Is Satania retarded?

Is Satania retarded?



Cute Girls with Cute Guns shooting Cute Schools

>revolver ocelot
I think not

I want to marry this autistic demon!

satania is the ideal demon

what are you bolivian?

>that hand

Well she is a dumb frogposter so.

>black wallet with white contrast stitching.
autist starter pack

Obviously he has no money nor credit cards in the thing.

what the fuck is that mound of flesh on the ground

she's only pretending to be retarded
got it

Her IQ is like 70. Do not bully.

I've converted to the church of ralphi
Satanichia is still best girl though.
this episode even made me like gab.

who cares?

It's amazing what happens when a character doesn't act like a wet blanket during interactions

She suffers from social anxiety like the majority of Sup Forums.

>having this much core strength

she's probably toned as fuck

satania was lewd as hell this episode

You must be retarded yourself if it took you this long

>user has a picture of an anime girl in his wallet like some kind of sperg
>The thing that gets everyone's panties in a twist is his skin color


really makes you think

None of them are human. I thought that was apparent when Vigne blew up Gab's apartment in the first episode.

>user has empty wallet with anime girl
>implying we believe thats his real wallet at all

'cause she is devil and so the author tries to make devils except Vigne be foolish for Christians.

god satania is such a fucking autistic show you stupid fucking autists

satania is number 1!

Incredibly retarded. I thought this was well known.

She read an entire book and mastered it. She just doesn't have her priorities straight. Someone just needs to focus her, and that's where my dick comes in.