Beta 2014
Numale 2015
Cuck 2016
Soyboy 2017
What lies ahead in their evolution?
Beta 2014
Other urls found in this thread:
they're all so jewish
My dad always called them yesmen
Someone school me on the “Bugman” meme. I can’t keep with everything damnit
You got the debut years for cuck and numale mixed up.
It's a little more niche than the other 3.
I think this is true, I heard cuck being used before numale.
when did bugmen start? what are the signs of a bugman?
>What is MDE?
Lurk more
As if you didn't notice before, they are all essentially the same. After a while it gets boring and a new nickname comes around.
1 , 4 and 6 are typical amerimutt ; look at those disproportionate features, flat and wide nose, ape mouth, thick lips, broad flat face, "dusty" skin, short face etc
They will take their rightful place as the intellectual, powerful leaders they have the capability to be-- killing the conservative anti-intellectual fervor that MAGA has created
Fucking mongrel
that’s not where that comes from at all you faggot
Those digits say otherwise kiddo
what? What are you insinuating?
Dont you see that they all look like fucking bugs with their mutt black eyes and facial expressions that carry no thought whatsoever
>flat and wide nose
whats the ideal nose?
let's not forget nominom the bbc muncher
sshut uup
They all love meme lettuce for some fucking reason.
Obliged. But still doesn’t explain Bugmen to me.
I need the pics/videos of that one dude/thing with really skinny arms that did squats with just the bar
2018 Handmade artisanal wind chime
A bugman is your typical big left leaning city dweller. He is usually obsessed with consumerism, lining up to purchase the newest iPhone or MacBook when it comes out, and using a smartwatch/smart home speaker for longer than the week after he bought it. Chances are he owns other throwaway smart gadgets as well. All his tastes in movies, music, expensive food, art, and more are determined by what review sites and blogs say.
Everything about his personality and life is not defined by who he is, but by what he buys and his consumerist tendencies. He'll be subscribed to at least one, maybe multiple subscription services, he'll happily use social media and upload all of his information to the cloud, and he'll gravitate towards things that seem "rational" and use big words.
In fact, their social media use defines a lot about who they are, as they try to get the most likes on social media bragging about their life and viewing the lives of others who do the same.
Yet there is something big missing about their life, something that can be seen in their face. Something that can be seen the minute you strip away all the consumerist choices and realize, there's nothing else. Their lives are empty, hollow, and all about serving corporations, until they die, and this is seen in their empty insectoid stare that implies they're dead inside, giving them the name bugmen.
Bugmen are urban people who base their whole existence on material possessions and are said to have glasssy reflective eyes loke bugs implying that they have no "soul" for lack of a better word.
It just sounds like a materialistic person. That's hardly an evolution of soyboy.
Someone needs to build a collage of all the open mouthed numales that are out there.
they did that on
I always preferred Soygoy
it's such a cutesy feminine facial expression, do they not realize that?
Correct. Pic related is a numale.
Wil Weston's instgram is 90% of pics like that. I'm embarrassed I went to his account to look at them. I blame you Sup Forums. Fuck you and Wesley.
Gracias senpais.
Next steps: migration of belly fat downward to hips and upward to moobs. Change in hair color to a light natural shade of purple. Growth of glasses by 30-40%. Picture included for guidance, note specimen's retention of Muppet Mouth pose for all photos.
>tfw you wear those fucking black-rimmed glasses
I gotta get Lasik
Jesus Christ
Nothing wrong with those, these faggots are ruining them. Beards too. Bunch of cunts.
I think some of them actually do. But it's okay, because it shows just how much of an ally they are to women.
If pointing out shit like this ever gains traction on social media, I'll bet that will be one of the excuses they use.
>those dead eyes
I have no real hobbies. I have no firm tastes. I have a beard and glasses. I work IT. I watch sports, I go to the movies. I follow the trends to have something to talk about with all the people who arn't really my friends. I am a bugman. I feel hollow, empty, small souled. I long for a world that never existed. One where I would feel happy, and that I belonged. I want to make a better future, because I am dissatisfied with the present. I don't want to live in a world like this anymore. I don't want anybody to have to.
Gas the kikes, race war now.
Yeah because if there's one thing women like it's other women... and something they like even MORE is men who ACT like women! (women can publicly say all they want that they want a man in touch with his feminine side and that they hate masculinity but that shit will drop the second they find a masculine man they think is good looking)
>tfw time to get glasses
>most of the options are either hipster glasses or those wannabe 50's rimless ones with the black on top
>fuck that shit
>see an alternative
>get ones like these instead
Serial Killer frames. Nice. Be perfect for when you’re washing your white van.
>Serial Killer frames
never thought of it like that
but fuck you're absolutely right
numale and cuck were around at the same time, used somewhat interchangeably, rather, the term applies equally to both.
Is it any coincidence that cucks are also numale faggots? not really.
The Welsh have a beautiful word describing the sentiment of your pic related.
t. Welsh-blooded leaf
feels bad man
stuff em in cars first
Straight and high nasal bridge
Before 2014, it was mostly just Hipsters.
When did the thick black square glasses meme get popular? I feel like there only person with normal specs these days.
You get raked last
Those fucking poofas need to shave so I can stop feeling like them.
I think it started as a throwback to the image of a stereotypical nerd and grew from there.
bugmen just have big eyes, like bugs. Big empty eyes.
how can altright spergs make fun of anyone for how they look?
Ew gross. Those dead eyes. That open mouthed sex doll orifice.
Not shitting you but I tried on all kinds of glasses and found that the only ones I looked good in were the 50's style thick black rimmed glasses.
So I bought them, and 2 months later I got LASIK.
Get the Lasik, it's worth it. The procedure is more terrifying than expected but the results are amazing.
Leftists that loves capitalism but doesn't know it, too ingrained into the culture in their bubble. They buy maxed out MacBook Pros but go to thrift stores to take all of the better clothes from the people who have no other choice but to shop there.
Their entire existence is for irony.
Nice meme brah. Were you the one that originally did the Tom Green one? This one is a better fit imo
that molloch statue
I was gonna say this.
2008-2014 it was just hipster.
based leaf
Well your dad sure is showing his age then.
>buggirl amidst the crowd
what does the ok hand sign represent?
I used to constantly make that face everytime I saw a camera pointed in my direction, luckily later on I punched a dude square in the face for the first time in my life and my testosterone levels boosted past the point of no return and I stopped.
so, pardon my faggotry, but uh... Vaporwave??
White is right.
don't let this faggot ruin your optimal viewing lense. i'm gonna do you guys a favor and tell you a fa tip grab some super small rounded frames with like gold rims or barely visible rims like a 90s hip hop dude or neo
SOYIM - 2018
>dead stare
>open mouth
They are possessed by demons.
Fucking based leafs. Who ever purges their country of non-whites first will liberate the other, we got your back brothers.
TRT hopefully
I like that Rachel Maddow is included here, very appropriate.
Lmao digits disagree, even though the statement was meant to be ironic.
Guys I think I'm a beta soygoy
Hey vSauce, Michael here.
1 Shotgun shell with all pellets hitting stops that.
someone shop this onto his face I'm at work atm
Basically a bugman is a white male who ops out of society and fills that void left by not having a culture, family or community with meaningless hobbies and obsessions.