For NZ posters only.
Did a single white man fuck up the entire ethnic pool of this country? >stretching
Maori party failed to get a seat in parliament this election.
For NZ posters only.
Did a single white man fuck up the entire ethnic pool of this country? >stretching
Maori party failed to get a seat in parliament this election.
What happened? I'm out of the loop
Maori Party is the native political party in NZ, for the native people. Mike Hosking, a TV presenter here, talked Maori party in a poor light, come election night, Maori party didn't win a single seat.
i remember overhearing that cunt on TV during election night asking some maori party nigger about horis being 'persecuted more', as if it was a problem with the cops. fuck that pissed me off.
What the fuck? You can be watching TV and this load of shit just pops up?
sorry 'incarcerated*' more. as if it's a problem with the 'racist' cops/justice system.
but yeah it is surprising that they didn't even make the threshold required for a seat in parliament.
with the way birthrates are going can defo see poly interest groups gaining traction in the future though, or maybe they'll just keep voting labour for gibs.
Yeah. First time I've seen this in my life.
>Maori party failed to get a seat in parliament this election.
Because they went into coalition with National.
They are using Hosking as a scapegoat, deflecting from their own fuck up.
The amount of butthurt Mike Hosking generates makes it hard for me to hate him for being such a National stooge.
Who gives a fuck.
>he watches TV
Maori party are a bunch of shitskins begging for more gibs, they didn't get enough seats in order to ask for gibs this time, so they complain.
So they can get more gibs.
There's nothing democratic about the Maori Party anyway. Good riddance. Let's move on. Good on you, Mike, for taking one for the team (even though it wasn't intentional).
mike killed democracy
Television here is even more cucked and more boomer tier than in the States.
nigga why watch tv. do you konw how unproductive that it?
>spending that time on Sup Forums instead
Fuck the Maori party
t. basically every Maori I know
Mike Hoskings got asshurt about nz first getting into power, thus we can ascertain that Winnie is the apex butthurt generator in this country
no cause even if they got 4% on the list instead of 1% they still would not have had a seat, blame the gay weather presenter instead
Enough. Which one of you will be hitler to my goebbels? White cucks go first.
Do you live in central Otago?
>Which one of you will be hitler to my goebbels?
>tfw kids at school called me Hitler because I started growing facial hair young
>little did they know
Whatever happened in the election had nothing to do with Hosking or any other commentator.
Not a single maori party voter would listen to him and decide to change their vote.
Lets do this. I have some ideas and a whole lot of anger. Dont want paradise to die without a fight.
This. How many fucking Maori do you think tuned into Hoskings?
I think you'll find the blame lies with "OMG I love you thoooo much Timmy" Tamati
>I have some ideas and a whole lot of anger.
Let's hear yours.
fuck maoris in general and everything to do with them and their shitty island nigger culture.
>inb4 maori defence squad cucks show up after they're done gobbling wiremu's dick
Immigration virtually stops dead. Maori pandering too. Social welfare drastically reduced. Sovereignty protected in trade negotiations.
Just initial broad outlines which hopefully make the camps a last resort.
>Immigration virtually stops dead
do you want the boomers to kill us with their super payments or not, we have to have white migrants coming in cause they did not have enough children
NZ has always been full of faggots, they elected a literal cuck recently
Fuck boomers, fuck their super.
Will consider high skilled whites and south african refugees but frankly pom genetics, euro faggots and yank liberals need to be screened.
>Fuck boomers, fuck their super.
its either higher taxes or more people from somewhere
>South African refugees
Where does this "SA refugees" meme come from? If a race war happened in SA the majority of the refugees would be non-whites.
>the majority of the refugees would be non-whites.
who the fuck would be attacking them then
Or divert useless social spending into pensions if need be. No more people.
You just have to realise that all NZ political party names are the complete opposite of their actual policies
>National party
Globalist party
>Labour party
Beneficiary party
>Act party
Whinge party
>NZ first party
Winston first party
>Maori party
Corporate party
>Greens party
Reds party
nz 1st is actually nz 1st. winnie has done more for nz than the rest of the faggots combined.
>tfw maori
>tfw born in oz
>tfw raised by white adopted parents
>tfw thick oz accent
>tfw no home
>pom genetics
You know those genetics are 'Kiwi' genetics right? Where do you think we came from?
Seemed to me like he cucked out pretty hard this election
The rest still stand
Come home, brown man.
I honestly fucking hate this country. Tons of capitulation to whiny maoris who want control over every portion of land and are out for gibs, to the point that our territory is split between the tribes and the Crown. We're so young there's no white NZ history to really feel attached to, and we're so far away from England that the connection to it has been getting less and less potent. The people are chill to the point of apathy, and if they do care it's for refugees and legal weed. We're run by utterly incompetent fucks at every level. This country feels like it has no core, we just float on the bottom of the world and do nothing, come from nothing.
Move from Wellington
Theres a difference between the mongrels that multi generational kiwis are and the specimens that arrive and whinge about everything.
>We're so young there's no white NZ history to really feel attached to
Have you looked into our history at all?
Personally I'm proud as fuck at what our setllers/pioners did and that same blood still runs through us. The issue about 'not having history to feel attached to' is we have literally been programmed into thinking we have no history other than being really mean to Maori.
Listen to what the older generation (even the boomers) say. They remember being taugh a very different version of our history.
>we used to, until the 90s even, refer to ourselves as British New Zealanders
>there's a reason we don't know and that it's been pigeon holed from memory
What's the genetic difference?
Love the country but all those things you named are true.
To some extent our laid back nature prevents some strife short term but ultimately it will kill us.
