What was the most unforgivable asspull Araki had pulled on us?
Star Finger
>Post your fav Ghiaccio pic
Josuke statue figure releases at Gamestop tomorrow.
Gold Experience Requiem :^)
it's time
This asshole is about to karate chop you in half. What do?
anime only's are going to shit a fucking brick when he donuts Bruno. I have a feeling that Diavolo will be the most intimidating villain to the anime only's
Most asspulls I was kind of find with just cause I felt they were fitting to the arc
Even if GER wasn't an asspull, I just absolutely hate the concept of Requiem Stands. It's probably the most bottom of the barrel Shonen shit JoJo ever really got
Pucci's entire plan.
Not liking something doesn't make it an asspull, retard-kun.
what does it mean
Dio somehow surviving for 100 years on no blood when Perfect Kars could only survive for 1 year without blood. Dio also getting found when his coffin was in the middle of the fucking Atlantic by presumably fishermen with a coastal fishing boat. Dio's coffin not getting eroded in anyway by 100 years under the ocean. Dio not going crazy with 100 years of solitude under the ocean with only jojo's head to keep him company
It literally should be illegal to be this attractive
>The World is the first other (and only) punchghost aside from Star Platinum in part 3
>DIO has been shown using Joestar-like abilities, as seen with Hermit Purple 2
>Jotaro is shown moving in stopped time multiple times as he learns how it works and how he can counter it
>As his most challenging enemy, Jotaro is constantly forced to evolve and adapt against DIO in a way he's never had to in other fights
>DIO freaks out and makes big speeches about how he, DIO is special and he, DIO is the only one who should be able to move in his world
Jotaro stopping time literally couldn't have been foreshadowed more without him showing signs of it before his battle with DIO, which would completely ruin the point of him learning and adapting from that fight to give DIO a taste of his own medicine.
>tfw spent all the money on hat skins
>Perfect Kars could only survive for 1 year without blood
what did the froggo say
So you guys just don't know what an asspull is, I guess. Almost as bad as DBS fans not knowing how averages work.
>Dio not going crazy with 100 years of solitude under the ocean with only jojo's head to keep him company
I wonder what a conversation would be like between Dio and a zombie JoJo head
>"JoJo, do you think things could've ended differently?"
>"Me too, JoJo. Me too."
>Perfect Kars could only survive for 1 year without blood.
nigger what
where are you getting this
>tfw never completed Daughter side-quests
All these Jotaro recolors are getting crazy. Part 4 and Part 5 outfits shouldn't be seperate.
What a disgusting fucking cat
Why a different setting?
Oops meant pre-Perfect Kars. The rest of my point still stands
Pedro, not now. You can wait for you new DBS thread but dont start spewing shit.
why the fuck would you say that
With him sending Forever after the Crusaders, Jonathan's head probably presented an informed and educated presentation, complete with powerpoint and microsoft execel spreadsheets and graphs, on why a moneky COULD fight a man.
Go back to thinking the other universes are stronger than Goku, dumbass
>TFW got the bad ending for Kakyoin by deciding to stick with suicidal baguette head for an hour
Nobody would even give a shit about Doppio if he looked like this.
Nigger im not one of the faggots who spew that shit in the DBS threads calm the fuck down.
Wouldn't a zombie-Jonathan have some (or even all, potentially) aspects of Jonathan's personality? Tarkus and Bruford seemed pretty fleshed-out, Bruford was even able to redeem himself in his final moments.
>Tfw getting the Polnareff route ending
Put it back right now
>snipping his hair
end your life senpai
>Pre-Donatello Versus
>yfw when all final fights except part 1 and part 4 had at least one asspull
nigga every final fight has an """"""asspull""""" of a sort.
So who had the worst endgame?
Best part is always gonna be best.
You also forgot Part 5.
Actually he looks more threatening.
he looks like the enraged autismo church boy who you just told god doesn't exist and tells you how much you're going to hecking regret it and you're actually kinda scared.
>yfw when all final fights except part 1 and part 4 had at least one asspull
>Part 4
>Jotaro,Koichi and Rohan somehow not hearing all the shit happening less than a block away
>Hayato not calling for help when cheking if they are fine after BtD was defeated
>Okuaysu stands still doing nothing while Josuke and Kira duke it out
>Crazy Diamond firing blood blades
>Dio surviving as a head and somehow getting Wang Chen to take him to the same boat as Jojo after getting his zombies to construct him a dynamite proof coffin and haggle with dudes who can lift the coffin into the ship. All without having anyone check the coffin if somebody wanted to 9/11 the ship.
That sounds pretty specific, user.
Kars really didn't had anything to do after he accomplishing ultimate life form
aside from wanting revenge on Jose
Please define what an asspull is.
Is it just a meme buzzword to define unexpected plot developments that you don't like ?
>Is it just a meme buzzword to define unexpected plot developments that you don't like ?
yeah, see
Just look it up instead of asking Sup Forums
we don't talk about that
He wanted to conquer the world
Lets see:
>Dio wanted world domination
>Kars wanted world domination
>DIO wanted world domination (and heaven I guess?)
>Kira wanted a quiet life with his new family and his wacky sidekick that just happened to be a dismembered ehaan
>Diavolo wanted gang domination and control of drugs
>Pucci wanted Heaven
>Valentine wanted America to be great and stay great forever and ever
>Jobin wants to have good fruits to sell
*dismembered hand*
I thought Jobin wants to be >0
>tfw I've been fixing Kars' face in that pic where he's raping Joseph with his horsecock for the past 30 minutes
What am I doing with my life?
He wanted to be the ultimate life-form and able to go out in the sun but never said he wanted to conquer the planet.
yeah, that too
reminds me a little bit of johnny. johnny just wants to get back to zero, but jobin just wants all the positive numbers on the fucking chart, doesn't he?
Post it
Editing porn. That's what
Doesn't he want to do that by getting the Higashikata fruit business to be better using his way? I may be reading it wrong idk
Improving people's days
What if it was Josuke's dad?
That says he can survived 1 year without food in perfect form. not blood
oh shit i was right. Been a while since i read part 2 so I though i was stating a pillar man fact instead of a perfect kars fact
But that's just a theory.
>Josuke's dad
>but jobin just wants all the positive numbers on the fucking chart, doesn't he?
Maybe even... beyond infinity
alright, next on the list, those little dots on the pants need to go.
Kars is still alive, he wants to die but instead is floating in space for eternity.
Worst fate for someone in Jojo
>Normal school uniform
This boy will never be Josuke to me
>What is Diavolo
I want Jobin to shit in my mouth
Koichi is ___?
a cute
Never forget the biggest asspull when it comes to that
>There were two coffins
What the fuck is wrong with his right arm?
Post your least favorite moments of your favorite jojo
When running from highway star he took a phone from some business dude, but instead of fix it with Crazy fucking Diamond, the stand that could fix fucking anyhting, he takes another dude's phone who was about to propse to his gf who was going to break up with him if he hung up
But when he is shot to space the manga says he became a mineral unable to die and eventually stopped thinking.
This is the only actual asspull.
It's a gag you fucking faggot.
For tender loving
at least he GOT death
The scene where Kakyoin possesses the school nurse and she pretends the pen is a thermometer.