It finally happens. I've been waiting for this to happen.
Hayate no Gotoku 561
This year will be Hina's year!
I can feel it!
It's not going to be Nagi's year that's for sure.
Time for tears.
Please don't let her win. Anyone bug Nagi, please. Open end over Nagi. ANYONE BUT NAGI.
Wait till everyone finds out Hayate didn't like her.
The backlash will be fun
Well Hayate likes her, but he doesn't love her like a lover does.
if no Nagi end, I riot.
I'm still pissed that Athena took herself out of the running.
You stuck with this comic series for over five hundred and fifty chapters just because you wanted to see romance?
Holy shit!
Nah, I was waiting for Nagi to find out Hayate doesn't love her. And Christmas night was a misunderstanding.
I stuck around to see what would become of the misunderstandings and for Hayate's bad luck to be broken. All the great girls were just a bonus.
His parents being evil masterminds feels a little out of nowhere. They've been gone since the start and suddenly they targeted Hayate to fuck his shit up, specifically? I mean, I guess, but it's still kind of strange. At this pace the manga really might end before the summer.
His parents must had been contracted by Hisui to put this charade.
She taking herself out to make a comeback is my wistful thinking
Nagi and Hayate will get enveloped in Nagi's Cosmo Entelecheia hence the way the final arc started and until they manage to get free, if they ever get free
is hayate nagi's father?
We're almost at the finish line Hinabros
Is there no chapter this week?
Just as Keikaku.
So, uh, what happened to Hisui and Himegami's giant King's Jewel and the hands coming out of the clock tower?
Where did Maria go? Has she been watching all along? Did she tell Hayate's parents what happened in order to bring this all about?
Is Maria the true villain of the story?
Holy shit
>Maria final villain
I wish, she left properly but it would be neato
She keeps being made as final boss for gags
So why not for real this time
It was already foreshadowed during the Las Vegas arc.
>Maria shows up out of nowhere as the final boss
>They have to win roulette, a game which involves throwing jewels
>Was just a ghost in the Royal Garden's magical pool before being released by Hayate
It was too obvious, Hata "suddenly" decided to revive the lolicon problem, after they had it addressed 120 chapters ago
But lolicon problem isnt really that bad right since their age gap isnt that quite large.
im not saying being a lolicon was a problem, but the misunderstanding had been initially resolved when Ruka showed up. Then we get this.
I felt bad for Hayate this chapter. Really bad. I hope he has a happy ending after all the suffering in store (plus the majority of his life so far).
Athena is shit.
Nagi always deserved to win.
Fuck you, A-tan is still reflected in his eyes plus she kept the ring box
>They still think they have a chance
This. Hinagiku lost the moment she drew her last card on chapter 509
I wanted to see more of Hayate's parents. His mom is kind of hot.
Hurry up and fuck Nagi so we can end this series.
That's classic Hayate though. We get plot stuff then we don't hear anything about it for another 80-100 chapters.
His parents are not just gonna get away with this without some form of punishment, right?
Every time. I still wonder what Hata was thinking shooting down the two most popular heroines in the series.
Oh boy, I missed this kind of suffering.
Looks like Hayate's folks really want to win the Parents of the Year award.
Hinagiku was always going to be rejected, if you didn't see it is only because you deluded yourself into thinking that she had a shot. A-tan losing is a shame though.
"Since I'm ending it anyway, may as well go out with a bang."
For real though it'll probably be an open end with Nagi and Hayate starting over from square one in their relationship. Hayate will be set for life at the cost of staying with the worst girl.
His parents might be shit but this whole misunderstanding was still his own fault.
A-tan exiting the game made no fucking sense.
It's not so much that it didn't make sense as much as the fact that Hata didn't properly build up towards that development.
It's literally the end of the series. What punishment could they get? Unless Hayate wishes for it when he's in the Royal Garden.
To be fair Hayate didn't even know Nagi had misunderstood their relationship until very recently. He's far from being the sharpest tool in the shed, not to mention Nagi gave him many hints to work with either.
Hayate's parents are disgusting beyond what a gag manga can show. They'd better be working for Hisui, because coming back just because they can't accept their hardworking son has a better life than them makes them worse than trash.
I havent read the manga, what happens to maria?
She left the mansion in Nagi's birthday leaving her just a note.
Gets eaten by tama
Hayate will send them off with a cold stare, stating that they should enjoy whatever money they received for this and as far as he is concerned his family is Nagi and the baywatch brother
cold hearted
got what she deserved
She doesn't get her story arc. She just fucks off into the Royal Garden and leaves Nagi a King's Jewel that she's been hiding ever since Mikado took her in as a child.
>Haven't followed this in years
>Actually ending
Holy shit
>A-tan losing is a shame though.
How could you not see this though? She literally represents Hayate's past. Moving past her is the most standard set up there is.
A-tan was carrying around what amounts to the biggest loser flag there is.
There is negative chance of this series ending satisfactorily unless it provides some mindfuck multiplicity ending on the scale of Zetsubou Sensei.
I wonder how much time travel fuckery would be required for it though. All the mystical crap in this series makes no sense and will be asspulled all at once for the ending so I'm wondering where it will go.
Fuck Hata. Bringing Hayate's parents back just to use them as plot devices is a complete shit cop out. He didn't need that ass pull to force Nagi's despair. He could have left an avenue for Yukari to still be alive.
I know she was going to lose, but I still think is a shame.
I've been waiting 12 years to see this face.
It's all explained in the comics at the start of the volumes.
Not with that many chapters focusing on Hayate's development. To him, the final boss is his own twisted parents. Their influence on Hayate's upbringing has been too great for the finale to ignore it.
I want him to be alone at the end.
ALONE but Happy.
So he can be free like the wind.
What if he ends up being alone and happy in the Royal Garden, becoming Ares?
Mom>Dad right?
She seems more evil and it would fit with her looking like the brother.
When they revealed the greatest despair was the trick to open the pathway, my guess was already Nagi finding out the truth. Hata isn't very creative.
Maria leaving was pretty good, wonder what she's up to. I don't think she has it out for Nagi but she's got her own motivations that might not be her best interest.
But yeah everything else was pretty predictable. We knew from the start that when Nagi found out her world would crumble, especially once the stones were introduced. How far back was that, anyway? I think it was a gimmick to keep the series going rather than something Hata planned from the start but it's not the worst "extend the serialization" shit I've seen. Just kind of meh.
>To him, the final boss is his own twisted parents.
except that's not the case. they've served their purpose already, just watch them fuck off to never be heard from again.
>How far back was that, anyway?
Chapter 14, apparently.
Gotta keep Hayate thread alive!
It was Harukaze told Hayate's father I guess, he approached her to get information about Nagi and probably knew about their relationship from it.
the magical pool's function is to make you see the world outside of Royal Garden, when Athena showed Hayate the camera happened to be on Maria.
The singer girl arc was probably one of those extensions. What a waste of a decent character.
This shit still isn't over?
so did she win or lose holy shit this series still going on
2017 is the year
welp now I know what I'll be fapping too later tonight.