>Immigration virtually stops dead
nowhere near enough. polyniggers will become the majority regardless, their birthrates remain skyhigh and don't show any signs of leveling out any time soon.
not to mention the ludicrous amount of race-mixing that goes on here.
we're heading towards a south american future at best, i don't see how it's even avoidable at this point.
Maybe you're right, I'm not doing enough research. It can be extremely distressing when you look back on our history and just see nothing. Maori land wars, feel guilty whitey. Now it's being handed over to rich chinks. I know Ardern has stopped that for now, but I don't trust her at all and there's still other inflows of people. We don't need more people, enough unemployment as is. A K Mart is opening in my town, it has 100 openings and 1700 people have applied so far. Just hopeless.
Jean from liverpool who has centuries of breeding with people who lived within a few miles of each other in her line is a bit different to many of us who are a mix of northern euro and celtic make ups.
The more people look into their backgrounds often they find its not just english.
I read that as mario party
You just described Canadian/Indigenous relations to the letter. I never realized how much we had in common Kiwibro. Here, have some maple titties.
I just bought some imported Canadian Maple today, Merry Christmas.
>AK Mart
Sounds pretty based actually
Visited NZ earlier this year and really liked it, my wife and I are considering moving over. Probably to Christchurch or Aukland (We didn't much like Aukland). How is the new politics over there?
>You just described Canadian/Indigenous relations to the letter.
we are at least 30 years ahead of you in this area
>we used to, until the 90s even, refer to ourselves as British New Zealanders
you are stretching that quite a bit
what the fuck did the blue dragon do this time?
>How is the new politics over there?
Coming from a leaf with cuckdeu, Sad!
Im trying to be optimistic.Full of nogs or not i dont want to live in a country with ten million people.
Is that you Gaymon?
Afraid not, sorry.
Non existent. All the politicians are uninspired losers apart from winnie.
The big issues are housing prices, immigration especially Chinese investors and green shit
>The more people look into their backgrounds often they find its not just english.
same story with poms
>you are stretching that quite a bit
We literally fucking did it, was on our censuses.
>we're heading towards a south american future at best, i don't see how it's even avoidable at this point.
the future is just a mongrel nation with white people living in gated communities in gulf habour with their boats
No offense but we are full. Fix your country, dont ruin mine.
Islanders are just dumb asians not full blown monkeys.
We are fucked but it won't be planet of the apes tier
gibsmedat pakeha
What the fuck are you even smoking.
Europeans are increasing in number here .... if it wasn't for fucking Asians and Polys immigrating we would be 90% European.
Too keks
We were something like 80% European 50 years ago and the other 20% was nearly all Maori
hence why i used south america as an example.
their average IQ is even similar to amerindians.
their crime rates are pretty damn bad too.
most of the country will be more or less a shithole but there will be some nice areas.
i just hope we don't enter south african territory and we can keep the brownies at bay.
Maori don't even make up 12% of the population, Asians are going to over take them soon.
Non taken, but there seem to be rolls available that can't be filled by Kiwis, would you prefer a white conservative professional English/Dutch couple to move in down the road, or another Chinese family of 20?
I saw house prices in Auckland are terribad, Christchurch and Wellington seem cheaper than in the UK at least.
Maori aren't Africans
They're Asians that were selected for laziness on the islands, then violence when they arrived here. Plus plenty of white admixture since
It will never be a South African situation here
Chinese don't have huge rice paddy families anymore, they have a couple of kids and 12 houses
Yeah, Europeans have been growing in number for a while now i don't know why you think we are shrinking.
seriously have you even bothered looking into some of the stats?
last census showed the poly population at 22.5% and it's much worse still for the younger generation.
we are being browned at a rate comparable to the US, maybe even at a faster rate. painful to accept i know, but it's true.
I feel your pain man. I work in the mining industry and we can't do fuck all without their permission. These are not rules written into law but are referred to as a 'social license to operate', in other words, complete fucking bullshit. A helicopter pilot I work with calls it 'legalized extortion' and he hit the nail on the head. I don't mean to derail your NZ thread, I merely wanted to shed light on this being a widespread issue among fellow commonwealth nations.
We'd prefer nzers were incentivised to fill those rolls
Listen i know what i am talking about dont wave your 2003-2012 stats at me you dopey cunt.
Are you retarded? Islander, Asian and Indian population is growing way faster than Europeans.
Just because Maori are also fucked doesn't suddenly mean we are sweet
That makes sense but we are both in senior roles where you need to have a number of years experience and have a good background of success.
Not something you can just train someone up on by throwing money at it.
I wouldn't presume to know why there are not NZers who can fill these roles, but maybe no one is interested because they are quite boring corporate positions and you need to live in either Auckland, Christchurch or Wellington to get one, which obviously prices out most young people who want to build a career. So only people who are already earning a good salary can afford to get these jobs.
Are you retarded use your fucking eyes cunt > if it wasn't for fucking Asians and Polys immigrating
We aren't pumping out more babies than fucking islanders. You are completely full of shit
fuck up dumb cunt you don't know shit.
aren't they mixed with melanesians too, being blasians of a sort?
regardless, while they're not as bad as subsaharan blacks they're pretty close to US dindus in terms of crime rates, let's not sugar coat it too much.
they make up 50% of the prison population despite being a similar proportion of the population to blacks in the US.
and lets not forget the islander problem, it's not just limited to maoris.
are you really this low IQ?
you think the trends have drastically changed all of a sudden in the span of 5 years?
the reality of our demographic situation on your side, and you've shown no reason to think otherwise.
isn't* on your side. but keep putting your fingers in your ears and yelling profanities at us buddy.
Hey Brainlet.
3.4 million people having 2 children each vs 0.25 million having three children which produces the bigger number. Go on do some basic math instead of waving your stupid graphs at me where you can report as mutiple races lmao
There aren't thousands of 18 year old white girls with 2 kids already fuck head.