Do you consider yourself western and/or white? Do you consider them to be different or the same? Just curious, thanks.
Question for slavs
The two things are not the same.
Racially mixed all through out Europe. Some parts such as Eastern and Southern Europe are heaviliy mixed. This is not to say there are not whites there, just less then in say England or Belgium.
that's what i thought. how you feel about americans and other degenerate whites dictating what white culture is? why you want to be associate with this?
We are the best.
we don't thats the problem.
America thinks we want "democracy" and "rights". All we want is food on the table, our families, and our churches. What we DONT want is degeneracy disguised as "democracy", "tolerance", or "modernity".
God Bless.
i know. and i'm not being sarcastic
>we don't thats the problem.
then why don't you speak up more? because the whole "white" vs asian thing is really degenerate whites vs asians right? but when americans use whites as a race, you know that includes you right?
They are proud of their heritage and have many nazis and skinheads which is off course is unbeliveble because hitler WANTED to genocide them
yes, i know, i just don't understand why slavs don't speak up more about being labeled as "white" when "white" actually means "western"
i don't get what you're saying. We don't want to be involved in Western problems. If you want to involve us, we'll just leave. We have our own problems and our own aspirations. Can the West just leave us alone please?
As to the label "white" that doesn't really matter to us. I can't say in our tradition we ever cared about race (maybe i'm out of touch others can correct me). If you're orthodox you're def one of us. If you're catholic, we will be suspicious. If you're muslim who already lives on the territory of Russia you're cool, migrants get out.
There are no racial differences between Europeans, Europe is a nation and country, west, east, north and south are its regions and provinces just like the regions of any country, all speak indo european.
But that's not true. It's like saying there is no genetic difference between European and non-European cacausoids. The IQ in southern Italy is 89, Greece 92 and Spain 94.
I am white as can be boi
>Do you consider yourself western
>and/or white
>Do you consider them to be different or the same?
No. But I'm not eastern/collectivist either.
>Can the West just leave us alone please?
no, they want to involve you in a race war. related. i'm chinese and wonder if we're natural allies against western degeneracy and (((democracy))). the problem is when you let people like this dictate your identity to those of us who don't know much about slavs, it leaves us confused because we're anti-western degeneracy, not anti-white.
what makes you non-western though? culture? values? religion? why aren't you like the west?
you mean western
the only asians I would ally is Japan. Most other asian nations are risky because they never really experienced Christianity and it's effects on the culture and mindset of the people. That will be a huge trust problem that I see. The Japanese have some of that because of how they value loyalty and honour.
i doubt europeans feel the same way. that's like saying mainland chinese represent all of east-asian culture. people in taiwan, hongkong, macau, SK and japan would vehemently disagree
You have to go back
>because of how they value loyalty and honour.
you realize that's a meme right?
You're americanized like me nigger. You may have blood but no identity
Shut up, tatar. You are not Slavic, European or White
i'm sure there are exceptions but how they treated russian pow's, how they didn't just go around killing the Russian priests in Japan that were missionizing during the Russo-Japanese war, and how loyal their soldiers are, it's a good guess i think.
>what makes you non-western though? culture? values? religion?
everything. even the climate. we have from +35 to -35 c and its in the same city. wtf.
>why aren't you like the west?
why we should? how many times you guys wanted to annihilate us?
Half (Ashkenazi) Jew half Macedonian here. I consider myself to be white.
you realize that the Jews are coming for both of you right?
i'm actually a russian descendant of white army immigrants so i don't think it's appropriate to call me western. And from my observations Russia is not like the west primarily due to religion.
in my opinion it's values, but the one thing comes after another so its hard to tell.
It gets -30 here for like a week, don't even live that far north.
ok, but i guess i still don't understand the mindset why you don't care about being labeled as white. whenever a mainland chink does something, other asians are extremely quick to point out that it's NOT an exclusively asian thing or whatever. so why don't you care when amerimutts besmirch the white race?
cause white is not part of our identity. We just don't really care about race desu.
