>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
>It's the most wonderful time in 8 years
>Joe is Joe Christmas Songs
TrumpTV Weekly Updates:
>Pres Trump/VP Pence/GOP Tax Bill Passage Celebration 12/20/17
>Pres Trump holds Cabinet Meeting 12/20/17
>TreasSec Mnuchin on Fox 12/20/17
>Happy Holidays from IntSec Zinke 12/20/17
>PressSec Sarah outside WH and on FNC 12/19/17
>AG Sessions in Charlotte, NC 12/19/17
>House GOP ahead of tax bill vote 12/19/17
>Sen GOP ahead of tax bill vote 12/19/17
>2ndLady talking about Christmas Tree 12/19/17
>VASec Shulkin Holiday Greetings 12/19/17
>SoS T-Rex @US embassy in leafland 12/19/17
>SoS T-Rex w/leaf FM in Ottawa 12/19/17
>DHS Briefing on WannaCry NoKo 12/19/17
>WH Press Brief (Sarah) 12/19/17
>StateDep Press Brief (Heather) 12/19/17
>Pres Trump speech on Natl Security Strategy 12/18/17
>Animatronic Trump @Disney 12/18/17
OP pastebin:
/ptg/ President Trump General - Abandon All Hope Edition
T-thanks Trump
Fuck Drumpf and fuck white people.
LotGH is a great anime and only faggots think otherwise
He is right
>I may be a /fit/izen but I am not gay in the slightest so no thanks
this is Sup Forums
no one is gay here
Continuing Real Awoo Hours!
Turtleman doesn't feel in charge.
Why do I always shout first? It just gives em’ a chance to run away.
Well, I’m an idiot.
As is Nate, the historically unpopular tax bill will cement the blue tsunami
Surely there's no way the bill's terms are being enforced that quickly?
every notable murderer/psycho/criminal has their own cult
Says the man who wants to replace the white working class with third world migrants.
Reminder: We have the best allies.
>Yes Poland, Japan, Korea, you're included to.
That's Ashley you newfag
Fuck bro this website is basically millennial cuckoldry so I wouldn’t be surprised if 10% of you fuckers are gay
I can't believe these people got away with pretending to be conservative for so long.
It won't even be signed until January
the internet is serious business
there is nothing wrong with dropping red pills left and right
unfortunately you are wrong. we need Pence
Rush had a congressman on today saying that the wall was already approved by the house, but the senate was stalling. When will McCain drop dead?
How so? Democrats would have to win the popular vote by 8 points to take the House, and it's literally not possible for them to take the Senate.
social rejects tend to be mentally ill, yes
>Media elites are out of touch
>with real Americans
What does Nate Tin know about real Americans?
How dare they show that trickle down economics is actually capable of working, and that we should put more blame and anger into those who failed to enable it in the past!!!1
ohh yeah I forgot about the attentionwhore "queen of Sup Forums of the week"
Don't be rude sweetie
I'm currently getting a degree in computer science, what are some things I could program with current/future tech that would help pursue and advance white nationalism?
he couldn't vote today or yesterday, right? That's good news, must not be long
do you think the ghost of reagan will haunt him this christmas eve?
Soon, brother. And that was Paul Ryan.
>be me
>in college and optimistic and naive
>President Obama just hosted a happy hour event at the white house to 'diffuse' a racial situation between a black professor and a white police office
>I legit thought that this black president could/would stop the race card game
I am now fully on the Trump train. Was anyone else as stupid as me in 2009?
Kuso threads and posts desu
>black inequality
>8 points
Oh ok. Polls show them up 12-18 points, btw
Fuck no, never.
There's no chance he'll be alive by 2019.
>we now have extra money as a corporation
>i wonder what we should do with it
>let's give it back to our hard working employees
*liberal screeching intensifies*
He missed today's vote because he was sick. Soon.
user, I...
I hated Obama and I was halfway through middle school in 2009.
USA TODAY finds major flaw in Trump tax plan
Alot. But everyone is going to give (you)s of disgust.
thanks. Ryan is usually a douche, but he sounded okay. Fucking used car salesman
the nevertrumpers have been creeping left for a decade (long before they were "nevertrumpers"), but now they are practically fleeing in to the leftist's arms
since Trump is good for the economy all the rightwing donors aren't supporting them anymore, and they are now looking for progressive sponsorship
Esquire wrote a long apologetic for them trying to get other leftists to welcome the commie Bush leftovers
thank you good sir
not the first time
We will have to be aggressive, push good candidates and not memes. Trump will be doing a shit ton of rallies and the RNC and the like have a beefy warchest from this year alone.
