Breaking: An SUV has run through a pedestrian crossing in Melbourne, Australia. Multiple injuries reported.


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You have been visited by an SUV of peace

#not all x are like this
unless they are white




>he's not in kraut and tea general protecting ragey wagey

Wow. Its literally nothing.

Stupid niggers, you siphon the petrol out and huff it, driving the car doesn't work

Bumpity. You Aussie fags are going to start looking like Germany if you don't get your shit together. Stay safe bros.


>pedestrian crossing
dont you mean abbo sleeping grounds?

It's just part and parcel of living in a major city

>SUV of peace
>Meth'd out Bogans
>Melbournite housewife one her phone

Let's see how this one plays out boys.


isnt it weird how literally nothing other than that mosque shooting happens in canada? truly shows how useless and worthless your country is rofl


CoMe To BeSiKtAs

One of the pedestrians should have pulled out their handgun and-- oh wait, ya.

ban assault vehicles


I feel like you cunts are going to handle it more like America than Europe.

they call that an SUV? LOL


Cue the thoughts and prayers.

No picture of the driver.

When some white bloke skitzed out the other day near the Canberra war memorial his pic was all over the news in seconds.......

>please be black please be black
they could always be chink, just look at all those fucking idiots in china. enough chinks in melbourne for this to happen eventually, and 4wds are the mother chinkmobile.

guess it might just be the twitter, since hardly anyone calls them SUV's here, though idk about melbourne.

there is a thread already you cunt

dont apex niggers run the streets of melbourne though

We're in here lads.

One of the victims is a toddler "with a head injury".

Merry Christmas kido

Dear Kim Jung-Un please nuke Melbourne.

Wow! Melbourne has such a vibrant multicultural cafe culture.

I really should fly down and visit soon!!!

Congratulations to Melbourne on it's second Car of Peaceā„¢, a true milestone in it's beautiful multicultural history.

Yeah and started a shooting on the spot as well.

Two for one, good thinking americunt.

>using the shitty quality image

We need car legislation to ban bump stocks.

Ban Assault Cars NOW!!!!


Shut the fuck up kangaroo cuck. A precise shot to the driver early on could have avoided numerous casualties.

To be fair you wouldn't really know he is going to ram until the last second, and by then the car has momentum enough anyway. Idk if you could stop it.

I am extremely pro guns and anti-gun control.

> I feel like you cunts are going to handle it more like America than Europe.
It's only a matter of time before another Cronulla happens. This time will be MUCH worse and the cops wont stop it. We've had enough of those cunts.

This could have been prevented if you guys had taken more boat people, fucking bigots.

Where's the diversity legos when you need them.

They were on a pedestrian crossing. Bit hard to put diversity legos in the middle of the road. Now they'll have to build diversity road crossing bridges.

Oh don't worry, they have those everywhere, especially the train stations

It was Melbourne. They were likely all soyboys and femicunts

>diversity legos
>they're all white


It's night time, why is there light?

It's 5pm and daylight saving. Try to keep up.

Damn all the lefty soyboi media is going to make this one about "Islamaphobia" and white terrorist.

Isn't there an eye witness who can describe the driver?

There's a video of him being arrested its just a bogan on ice.


Would anyone care for a Lindt ball while we wait for the inevitable announcement that the driver is a Muslim?


>there's a video
>doesn't post link
kys fagt

Well fuck me!
What a refreshingly different result.

Ever tried the pumpkin flavored ones for halloween?

Nah, it was a shitskin. That was unrelated

Is that picture from this incident? I need proof so I can laugh at ABC soyboys bitching about my assuming and politicizin tragedy

>Plaid Shirt
>Ear Stretcher
>Neat but dense beard
Is hipster faggotry considered haram?

>mohammed again

for fucks sakes

>earrings and plaid
Even ISIS is full of soyboys now

Stop being islamophobic please.

need sauce of that pic famalan

>mudslime with a beard


>what aussies have to post to not get arrested

more subhuman anglo spawns being purged

Awesome possum

Fuck off back to Lebanon

A war is coming, and i will fight for what is white

he is brown



Muz confirmed

Sky Australia is reporting they two of them are sand wizzards.

BRING IT ON.......

another one

No one cares about Semite civil wars

The only thing worse than a sandnigger or a hipster is a sandhipster.

I fucking hope so, this time Australia Wide

hopefully the cronulla bogans and lebs wipe each other out

Piss off heeb. Stop trying to glom on to other peoples happenings.

Oh god my dick at the thought

Feed the bogans ice and let them loose on muslims everywhere

Cronulla bogans are our soldiers. Why would you want them ded????

One day

Hes deluded

How long till people start laying blame on the vehicle and not the driver for what happened, the vehicle was white after all....

Based Tones

it was a 4 wheel drive as well. he would not have been able to maintain course nearly as well in a rear wheel drive vehicle.

Mfw the kikes start pushing AI-controlled vehicles as a solution to diverse cars of peace.

Based Tones, the one and only. He'll lead the charge in 'nulla 2.0

Is there some connection on between attacks?

>a literal pom

what other attack was there ?

ACDC, BIG BALLS must win to rub it in

Triple M music poll

did someone say vidya

>be australian
>finally escape your home after years of shitposting the same house which is infested by deadly spiders, poisonous snakes and you swam across a pond full of sharks and aligators
>walk across a pedestrian crossing

>Australia wasn't colonised by the brits
kys pajeet

Why don't Australians just dump all the (sand)nigger invaders into the middle of the desert and let the abos eat them?

can arsonists just destroy melbourne and sydney this summer please?

Because they'll breed into high-octane Islamic Abbos. We already have Anthony Mundine and he's more than enough.