Culture would be my one word answer. Can't give you proper one though - never thought about the question.
>why aren't you like the west?
For historical and geographical reasons. We (Russians) don't border many countries, we have a lot of empty space that we can and do enjoy. We hadn't many small wars with our neighbors, we hadn't religious wars. We were formed by different historical events, which shaped us differently.
What does 'western' means, though?
Western means Europeans that were Hellenized, if Russia was Hellenized by Greeks and Romans Russia would be just as west as France or Spain.
in dark ages there was no distinction of anything, only the boundless greed of feudal land owners who replaced Hellenic culture with Semitic church.
Britain was Hellenized and London was built by Romans, there was no civilization outside the bounds of the Hellenic Roman spread in the British isles.
Western generally means hyper-individualistic. Western also often implies "freedom" and "tolerance". That's how I see it.
Russians were also under heavy influence from the Romans. Pic related was responsible for the Christianization of Rus.
ah ok. thank you for clearing things up
western means jewified kike vassal
>Can the West just leave us alone please?
Can't speak for all the Slavs, but I'm certainly tired of all the social and economic experiments my people were subjected to. I want my people to have a respite from all this madness outside, and just have a good, uneventful life for a change.
But that's impossible, because we are too strong to be ignored and left alone.
Balkan "slavs" are basically just turks and mountain niggers who adopted slavic languages
In the middle ages not antiquity like rest of Europe.
Also it was Byzantium not rome. They didn't like the lackluster of the Vatican services. That's why they choice Byzantium. They saw the hagia Sofia and converted then and there
Yeah. I wish this guy was our tsar forever. I mean any tsar would do but this guy or some other tsar with Stolypin would be the best for us imo.
Byzantium = Rome m8. :D
cant even bother with meme arrows on this stupidity. we are germanic
Negatory. Rome in antiquity that conquered Europe was not Byzantium of the middle ages
>But that's impossible, because we are too strong to be ignored and left alone.
i think it's because you have an extremely strong sense of identity. and for some reason westeners always want to exploit it one way or another, whether against nazis, communists, fascists, capitalists, asians etc etc. the US is trying to unite all white people under the banner of western civilization, and i just wasn't sure where slavs stood. thanks for clearing things up. take care
Christianity is not Hellenism, the Renaiscance threw away Christianity and brought back Hellenism.
Are you implying Constantine was not a Roman Emperor?
Also the Eastern Roman Empire = Byzantium. The only good argument against that is probably the ascension of Heraclius and then maybe Leo III who turned everything into more Greek, but in terms of succession, Byzantium = Rome without any doubt.
I consider myself euro-asian desu. Whites are pathetic, whiny cunts and cucks - just look at majority of faggots on this site. On the other hand slavs are strong and manly so we don't fit in white race.
Question for thread-sliding Jew puppets, do you consider yourself to be human and/or worth the flesh you're made of? Do you consider yourself different or the same from God's children?
Rome and Hellas followed a different religion and culture than Yahwahist Byzantium.
>Roman Republic
>in dark ages there was no distinction of anything
1. kill your history teacher
2. kill yourself
Roman Catholic =/ Greek orthodoxy
from my observation, many of them don't know they're puppets. or they're extremely proud of it for some reason
None of them = Hellenic or Western culture.
Well, it is Greeks (of Eastern Roman Empire) who gave as alphabet and religion, but we definitely not like France or Spain.
>Western generally means hyper-individualistic. Western also often implies "freedom" and "tolerance". That's how I see it.
I have similar notion, especially about rampant individualism. We are more "tribal" I guess, with friends and family being quite important in our lives.
slavic unity makes no sense.
the biggest historic killer of slav is other slavs.
so like a better version of westernized whites?
As i've said before i'm a russian who lives in the west so i'm not surprised that my perception is similar to those of other Russians. I'm also kinda glad that that's the case, it means I didn't completely lose touch with home.