I'm zoo
why am i so fucking stupid?
how will blumpf ever recover?
He clearly means the home he was going to buy at some indeterminate point in the future whenever he has the money
And further by that he means he's a nigger poorfaggot who is too stupid to change his plans
in 2008 I legit was for Obama over McCain
if I would be sent back in time I would still be for Obama over McCain
Obama gave us Trump, McCain gave us cancer
No you listen here you little skrub...
Im still waiting for your best anime suggestions o powerful neckbeard
>tfw just want the US and Russia to be friends again
I dunno, user
>Literal Tumblr art
I've been waiting for an excuse to post pic related.
>USA Today
Awww did the Gillibrand tweet hurt you faggots that much?
People thought that if McCain became president, he'd have a heart attack and we'd be stuck with Sarah Palin.
8 years later, he lived to keep his opponent's healthcare plan in effect.
Nate has BTFO all of you once more
Leafs are fucking worthless garbage only worthy of genocide, not our allies.
>australian in my thread
have memes gone too far?
He had to suck up to Rush a bit because he knows Rush is One Vote away from going full 1776.
Polls are generic preference only. The RNC is such better financial shape than the DNC that they can convince voters of the individual candidates in some cases. Also, those same polls in 2014 showed the Republicans barely winning the popular vote, when they actually won by 6 points.
Are you some kind of defeatist or something?
No, I didn't hate him on principle the way I do now for most dem politicians. I kind of felt bad for him, he got ZUCC'd somehow. On the campaign he had energy and was coherent and intelligent, then he turned into a stone-faced solemn statue who did little and the things he did do were bad or at least naive.
guilty, I was in the same boat. I actually went to the 2009 inaugration. It was honestly fucking incredible.
I don't think I'll ever see that many people in one place at one time for the rest of my life. It was a literal sea of people. Obama merch everywhere, little shops popping up all over the place, it was insane.
Back then I was firmly in the lib camp, so it felt like all the racial woes would just float away and be gone forever. Really surreal desu
>deh tax reform will only benefit the rich!!!!
Isn't that just straight up lying?
They used to do (((doomsday prediction))) but at least you can't prove they were wrong straight up,
Lol poor White people were the same way.
>prestigious buzzfeed sextoy author calls out USA Today on their BS
this tax plan is great
tax the rich fucks that have been flipping real estate
use the money to ease up the taxes on actually productive enterprise
Going to call every non-white I see down under australianus now thanks argentina a true white thinker.
are they playing chess? the fuck.
reminder that you are only truly BTFO when Nate *supports* your argument.
What kind of improbable fucking scenario is that? Who the fuck does that possibly apply to? A millionaire who RENTS and pays PROPERTY TAX? What? Oh and of course who also donates $40k to charity.
This is the biggest joke I've seen yet. So fucking dishonest.
fukken hell
>annual income: 1M$
Trump loves Jews tho. He famously said he only trusts Jews counting his money.
actually like Rush more these days. Could not stand him when Bush Jr was in office
because you were born that way. intelligence is genetic
also, I don't get the obsession with chess. I always hated chess because it is a moron's game. and of course I was once again right. alphazero could BTFO one of the best modern chess AI after 4 hours of learning even though very basic and shitty chess AI could already beat the world's best people 20 years ago
if a basic program can beat a human at something then that shows you that something has absolutely nothing to do with intelligence and is a retard game
I was for mccain, solely because he wasn't a fucking nigger
don't regret it since. R-Money was a no go, I was too blackpilled to care in 2012
how do other nations leaders spouses even compete?
Don’t you mean Nate Iron Ore???
We should all have been very worried when he said Moore would win Alabama.
>annual income: $1 million
How fucking stupid are they?
Beat me to it
oy vey
We have spent decades villainizing western corporations.
They can't invest the money from tax cuts into their employees
>income $1M
literally the NYC stock broker demographic and no one else
>1 million/year
That is the MO for some New York, SoHo, East Side faggot that rents for a 1 room flat for at least like $5K/month
>chess food
This will forever leave me confused.