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Get rid of Democrats Deport the blacks, no more gun violence
If you remove gun violence committed by blacks from US crime stats, the US has gun violence rates on par with Western Europe.
I also demand a plan to stop car violence, drunk driving, and general stupidity. For the latter, we tried "school" and "college", but they didn't seem to have any effect aside from giving everyone a common language in which to articulate and share their stupid ideas. The former already have in place everything the state can manage, and people still commit vehicular homicide and drink before driving.
A lot of leftist policies are basically
>someone should do something about that but not me
Sick false equivalency fallacy, my guy. Can't wait until someone tells me the brave people in this ad shoot guns in movies
Put gun free zone signs in buildings and schools.
No, make it harder to access guns
>make it harder to access guns
how? maybe we should put a chip in everyone's brain so they can't do bad things?
It hardly happens in the US anymore, there was a rumour about a shooting in Las Vegas a while back but nothing came of it.
good luck ""demanding"" something without a gun, faggot
>punish everyone for the actions of a few
Cool when do we ban cars since they kill 3 times more people every year? Can we at least have limit cars to 10mph to have common sense car control? Who care if your commute is 3 hours instead of 1 hour! Think of the children and lives saved.
Deez niggaz dont no da reel streetz
already have a plan:
deport niggers
>people from commiefornia
>unpaid actors
>terrorist attacks and spree killings are due to guns
>don't have panic rooms/bunkers
>don't have security detail
>not living in low income neighborhoods
This, all the way
No more embarassing news stories about Demcrats! Immediate school/church shooting w/in 24 hrs. guaranteed....
Funny out that works out.
Don’t forget “without addressing problem demographics, only white males”