Greeks gave you semitic Christianity, if Greeks Hellenized you in antiquity Russia would be states or a state of Western Culture, all Europe were Barbarians prior to Hellenization, Orthodoxization is not Hellenized, it's Semitized.
>western supremacy back at it again
no wonder we don't like you.
Catholic is not western, they are an enemy of western culture, Christianity was banned and executed by the Western Culture of Rome in 0CE.
Never claimed they are. Your initial statement was the kieven rus was influenced by Romans in a response to Romans being helenists. I made the claim Byzantium isn't hellenist rome that conquered europe. You said rome is Byzantium. And I said middle ages Byzantium isn't hellenist rome that converted the kieven rus
not the pagans. Pagans get out.
Byzantium State did not have Hellenic Culture, did not have Hellenic Religion, all they did was spread yahwah and yeshuah, worship semitic deity Church, pay jizya to clergy, jihadi tier and banned all thought.
Rate my burek
Constantines own line saw the abomination that is worshiping Jews deity and returned to Hellenic culture and religion.
To think of it - I don't really mind living in authoritarian state. As long as it does care about us.
Yeah, I identify as a Russian first and foremost. For me being white is just having white skin, nothing more.
>take care
Thanks, and you too! :)
goes wonderfully with rakia :-) sorry if i offended your culture, but the pairing is delicious
When Greece in antiquity was under rome it sure did have hellenism in it.
Greece and their satellite kieven rus shouldve celebrated hanukka with the jews, when the jews defeated the hellenists and took jerusalem back from them
>Jews Literally hate us
>Justinian: Cracked down on Jews
>John Chrysostom: 9 homilies against the jews
And you dare care us semitic. Christianity gives peace. Christianity fuels progress.
And you don't even know that most of Christian or how you say (((jewish))) theology actually uses terms and definitions popular in pagan philosophy (look up Neo-Platonism).
i hope for the tsar to return soon. Then all of us here in America forced out by revolution can go back again. And i'm worried cause if my children grow up here, it's gonna be a generation too much for them to stay russian yknow.
Yes, I can't talk for all the eastern europeans but Poles and us really love american cock so we have been unwittingly westernised through subversive propaganda.
Some are, some aren't. I myself am not white, but there are many Romanians who are.
pretty good, but it has meat and it's Christmas Lent. no-no for a christian, let alone a Serbian christian.
Roman civilization, thrived and prospered in all sects when Christianity was banned, Constantine legalizes Christianity, it all falls apart and begins the dark ages of clergy, nobles and kings.
i am 100% white, alpha-chad
We're neither western nor white, and we don't even want to be compared with you trap loving degenerates.
Cheers m8
I know, I’m trying.
Christianity was the Barbarian religion, Barbaros.
many christian civilizations thrived and prospered. E.g. Byzantium during the Macedonian dynasty. Russia right after 1812. I mean there are countless christian civilizations that thrived. It's not a matter of religion but civilization in general.
Stay Strong brother.
P.S. I want to name my first son after Prince Lazar. What a shame for him to be betrayed like that.
Past 1500 Christianity and its thought basis was exterminated, Hellenic thought dominated not the thought of theologians.
I fucking love how you Slav and Balkan countries doesn´t give a FUCK what the EU says.
Keep it up lads!
so how do you explain Macedonian era in Eastern Roman Empire then?
>Do you consider yourself western
>Do you consider them to be different or the same?
"race" is nothing against culture and religion
modern unenlightened Christianity of exiled puritans in America is a recent phenomena.
>yet another degenerate am*rican who thinks that Nicholas II was good tsar
He was white though. I'm a Turanid-Bulgaroid-Hohol mongrel according to my taxonomy and my parents' taxonomies.
Look, I am not a Slav, but I say they are honkeys. If you believe otherwise, you obviously live in a nigger-less environment. Take our niggers and move the Slavs to Memphis!
fuck off commie.
>Balkan "slavs" are basically just turks and mountain niggers who adopted slavic languages
neck yourself