WWI broke out in the summer of 1914. On one side there was Great Britain, France, and Russia. On the other Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottomans. Within two years Germany had all but won the war. German submarines had swept all the convoys from the Atlantic. Great Britain stood without ammunition or food supplies. At that time the French Army had mutinied in large numbers. They had lost 600,000 of their best troops in the defense of Verdun on the Somme. The Russian Army were defecting and turning against the Tzar. The Italian Army had collapsed. Not one troop until this moment had crossed into Germany. Germany offered Great Britain a status-quo antebellum.

How is this relevant? In October 1916 the deal of the century was made. British Jews promised the British government that their tribe in America, whom owned much of the American press and had immense influence over Wilson, could get America into WWI on the side of the British only if Jews would get Palestine as their homeland after the war. Until this point Jews in Germany had been highly assimilated and were generally successful. The deal was struck, the Balfour declaration was made public, and everything changed.

Other urls found in this thread:–19ühsamé,_1933,_1935!

The almost uniformly pro-German press in America (largely due to Germany treating the Jews well while fighting the Tzar which they seen as anti-semitic) and pro-war press in Germany turned immediately. Their press in America produced nonstop anti-German pro-war propaganda. Their press in Germany press churned out endless anti-Hohenzollern, anti-war, and eventually pro-communist propaganda. Jews inside Germany progressively sold their hosts down the river. Germany was collapsing. Then they launched a communist revolution.–19 (goy) (goy)ühsamé (goy)

This communist revolution failed in Germany however (((Lenin))) and his right hand chosen-successor creator-of-the-red-army (((Trotsky))) managed to execute the royal family and consolidate power in Russia. At this time the Young Turk movement in the Ottoman Empire, which was funded/led by so called "Donmeh" crypto-Jews, deathmarched millions of Christian Europeans and destroyed their royal family. The overwhelmingly Jewish Bolsheviks would go onto to exterminate tens of millions of the best and brightest in Russia and Ukraine over the next decade. Jew NKVD head Yagoda (along with kike Kaganovich and Jew-married Molotov) famined another 6,000,000+ Slavs in the early 1930's. Adolf Hitler became chancellor in Germany shortly thereafter on promises of rebuilding and avenging his countrymen.

International Jewry immediately started campaigns for international consumer and business boycotts of German exports, due to the fact Germany needed exports to pay for their mass importation of food. After returning to America the head of American delegation to the World Conference of Jews in Amsterdam, Samuel Untermyer, made a broadcast on ABC where he called for the wholesale starvation of Germany through boycott. On August 7th 1933 Untermeyer took a full page ad out in the New York Times explaining how this boycott produced starvation would ruin Germany.

Hitler in his grand quest of reunifying and rebuilding Germany would fatefully reclaim a German city stolen by Poland after WWI, Danzig, a city that had elected a majority NSDAP government six consecutive years before the war.,_1933,_1935

Hitler wanting to avoid another World War would offer peace once the Polish Army capitulated, once the BEF capitulated, and again once France was beat in just six weeks. The Luftwaffe dumped hundreds of thousands of peace leaflets over the UK in the two months following the so called fall of France. In return the Allies would end up dumping one million tons of bombs on German women and children. The Allies would fund/feed/arm the Red Army as it marched into Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, Romania and Finland. We all know what happened next. After the war the UN General Assembly led by the Soviet Union, the British, and the Americans would adopt Resolution 181 officially recognizing Israel.

Israel was built on usury, treachery, world wars, communist revolutions and tens of millions of dead Europeans. This is why Israel cannot be allowed to exist.!

This struggle must be carried! Like it or not! This struggle is merciless! It's irrevocable!

The Jew wanted this war!

You'll bump BBC threads but not this?

this op is the obummer cocksucker, isn't it

Whats so bad in being under jewish control?

I mean they are high iq, so should be quite efficient managers.

Do you feel in control here?

How does it feel to be master race?

Hitler was funded by IG farber which was governed in 80% by jews, Hitler was cooperating with Bolsheviks in destroying europe, Hitler supported state of israel and send german jews there before war. Nazis were cooperating with jews like george soros or stefan bandera in killing and robbing local christians. It's even part of official history that jews was able to "buy" their freedom from nazis.

Hitler was part of jewish plan.
Hitler and Stalin was a good cop bad cop game to break goyim and it succeeded

cockblocked by /theirgoy/ Pimurmpf

You are absolutely retarded.
Hitler saw Israel for what it was, a base for their international schemes and a safe haven for those that are caught.

Yea, but he prefered argentina though


Honestly, being a level 1 jew blows. I'm don't know any details about any jewish master plan. This means I'm considered expendable and most likely won't survive such a plan coming to fruition
but at least I get to shitpost here I guess

If we get rid of Isreal, then what do we do with the Jews living in diaspora?

>blame international Jewry for Capitalism and Bolshevism
>get funded by 80% jewish capitalist corporation and start WW by destroying Christian countries in cooperated attack from two sides together with jewish Bolsheviks
>end up killing tens of milions europeans while claiming jews are your main victim giving them upper moral ground and political immunity
>70 years later be praised by some kids you sold to jewish banks

you guys probably think Spencer is your guy too?

Send them to Siberia. The USSR literally made a state just for them.

Hitler was a true Avatar schlomo

>inb4 muh reply
