to a different time and pic related said that she too was member of Chor Dextra even though Dominura is supposed to be the only surviving member. Even their hair is the same.

The only good counterpoints I have to this theory are that Aaeru's grandpa was also member of Dextra and clearly he survived. Also, at the end Dominura and Limone decide to keep flying, whatever that means.

I will let you know after I watch it in 4 hours.

Good. I will try to keep the thread alive.


I fkn love the OST, also the last dance is gay/10

I don't get the meaning of the last dance. What happens to Aaeru and Neviril?

Ah, I see people still use this webm I made a long time ago.
I made that when I was newfag at webms. Here I remade it not too long ago.

Thanks, saved.

So, what is your interpretation of that dance?

I actually shipped the purple haired woman with the glass girl that was latter shipped with the twin.

I looked a bit through the archives and found a post that somewhat expresses my emotions.

>There's this impression that you're watching an elite unit in the making and the series will go the usual "elite teens conquer everything"; but the suicide bombing really made a turn for the worse for the cast and the overall plot - and it ended in this... complete defeat that is just so frustrating to watch and so memorable. I couldn't help but feel bad for the tragic fates that lie in store for the rest of the surviving cast, despite all the things that happened in the story.

I so deeply wish the series could just have been an elite unit in the making and the series will go the usual "elite teens conquer everything"; part without all the tragedy that follows. I did not ask for all these feels. The real world can be depressing enough, no need to make such a depressing anime.

>What happens to Aaeru and Neviril?
They travel through time and become eternal maidens.

best girl right here

>what is your interpretation of that dance?
Not him but it clearly shows that they are eternal; dancing in the ship that then becomes wrecked (past, present, future). The dance itself shows that they are together, a demonstration of their love.

Last episode is actually really solid, don't get what's so "unfulfilling" about it. I know not everything is told straight, but the implications are strong enough to answer the questions.

Is Simoun from the director of True Tears?


Yeah but what does that mean?

Just when she changed from a cunt to a top tier woman, they had to... ;_;7

>Yeah but what does that mean?
That they don't have to go to the spring and grow up.

Okay then let me tell you what bothered me about the ending as a whole, not the last episode in particular.

Obviously heavy spoilers so stop reading if you haven't watched it yet.

First I never really recovered from Mamiina's death. Everything has been sad after that moment. But actually everything goes downhill after the suicide bombing. The other 2 choirs on that ship go to the spring. Later just when things are looking brighter again they concede the war, are forced to disband their military and their country gets split between the two victors. Choir Tempest gets dissolved. Everything falls apart. And in the last episode it is revealed that a new war between the two victors will break out. Vyura (pic related, fucking why did she become a transman) and Floe (the orange haired brash girl) even talk about how they will have to fight each other. This is absolutely tragic and depressing in every way. Everything falls apart and the war just does not stop. Complete and utter defeat.

Aaeru perfectly resonates my own sentiments, that's why she has a well earned spot among my all time favorite characters. The key is vanitas. We both despise it with all our heart. She does not want to move on, which is why she does not want to go to the spring. She is not religious and the first of the cast to call the war a war. As terrible as the war is, with thousands upon thousands of pointless deaths, the war is what connects the girls and gives their lives meaning. As the war is lost, they too are lost, their lives destroyed and split up, just when they finally became a good team.

I just wanted them to stay the way they are and not change. Because the way they were was good, happy and tanoshii instead of everything falling apart and becoming meaningless. Aaeru too did not want that which is why she wanted to escape and become an eternal maiden. And she made Neviril think the same.


The entire team and even the captains helped the two escape at the end. They all did not want the change that was forced on them. So in Aaeru they all placed their wishes of the times they shared together to never end.

But then it just abruptly ends and no clear answer is given to what happens with Aaeru afterwards. Even though she is an eternal maiden, does this not just mean she too will decay, just like Dominura? And where can she even escape to? What purpose will her life have? All we get is one last dance.

In the end Simoun is about vanitas, about lack of meaning in life, about forced change, helplessness, futility, everything tumbling down and a desperate attempt to escape this bitter destiny.

Usually I don't read deeper meanings into anime and I hate this interpretation bullshit. But this anime truly had deeper complexity, not just in the world but especially in the characters. And it is just so sad.

Yeah, this is one hell of a rambled mess. I need to rewatch it probably to get my shit together and sort everything out.

>But then it just abruptly ends and no clear answer is given to what happens with Aaeru afterwards. Even though she is an eternal maiden, does this not just mean she too will decay, just like Dominura? And where can she even escape to? What purpose will her life have? All we get is one last dance.
That's the whole point of becoming the eternal maidens, not having to grow, give up your friends and life to make your own either as a man or woman. Neviril and Aeru won't age and they won't decay.

>In the end Simoun is about vanitas, about lack of meaning in life, about forced change, helplessness, futility, everything tumbling down and a desperate attempt to escape this bitter destiny.
It is easy to become overwhelmed by the dark aspects of the story, but there is also hope and love, and that's what the end is about. Keep in mind that Simoun deals with time travel and parallel universes bullshittery, and everyone expects Aeru and Neviril to "create" a time where Simoun are not used as artifacts of war.

>they won't decay
Well, the only other eternal maiden in Simoun, Dominura aka Onashia the guardian of the spring, is decaying and can't be touched.

But other people say she has a particular aversion to being gender less because apparently according to behind the scenes info she is from a different world, very old already and ages differently. Or maybe that is all unrelated and religious as they are they blame this as the cause.

Well, I will adopt this headcanon because Aaeru falling sick and decaying would be just too depressing.

