Other urls found in this thread:

>black supremacy is ok
>white supremacy is racist

Where is this literal dust that she (?) speaks of?

Its just excuse making. They get cut so much slack for muh slavery. If people really were color blind then black kids would fare poorly just based on behavior.


Then why can't they do anything with an advantage handed to them?!

The biggest thing holding black kids back are their parents and their culture

are niggers void of any self-awareness?

Fixed it

>they actually believe this

They've been on the planet longer and achieved less, even though we bend over backwards to help them they still fail


This is absolute delusion.

Blacks fall a standard deviation below whites on IQ measurements, and that’s in America where they generally have some European DNA.

In Africa their average IQ is 70.

Beford political correctness, 80-85 was considered borderline retarded.

And genetics

>spew empty, meaningless statements
>no ground in reality/citations, just flat lying
>black twitter eats that shit up and RT's it thousands of times
how is this even real

Niggers and their delusions.

you go gurl

>> blacks are better than whites in every concievable way

>> somehow whites enslaved us for years and erased our glorious empires from history despite them being little more than cavemen.

Pick one niggers.

They dominate in athletics, exactly what other areas does she believe blacks are being denied entry?

Fun nigger facts : 63% of black babies are born on pubic assistance. 25% of them don't survive their abortive mothers. Of those that do, 80 % of them won't have a father who loves him enough to raise him. Fuck off Kang.

>how is this even real

now you know how niggers have been 90%+ democrat for decades.

They are incapable of having independent thought

So we should stop giving them an advantage and free gibs so they actually try?

Sounds like a plan.


That's racist.

Except that it takes dedication and many years of training to be a top gymnastic athlete. It's not just jumping over a fence, lmao.

> if you'd just give us MORE MONEY
Per-capita spending for black-majority districts is enormous. Somehow it's always squandered by middle managers, or it's effectively used only for the retards to still fail basic 3rd Grade English in the 12th Grade. NGO's, after-school programs, the works - people have been fucking pouring gasoline on the kindling for 50 years and there's been barely a spark.

In so many words, you're afforded everything and still can't succeed. It's remarkable.

>more than 140 characters
paid shill tweet.

Explain affirmative action then

Actually, pretty much the exact opposite of “that”. They have even more opportunities than we do (whites don’t get affirmative action, there is no united white mans college fund, and so on) and even with these opportunities they’re unable to take advantage of them. Their IQ is significantly lower than whites (on average) plus black people are unable to see beyond the present moment in time, the idea of “im going to do something today for a benefit tomorrrow” is completely foreign to the black man. Not sure if this is genetic or cultural but that’s why they always fail

Because the world is infested with minds like yours. We need to separate the 2 races. Have some of this earth we can call our own, do for self and get away from making coconut minded niggas.

So, blacks would be ungrateful pricks?

>whites are better then the dirty jews in every way, but somehow jews are still dominating the world
Can't you see the irony?

But they do, in fact they get given advantages yet still fail

Actually this

Lol I would rather donate to pandas or dogs than niggers too.

Then why isn't Africa a fully developed nation?

but they wouldn't have the opportunities and resources without white people

It's a continent, bruv. You're still right, though. Hundreds, no, thousands of years to develop their natural resources, raise any form of serial agriculture, NOPE.

Africa is an entire continent, consisting of 54 separate nations. And every last one is a third world shithole

LARP or that deluded? Impossible to tell.


Black women are the worst people in America. I don't even think this is debatable.

But how can this be? They are all yaaas qween slays with the best bops around, hmm, they gonna sip the tea on yo givin' side-eye.


Yes, and it's fucking terrifying to think how they'll act when America is Brazil, and lacks the resources to thoroughly control them.

>If niggers weren't niggers they would be successful, but because niggers are niggers and this actually makes them hyper-successful compared to other races even though they can't point at anything that makes them successful

tired of paying for their EBT dust

She's talking about that dead skin they rub off their nasty ashy selves.

huh did you read the whole thing?

blacks where more successful under slavery. Had housing with no payments, didn't rely on government to feed them, free clothing, guaranteed jobs...ect...

I can understand black nationalism and "we wuz" but I don't understand how anyone could look at the history or state of the world and be a black supremacist, I mean come on at least Hitler could say Germany was a nice place to live at the time.

I'm pretty sure Haiti is nothing but dust.

Blacks on average have... Different brains from e.g. whites. I've known blacks raised by whites and they're all good guys but I can tell there's a genetic factor that makes them fare not too well at school. They're probably dumber on average, but better at some things other races aren't so good at.

>black kids
>woman profile pic

Is she a black highschool kid in a grown woman's body?

>wealthiest blacks have worse academic performance than poorest whites
>blacks adopted and raised by white families have worse academic performance than whites
>blacks have worst academic performance in every single category of any group of people on the planet in every single country they inhabit, regardless of wealth, affirmative action, education programs, their percentage of the population, or any other factor
>this in spite of spending literally billions of dollars every single year for decades trying to get blacks to at least be on par with the worst whites

Keep making excuses, nigger.

>we leave whitey in the dust.

>if black kids had the resources.

where do the resources go then? if you are leaving us in the dust, give some to hour kids so that they have the same opportunity.

>66% fatherless house rate and commit 50% of homicides
>Totally nothing to do with us, though

>Donating to save wildlife: The latest racist trend among the alt-right

holy shit its like someone carrying a retarded kid to first place in a race, then the tard gloating about how bad the other kids suck

Yes, he's implying that because nigs are good at running from the police that it somehow makes them natural good athletes, but they don't because it gay. It's like that one fat kid at school seeing someone doing a backfill and saying 'Yeah, nothing special I can do that too' but if you ask him to proof it he will usually reply that he doesn't have to proof anything and you'll never see a fat kid breaking its neck by attempting to do a backflip. Parkour is not gay and yet there are no niggers.

Why the fuck is this shit so popular on twitter? It's actually insane, I don't know how normie whites don't see this and do a little bit of introspection about race relations. Blacks act like a fucking hivemind on there and gang up on whites all the time, it's ridiculous and pretty funny actually.

That''s weird.. I don't get any paid scholarships solely based on the color of my skin


Their entire fucking culture pivots on being loud and having their opinions amplified with LOTS. OF. CLAPPING. Twitter is the perfect tool for blacks. Only 140 characters, and *sips tea* comes with so many GIF's to attach.

Social media is a fucking cancer on the current 2 dominate generations.

The white man controls everything! But black people are still the best!

>live near Milwaukee Wisconsin
>public data shows city nigger kids get an average of $14k spent on each student, 75% drop out by 9th grade
>suburban white kids get $9-10k spent per student, have best grades i]and graduation rates in the state

Niggers and liberals live in delusion because they think throwing money at failure can fix it. Niggers are hopeless, and should be sent back to their motherland.

You mean the opportunities that white parents work their asses off to provide for their kids?

>The jew controls everything! But white people are still the best.

Granted, some of that could be embezzled or "funny money" accounting used to pass off expenses as "minority student outreach," but again, if that much money's being pissed away on things that aren't helping the students, how would MORE money with the SAME programs and the SAME lack of accountability lead to anything different?

Liberalism: not even once.

So, are we now admitting there are serious mental and physical distinctions between races? Thanks negro twitter, this might make some white liberals think for a second or two.

>thought crime was gay
my sides

No, they won't, This tweet only hearkens to "totally untapped human potential" that neoliberals and humanists love to spout on about. By implying "If only we had MORE resources," it doesn't reflect the outsized resources already given to black schools, black job applicants, and black welfare recipients.

All this tweet will do is tell the White Liberal to hold their hand to their bosom and pray that, yes, perhaps one day soon the House and Senate will be controlled by Democrats and money can flow freely to these poor unwatered crops.

This dumb bitch probably thinks those obama's wife's sons really did build a computer all on their own. Ditto on clockboy.

Clearly this graph demonstrates the difference in opportunities offered to students over 30 years.

Considering 70 IQ is still clinically retarded.

You're stupid, so I understand why you thought that was a good example. It wasnt though. Rotten apples to big nosed oranges.

Crime is pretty gay. I mean you go to prison for it where everyone fucks or gets fucked by men. That's the gayest place on Earth.

I honestly think The Average Twitter Nog (which is probably representative of the average nigger, let's be honest here) think's that blacks are more intelligent than whites. Blacks have the highest self esteem of all races, dumb people tend to have views of themselves far out of proportion to what they actually are.

Naive liberals might actually believe that if you just gave blacks really nice schools that they'd be building pyramids again or whatever, but niggers are so disconnected from reality they fundamentally don't understand why everyone around them makes more money than them.

Absolutely fucking true. Even what white people consider 'talented' is just average. I mean look at fucking Lady Gaga, Britney Spears, Miley, Justin fucking Timberlake. Now compare them to Beyonce, Rihanna, Jennifer Hudson, Jamie fucking Foxx. White are like 99% just basic

>Violent anime girls are cute
>Violent niggers are scary

>>even though we bend over backwards to help them they still fail

You mean rob them off!

Yeah you're right. Their delusion will never cease, even as blacks spit in their faces
.You think Black supremacy is harmless? Sure, it's never going to be quite as destructive as when white people get on the train, but if we let them they'll destroy us.


It's a shame I have to share a nation with him.

Not so much here. Those niglets also get 3 free meals per day (fully subsidized, be]real fast, lunch and after-school dinner), free iPads, and other perks as well which accounts for a lot of the extra cash spent. Every advantage and they still can’t succeed.

> dumb people tend to have views of themselves far out of proportion to what they actually are
It's called the Dunning-Kruger effect. It's difficult to reproduce consistently, but clinical psychologists and occupational therapists suggest it's extremely common among the incompetent.

Black people assume everyone else has more money because you're straight up robbing someone else. It doesn't even vaguely occur to them you may be selling things others want to buy, at prices they can afford, and through careful planning you take a pleasant cut of the profits. Even the drug-dealing ones have only a dim impression of supply and demand. It's remarkable.

Wtf? Could someone not just steal all that casheroonies?

Those do sound like major advantages, but anyone without a two-parent home and decent adult role models are fucked. Go figure that's what LBJ's Great Society tore down for them - just give all the money to the queen mothers, totally decimate the black family structure, and give it 40 years. It's like they lost 100 years of progress overnight. It's astounding.

I choose pandas, since they have more white on them.

most of the likes are white virtue signaling women and cucks. state of the west... hows that capital working out for you? just imagine state of mind of average white guy/women in the west who retweets this, they literaly take their own race as inferior and just imagine what they think about their own children, that some niglet is better at everything than their own kid? brainwashing was succes.

goes to show whits had way more mercy letting them live

We call them Fathers

Spending on black kid is drastically higher than white kids though.

Your entire argument is based on an assumption that isn't true.

Look at how resentful and evil they got toward whites when Moore lost Alabama.

Africa is richest continent.
They had actually more resources.

This hurts to read because everyone in this post is a faggot.

If by parents you mean genetics, then yes.

Of course, it goes back to that era, but the left keeps thinking that gibs = guaranteed success, and that their pets will always fall for it and vote for this in perpetuity. It has worked thus far, but I see the cracks are finally showing. You can’t do the same failed action 60 years in a row, have no positive net gain, and expect people will still believe in it.

>have affirmative action AKA free college and guaranteed jobs
>still live in a ghetto