>Well, the only other eternal maiden in Simoun, Dominura aka Onashia the guardian of the spring, is decaying and can't be touched.
But it's pretty obvious that Dominuura and Rimone's Esmerald Riimajon wasn't a complete success, while Aeru's and Neviril's was. This is even mentioned/implied I think, but it's been a while since I have watched the show.

>Dominuura and Rimone's Esmerald Riimajon wasn't a complete success, while Aeru's and Neviril's was
Yeah, I'd have to rewatch it to properly notice these kinds of details.

You don't have to. Notice how Amuria's body was never found? She was transported to another time/dimension. Dominuura and Rimone's Rimaajon failed, so they too were transported to another dimension. Rimaajon are prayers, and Neviril and Aeru were doing the rimaajon with pure intention, not for war or to test it out, thus they succeeded and could become the true eternal maidens.

Here I disagree with you but I really appreciate the discussion.

The Emerald Ri Maajon transports you through time. The Simoun have 2 helix motors, one temporal, the other spatial (notice the connection to their religion and Goddess Tempus Spatium). Some Ri Maajon are spatial, those are commonly used and lead to spatial ripples some of which can be used for great destructive power. The Emerald one is a temporal though and I do not know of any implication that would indicate Limone and Dominura have failed.

As explained in the show, the Simoun are from a past civilisation, which was destroyed through war and all knowledge about technology lost as people cared about survival. Noone knows how the helix motors work because they are too advanced. And when opened they just appear empty inside. That's the origin of their religion. We in our history were religious about animals and natural phenomenon such as lightning. Now guess the religious potential of these seemingly magical super advanced machines. And there is the whole internal turmoil about this among several of the Sibylla. Religious doubt is a central theme and never truly answered one way or the other. Dominura and Limone turn these useless relics of war into objects of worship after traveling to the past and "founding" the country. Anyway I am drifting off topic here.

Point is the Simoun are machines. And there is no evidence that intent changes outcome of the Ri Maajon.

Anyway, I've been thinking about it and now I see a clear difference between Dominura and the others. Maybe the biggest theme in the anime is choice and choosing and Dominura says her big sin is never choosing. What could that mean? Maybe the super religious people of early times noticed that she never chose and damned her to be the spring guardian. But maybe that is what caused her disease and decay. Yun CHOSE to become a guardian, Aaeru and Neviril CHOSE to become eternal maidens and maybe not suffer from the same illness.

>I do not know of any implication that would indicate Limone and Dominura have failed.
When the Rimaajon fails it transports you to another time, and when it succeeds it allows you to be omnipresent. Why is this true? Consider what happened to Amuria and all the Chor Dextra memebers.

>And there is no evidence that intent changes outcome of the Ri Maajon.
Literally Aeru and Neviril.

>when it succeeds it allows you to be omnipresent.
>Literally Aeru and Neviril
Ahh I think I now understand you.

You believe Aaeru and Neviril have become omnipresent eternal ghosts?

That's wrong. The "appearance" of Aaeru and Neviril in the sky after the final episode timeskip is an imagination by a former friend. This is a typical sign of nostalgia, imagining something from the past for a split second just to realize that it isn't real. All the former members of Tempest are shown reminiscing about the past, about Aaeru. Believing that they became ghosts because of something like that is pretty damn far fetched. And by that even more far fetched than the theory that Amuria is Aaeru's granddad (which I do not believe).

It's not. Neviril and Aeru keep traveling through time. You should rewatch the show after some time.

>Neviril and Aeru keep traveling through time
I don't necessarily disagree with you here but I don't see any evidence of this. The ending is very open when it comes to those two. We don't know what happens to them.

Just because you don't get it doesn't mean WE don't know. It's fucking there, just stop being so autistic.

Hey no need to get rude.

I've looked at a different Simoun thread in the archives and they had this discussion there too and many people share my views and disagree with your conclusion. Don't pretend your interpretation is the final and correct one.

But yeah, now that I had some time to think about this series I think I finally got over it and got some semblance of closure. So I achieved what I wanted when I created this thread.

I will definitely rewatch it one day and maybe I will share your view then.

Hi OP, I have a little request for you. You remember that frame where Aaeru hangs through the ceiling, right? Kind of like pic related, only with head upside down. I've lost the screenshot and don't want to download the whole thing for that. Care to deliver?

Ahhh where she climbs through the window into Neviril's room. This happens two times and you probably mean the second. Give me a moment, I will look for both.

Okay found the first one. End of episode 7. Here Aaeru not only climbs in and cheers her up, she also saves Neviril from getting raped by Mamiina.

One of my favorite anime of all time. I plan to rewatch it at some point this year or next year.

Also I think the ending is very fulfilling in its own way. Or bittersweet if you prefer. Not everyone can chase after ideals but the main couple certainly did it. What happened to them in actual terms is besides the point. I think it's one of the best endings in anime and the show is certainly the best yuri anime ever.

i can't remember what this show was about other than ballet dancing in zero gravity or some shit

maybe they were dancing to control robots or something I wish I remembered.

I found the second one. Phew that one was much harder to find. Episode 13.

>ballet dancing
You are wrong. Kind of.

But ballet dancing reminds me of an other anime, one of my all time favorites.

This anime is about war and ancient machines that only girls can fly who have not done the ritual to become adults yet. Those ancient machines can do drawings in the sky called Ri Maajon which have super special powers.

Thanks, that's what I was looking for.

She's got a cute design.

Thank you. These sketches are ample payment for my efforts.

best girl


Mamiina not being given a proper ceremony and her coffin getting shot down were really dick moves. Totally unecessary, broke my heart.

yeah I didn't like that, she deserved a better life
I will always love her

Lurk moar you fucking newfag

My brother



I like the original Sailor Moon design better.

How the fuck could you possibly even miss it.